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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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cy posted on 09/04/2019

Always such great work Wendy, really like H10s mug! Almost 5 million views?? OMG!

hang10tiki posted on 09/05/2019

Oh my
Came out great Wendy
Can’t wait to hold it

Been out of town for a bit
I’ll post a few pics soon
Have to catch up on your posts


hang10tiki posted on 09/05/2019

Morning Wendy
Those mermaids came out great
Lots of work on those 2 pages
Hope Dan-0 keeps the coffee coming

This was the 1st trip we did like this
Flights only
Thought we would make the rest up as we went

It was great
7 days:
Flew into Portland
Off to the Oregon coast
Up the coast
Back to Portland
Up to Vancouver
Off to Hood River
Back to Vancouver
Back home out of Portland

Different hotel every night
(Glad we were able to find them,
because we hit a holiday over part of the trek)

Great time on the coast
The driftwood is unbelievable
Sunsets, shells, starfish and more
Breweries everywhere
Great hazy IPAs (our favorite beer)
Lots of antique stores
Food was amazing
Clam chowder everywhere
Had a blast


Found your booth Wendy

This pizza was awesome:

Treasures brought back:

My only regret
I couldn’t get this guy home to carve


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-09-05 07:40 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/05/2019

hang10tiki I almost missed you in the last photo. I had pizza last night but yours sure beat ours. I remember those big mouth tikis from one of your other trips. We love the Oregon Coast. Going south to Bannon is really special too. Great fast trip, say hi to the wife for us.

Are there more photos coming?


Hi Tiki Buddies. A friend wrote a book with photos I took of a few of Dan's mugs and one or two of my art pieces. I haven't seen the finished copy yet but I saw the work in progress and I know I want to add it to my tiki book collection. Here's the info.

If you ONLY want the book just go to tikitriangle.com OR direct to lulu.com/spotlight/jrcx - but if you want a mai tai glass, then you can go to tikitriangle.com and click on the special promotion.

Above Hamo printed out the information to purchase the Minimalist Tiki book too. You know tiki is rocking the world when new books keep coming out.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/07/2019

hang10tiki I just noticed when looking at your photos again that I have a booth for selling things in Oregon!!! That's fun.


More Wishes done and ready to ship on to their owners.

Joseph Desmond will have the Tiki Bar Dream mug if it passes inspection.

The next wish is for Mark Hooper and is a Tropical Tiki Bob with Bird of Paradise flowers.

It's really hard to get perfection in these faces. It's gotten better over the years but there can still be tiny imperfections. Hopefully he will still like his wish.

Now it's time to contact them. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/07/2019


hang10tiki posted on 09/08/2019

Delivery today


Thank you Wendy
Came out great

danlovestikis posted on 09/08/2019

hang10tiki it's such a relief when a wish gets delivered safely. Thank you for the photos. I would love one with you holding it.


I have a whole list of those who want one of the New Harvey's shakers that I made for Dan. He sold the originals so I had to use some photos when I did the sculpt. Probably they are close but not perfect. I also added Dan's butt to the backside for a bit of fun.

So here are all the color combinations that I have done for Dan. I will need to know what each of you who ordered one prefer.

The green shows the carving details best. This is my favorite.

Dan was my nude model for these!

Next I did the colors from the other Harvey's mug. Black and purple first.

Then a black and orange set. It was hard to photograph the black shaker so check out the last photo.

Then I did the traditional or standard colors they used for the shakers. Orange and Purple.

I do like how smooth these glazes look.

Here they all are on Dan's shelf.

So all I need is for each of you to tell me what colors you wish your set to be. $85 plus shipping. Thank you, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/08/2019

Lookin good...

Sandbartender posted on 09/11/2019

The green is glorious, but I'm tempted to go with the orange and purple- if only so I can see which shaker is which in the low lighting of the bar.

Tell Dan his bottom looks great in jade green though. LOL :D

hang10tiki posted on 09/11/2019

lunavideogames posted on 09/11/2019

Hang10 - No Hale Pele?

hang10tiki posted on 09/12/2019

Luna dude- no, didn’t make it to Hale Pele on our Portland trip

danlovestikis posted on 09/13/2019

hang10tiki (=:

Sandbartender Dan really appreciated your comment. He's been sad that no one has been raving about how cute it is.

hang10tiki (=:

lunavideogames fun to see you back here. There is a #wendycevola on Instagram for my art. A friend pulled it up for me to see. It's fun but I can't add to my posts.

hang10tiki Time to come to Sacramento for the Jungle Bird and our home!!!
Just today Dan said hang10tiki doesn't photoshop me any more, doesn't he love me? I log on and there's a good one. I need to have him fluff up his hairdo!


It's really hard to get a photo of my two morning visitors together. But it finally happened. I present Scrabble the lady and Scottie the male. They get along just fine.

Scrabble likes to rest on this table while keeping an eye on our backdoor. Yes I love these cats.

Shipping off wishes take a lot of supplies. Here we are back at the Box Store.

This wish was designed by Ren Clark, Joniece Frank and Trey Goodwin. Trey put out the idea of morphing them together and I found a way to do it. Now it's time to glaze the heads. First I did the bottom and then the inside. This shows a second head also in progress, no trick photography here.

One full layer on the War God and

once it dried another full layer. Nope it still needs one more and maybe more.

Another wish on the way step by step. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/13/2019

Split personality
Nice one

danlovestikis posted on 09/13/2019

hang10tiki when I look at it I want to scream, "Get it off, get it off of me!"


Continuing on with the heads for Trey Goodwin for his wish.

It was now time to add all the layers of the pale skin tone.

It's time to be careful when working around the teeth.

Next will come the fun part with messing up the faces and doing the eyes. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2019

Time to mess up the faces on Trey Goodwin's two severed heads.

First I did all the black parts on the head and

then afterwards I did all the glaze colors.

Then the same steps for the "Smacked" head. Black and

then the other glaze colors.

My work table.

Sincerely wishing you all a wonderful weekend, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/15/2019

Very kool

hang10tiki posted on 09/15/2019

Had a great walk today

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2019

hang10tiki (=;.
hang10tiki beautiful. We start every day with a nice 45 minute walk.


A long while ago I made a Peanut Tiki Bob for Dan. It sat on a shelf until now.

I copied detail over

to his face and body.

Even the top of the mouth.

Now that I will sell him for $100 plus shipping I decided that he would look best with

three layers of clear glaze. This will ensure he lasts on and on.

So many things have inspired Tiki Bob designs by so many tiki artists. I hope it never ends.


danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2019

Here is the third severed head for Trey Goodwin. This one was on spec and not a wish and as soon as he saw the sculpt he nabbed it.

I always start by glazing the bottom and the inside. Then for this one I did the hair next.

I completed all of the black areas and then

once these were done

I started on the grey.

After this is fired I will better be able to decide how to finish him off, well the glaze that is, he is already a goner! Somehow I missed getting a photo of the rust colored blood around the neck. I did do that too.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/17/2019

Just another day that starts out with the two neighbors cats visiting the treat house. It's rare I can get a photo of Scottie and Scrabble together but here they are. They do so well together that it's fun when they are here at the same time.

When these stick blenders were invented my mom bought one for Dan and I. We had no idea what to do with it.
Now years later I have bought a whole bunch of them to use in blending lumps out of clay or when glaze hardens in a jar I dig it out and add water.

Then I blend it until it's smooth. These blenders are such a wonderful tool for a ceramicist.

The jar I'm mixing the glaze in is the super sized jar now empty of Temptation Treats. I think we spend about $40 a month on treats and now the jars are working out for blending my glazes.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/17/2019

Lookin good
Garage still hot as heck
Courtyard cooler and has shade
Started carving again

lunavideogames posted on 09/17/2019

Haha yeah Wendy, some of those on Instagram are my photos of your mugs! :)

You can always take a screenshot and post them up here.

The bartender featured making flames in that Tiki Minimalist book with your mug is Justin Wajslaw. He works at the Diller Room in Seattle. I always visit him and he is very kind and generous and loves everything tiki. They don't offer tiki drinks at the Diller Room so he made his own menu for the days he is there. He is very good at making huge flames!

Glad you and Dan are good! Hang10 as well! Cheers.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2019-09-17 16:26 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/18/2019

hang10tiki I'm watching you post on the carving thread. I'm glad you found a way to start again. 120 degrees in your garage for real? Wow, that's crazy.

lunavideogames I don't have a Instagram account. I can't keep up. Thank you for posting my art there. It's fun for me to have a #wendycevola any place.

I know Justin. He was one of my early wishers. Here is the bowl he designed and I made for him.

I am very happy to know that it is him in the flaming photo with my Hot Tub Hula Girl. It's also very nice to have you posting here so I can say hi.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/18/2019

Dan used to be the star of my posts but Scabble and Scottie have stolen the show!
Scrabble likes to hang out on this small table.

She really knows how to relax.

Now it's time to get back to work on the Wish List #8 Phase Four. I'm glazing the rest of the helmet mugs.

There's Dan. These helmet mugs are huge.

First off I wet them inside and out so that the glaze doesn't become too thick.

Next I chose a deep blue to do all of the insides with. I pour in a bottle and swish it around for 30 seconds.

Then I pour out the majority into the bottle and then the rest drains with the mug upside down. That glaze will be crushed up and will also go into the bottle.

All the insides are done. I will need to clean these up before I go on to the next step.

I am getting a workout lifting these mugs so often. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/19/2019

Those are huge

Sandbartender posted on 09/19/2019

On 2019-09-18 19:03, hang10tiki wrote:
Those are huge

They really are. Assuming those tiles they helmets are sitting on are 6", then those helmets will have something like 64 fl oz capacity!

They're not perfect spheres, but still... that's a big mug

danlovestikis posted on 09/19/2019

hang10tiki it's a mug you hold with both hands or sit it on a table with a very long straw.

Sandbartender I've never routinely measured the volume my mugs hold, maybe for this one I should!


More steps on the Diver's helmets.

If my day begins with Scottie all is well. He loves to be scratched all over before his treats.

This is the Alien helmet version. I will start off by glazing black around his head to make it look deeper.

I did that to all of them.

Now I'm doing a step that may not be needed. I am doing black in all the deeply carved areas however the metal glaze may hide this step.

Only one has a lid. It's a super duper version of the O2 Out mug.

All done front and


Now it was time to do the second layer of three total.

Every so often I go outside to stretch and if Scottie is there waiting he gets more attention

Thank you for the visit. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/21/2019

Every time I have a large empty Temptations jar I take all the small jars of one glaze that have hardened and dig them out of their little jars. Then I add water and use the drink mixer to blend them into a usable state. One day in 2020 I will have them all re-constituted. A joyful day that will be.

Another cat morning before I start on more glazing steps for the Alien Helmet mug.

This mug requires a lot of different colors of glaze.

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They kept me going. Each break I took to scratch them energized me to keep on working.
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This helmet has had all of it's layers completed. It's time to move on to the next one. Wendy

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Hamo posted on 09/21/2019

Either I’ve been away for a long time, or you’ve been super busy making tikis. Great stuff. I especially like that Peanut Bob.

This week I had a coworker ask, “How’s your tiki bowl coming along?”, so sounds like I’m not the only one looking forward to my Wish....

danlovestikis posted on 09/21/2019

Hamo good question. My goal is to finish all the remaining projects that are ready to be glazed before this year ends. I believe I can do it if all goes well health and family wise. You have been very patient and I appreciate that. Tell your neighbor I needed more practice before I started yours!!!

This next Helmet mug is a Tiki Bob astronaut. I think he'll have to retire if he wants to be filled with rum.

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I did those small blue dots and then I remembered I have two more layers to do. I wonder if they will disappear or show up.
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These take a lot of glazing but if it works then I'll be happy. If it needs a second glazing and time in the kiln well that's what ceramics require at times.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/22/2019

Looking good W

danlovestikis posted on 09/22/2019

hang10tiki thank you sir.


Now it's time to work on the glazing of the O2 out mugs for those on Wish List #8 Phase Four.

I did black in all of the designs on each of the five mugs.
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Now that the glaze is dry I can start on the skulls by painting black glaze into all the areas that need it.
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Once dry I can use a wet brush to move it around to age the skull.
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Once that one was done I moved on and
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did these steps to the next four.
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Once dry I was able to glaze with a skull colored glaze.
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Next I did all the barnacles on each mug.
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To give the mugs some color I'm using a green glaze in the
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areas where the metal is corroding.
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All the patches are done.
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I'm now starting with the first of two metal glazes.
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This is the first one. Time will tell if they can even be told apart.
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One step at a time until they are done. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/23/2019

Those look great

I can see them underwater searching for treasure

Sandbartender posted on 09/23/2019

Glorious! There are some lucky wish-listers there. I can't wait to see these post-glaze.

Also, Tiki Bobstronaut is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen :)

danlovestikis posted on 09/26/2019

hang10tiki and all they found was death. So sad.

Sandbartender Tiki Bobstronaut is a cute name too. Thank you.


Wish List #8 Phase Four. The first go round of glazing the O2 out Diver's Helmets is finished. I expect to do them all once more.

Now it was time to start with the second metal color on the outside of the helmet.
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I have to let these all dry before I can start again to
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do the glazing on the tubes and misc. parts.
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I use a product called fired snow to add more corrosion to the metal.
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Then when the snow is dry I glaze over it with my chosen glaze color.
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In the shed waiting for their turn in the kiln.
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hang10tiki posted on 09/26/2019

Love that last pic

Had a good walk today:

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danlovestikis posted on 09/29/2019

hang10tiki those are beautiful. Love the color.


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The Sacramento Crawl 2019 is gearing up to start on October 4th, 5th and 6th. If you are attending and
picking up your mug at the event then it's time to send me $90 via Paypal. uSE THE MONEY TO FAMILY AND
FRIENDS option. My account is at my email. If you don't have it then please send me a Personal Message
and I will get it to you.

I hope you can all come and have some Ohana Love, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/30/2019

Hope you all have fun

danlovestikis posted on 10/02/2019

Thank you hang10tiki. I'm taking a break and getting ready for the Sacramento Crawl this weekend. Eleven homes over three days.

So once the crawl is over I will post photos showing all the fun. Then I will get back to posting the glazing of this phase of the Wish List and then I will post photos of a recent trip we took. I posted during the trip so no one knew we were even gone. No one missed me.

I hope you all have a fun weekend. I know I will, Cheers, Wendy

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Hamo posted on 10/02/2019

Glad you got some time away and can't wait to hear about it. I hope you enjoy this last crawl having to sell mugs, then you can start looking forward to just attending next year's.....

hang10tiki posted on 10/03/2019

Can’t wait for the pics

danlovestikis posted on 10/04/2019

The Sac Ohana Tiki Crawl 2019 starts today!!!

We have loaded the truck.

I moved all the boxes of mugs near the front door. They are lined up in order for loading into the truck.
Behind them is my MadDogMike photographic area. I call it that because he gave it to me as a gift. Dan
went by himself to buy the black velvet for me many years ago. All good memories.
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Dan figured out to bring in the gardening wheelbarrow to haul them in mass.
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We backed the truck up on the lawn. This past year we traded tiki sales money to get a new Toyota Tacoma. Last year we did the same thing and got a Toyota Camry. We had no idea that our tiki collection was also a retirement account!
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My job was to put all the mugs in order so I can find them easily for handing them out at the crawl. This is the same truck kind of truck that Thor took to Tiki Oasis and had stolen. I am staying with the truck a lot of the time during the crawl but it also has a very loud alarm system.
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Whylee Raven and Eva are doing all the cooking for their spot on Sunday. I contributed money but I needed to also bring something so I made big bowls of Chinese crackers, nuts and popcorn for those who like to munch!
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I wish you could all come to the crawl. I will try to get some good photos to share. Boy am I behind in posting.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/06/2019

Boxes boxes everywhere

danlovestikis posted on 10/08/2019

hang10tiki they are all gone!!!


The crawl was a huge success. 3 homes on Friday evening. 6 homes on Saturday. 2 businesses and one home on Sunday.
I sold out super fast but I still had to stay with the truck for those who prepaid and needed to pick up their mugs.
Didn't matter I had the best time ever. I was even given a surprise. As soon as I organize the photos and rest up
I will be posting.

Tomorrow we are having a photo shoot for an on-line magazine article about collectors. That should be fun but
they are including us a year too late.

We have finished inside our home but we still have four tables of tikis for sale in our garage. Whoever visits also gets
to shop!

I hope to post again on Wednesday. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/09/2019

Well heck, when it rains it shines. I am so backed up with late postings and now I need to post this before we get back to the crawl.

Yesterday a photographer from Punch Magazine On-line came and took photos for two hours and then we had to leave. One day later, today, the article is out. It has some tremendous exaggerations. But it's all fine. We have sold about 90% of our collection.

Here is the link to the article.


Here are photos of the photo shoot followed by the article. It's a hard article to navigate so I haven't yet seen the photos for the other tiki fanatics that are posted. You have to click on words that are underlined.

Back later.

Sandbartender posted on 10/10/2019

What a great article! Your home is AMAZING, and it's such a great story.

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