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Visit Tiki bars, Win $2500 (Minimalist Tiki contest)

Pages: 1 3 replies

cocktailwonk posted on 11/10/2019

Hey all,

Just a quick note to point you at a cool contest I'm doing with my book, in conjunction with Reàl Ingredients. The basic idea: Be the first to get your book signed (and selfied) with everybartender and bar (23 in total!) featured in the book, and win $2500.

Full rules here: https://minimalisttiki.com/pages/book-signing-contest

And a bit of strategy about visiting everybody: https://cocktailwonk.com/2019/11/winning-2500-dollars-minimalist-tiki.html



santa posted on 11/20/2019

Looks like I have to buy the book to get list of bars then spend a year and $5,000 traveling to visit Places and bars I wouldn’t Want to go to. Then I might get $2,500. Not good.

santa posted on 11/20/2019

How is a minimalist tiki bar a tiki bar?

santa posted on 11/20/2019

How is a minimalist tiki bar a tiki bar?

Pages: 1 3 replies