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bb moondog posted on 12/12/2019

This turns out t o be a pretty solid 60s Madmen -style lp--anyone else come across this?
Its pretty slick but SOME 'ragtime' does permeate

Kaiwaza posted on 01/27/2020

There are most definitely a couple tracks I would classify as classic exotic on this album.

Scott McGerik posted on 01/29/2020

Anyone have a rip of the album. I didn't find the LP on eBay nor any digital tracks on Apple Music.

Bam Bam posted on 02/02/2020

I am intrigued by that picture of the recording console in the liner notes. Seconding the request for a rip!

bb moondog posted on 03/27/2022

and 3 odd years later... can i say i am SUPER PSYCHED TC is BACK!?!

Traitor Vic posted on 05/05/2022

Images of the Cover (Gatefold Front, Back, Inside including Left & Right Flaps) and Labels are available here: https://www.discogs.com/master/1047160-Kenyon-Hopkins-Sound-Tour-Hawaii-Impressions-In-Sound-Of-An-American-On-Tour

I know that numerous rips have been made available over the years, but it seems they're no longer available.

[ Edited by Traitor Vic on 2022-05-04 20:10:35 ]

Hamo posted on 05/08/2022

Hmm, that's interesting--I could have sworn....

I really enjoy this album. Outer Island and Siva Siva are two tracks that feel very "exotica" to me, but the whole thing also reminds me a bit of Werner Muller's Hawaiian Swing.

Jeff Central posted on 06/16/2022

This album was part of a whole series recorded by Kenyon Hopkins! I think there are 4 or 5 in the series and are all worth picking up.

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