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The Aluminum Christmas tree. Love it or hate it? Now with Color Wheels!!!

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hiltiki posted on 12/17/2018

Happy Holidays.

tikiskip posted on 12/28/2018

Hey Mike check this out just got a "Happi Santa" just like yours.
A friend sold it to me for 5 bucks so I could not say no.

It came with the box too so here's pics of that in case you don't have the box.
Says "advertised in Life" on the box and has "the good housekeeping" seal.

That might be why Xmas decs are not as good as they used to be as they don't have "the good housekeeping" seal.

Never underestimate the power of "the good housekeeping" seal.

¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸SNOWMEN SCORE!!!¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸¨•.¸¸



Mine may not be a true aluminum tree but it's kind of an aluminum tribute tree. Due to space restrictions, I cannot display a true one. It's got a color wheel though!

tikiskip posted on 12/17/2019

Looks great!
You even have the "Sunburst" yellow and "Harvest" gold balls from the 70s.

Can't think of the name they had for blue or teal?

Blue mustang for the blue?

And the orange could also be Burnt Sienna.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2019-12-17 02:56 ]

LaraColada posted on 12/17/2019

I don't have a Christmas tree here because it isn't traditional, but instead I have an Nativity that is traditional in South America

Here is mine

Sandbartender posted on 12/17/2019

I have a 4'er that I usually put up in the tiki bar (with papercraft tiki ornaments on it),

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Then we have the 7'er that I've put up every year for the last ~25 years or so.

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On 2019-12-17 02:51, tikiskip wrote:
Looks great!
You even have the "Sunburst" yellow and "Harvest" gold balls from the 70s.

Can't think of the name they had for blue or teal?

Blue mustang for the blue?

And the orange could also be Burnt Sienna.

Thank you.

The ornament colors were inspired by the original Disneyland Monorails from the 1960's

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hiltiki posted on 12/20/2019

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.

tikiskip posted on 12/21/2019

Man that looks great!

Something about that old look, the old Christmas décor makes me happy instantly.
Your room décor is awesome too.


hiltiki posted on 12/22/2019

Thank you Skip.

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TIKIGIKI posted on 10/27/2022

alfoiltreeImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/85782/635a0e271fa6b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=99b1658d5e22797e534eaaead0a40b42

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TIKIGIKI posted on 12/03/2022

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