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The 'Zine Scene

Pages: 1 9 replies

MrFab posted on 05/19/2019

I picked up the first two issues of the swell new rag "Exotica Moderne," and I've been diggin' "Ol' Skool Rods" lately which deals with kustom kulture, and some burlesque and rock n roll thrown in. But what other lowbrow kinda 'zines are out there? Is "Bachelor Pad" still in print? Derek Yaniger's book says he illustrated for publications with promising names like "Atomic" and "Barracuda" that I'd like to see. Heck, is "Tiki News" even still in print? Not many newsstands are still, er, standing nowadays. I don't even see "Juxtapoz" around anymore.

But "Mad" is back! Pretty good, too, even a few of the old Usual Gang of Idiots have returned.

tikiskip posted on 05/20/2019

There was Happy Halloween Magazine….

And there is Rue Morgue…

There also was Roadside Magazine….
I think one of the people from Roadside may have been the editor of Tiki Mag and more and that may have been a party of the problem of Tiki mag and more.

tikiskip posted on 05/20/2019
Prikli Pear posted on 05/20/2019

Bachelor Pad is indeed still going, and they're recently returned to printing their issues in-house, as I understand it.

MrFab posted on 05/21/2019

Ok,looks like Rue Morgue is still going at least. Yeah, there’s some cool monster/horror type rags out there. I bought one ish of a zine dedicated to TV horror hosts! (Don’t recall the name) Creature Features in Burbank used to carry ‘em, but they’ve gone the way of most newstands...

Good to know about Bachelor Pad. Looks like Barracuda bit the dust, tho...

Scott McGerik posted on 05/22/2019

MrFab wrote:
I picked up the first two issues of the swell new rag "Exotica Moderne" ... "Mad" is back! Pretty good, too, even a few of the old Usual Gang of Idiots have returned.

I've been ordering the Exotica Moderne issues. They are doing a good job. And I've been subscribed to Mad. It's nice to get that rag again, if only to line the bird cage.

tikiskip posted on 06/29/2019

Don't know if these are Lowbrow but it's timely for the 4th Pyro Fax magazine.
I got one coming will let ya know how they are.

Many times these small print magazines don't have much in them.

Lots on eBay now.
Would be cool to put out on your table on the 4th for decoration.
January 1995 Pyro Fax Fireworks Magazine Vol. #6 Issue #1

MrFab posted on 07/07/2019

and now they're pulling the plug on MAD. But can i still get the Alfred E Newman tiki mug they were giving away if you subscribe?

MrFab posted on 12/19/2019

The latest ish of "Car Kulture Deluxe" has a nice 6-page spread on Tiki Oasis, amidst all the vroom-vroom.

"Atomic Ranch", the magazine of "Mid-Century Marvels" has a fairly high-brow feel to it, despite its' subject matter, like a typical architecture publication. But the new one has plenty of Shag , atomic clocks and what-not, and two features on Hawaii/Hawaii-style houses.

tikiskip posted on 12/19/2019

On 2019-07-07 13:39, MrFab wrote:
and now they're pulling the plug on MAD. But can i still get the Alfred E Newman tiki mug they were giving away if you subscribe?

Just saw a new 2019 Christmas ltd edition of Mad Magazine the other day.
It was like $15.00 bucks I think!

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