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Tiki Central Anniversary party at Forbidden Island

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PinTiki posted on 01/03/2020

Celebrate Tiki Central's 20 Anniversary at Forbidden Island on January 11th. Here is a link to the Eventbrite page. Space is limited so get your tickets soon.


There will also be celebrations at The Tonga Hut, Frankie's Tiki Room, Tiki Cat and more! Check it out. And also be on the lookout for special Tiki Central 20th Anniversary merch!


Molokai Mike posted on 01/03/2020

Aloha! 20 years ago (!) an online forum brought together tiki fans of all backgrounds and interests and created a phenomenon that led to the Tiki Revival we know and love today!
Seeing as Forbidden Island was directly spawned from Tiki Central, we are proud and excited to host the NorCal TC 20th Anniversary on January 11th, 2 to 5pm.

Ticket cost is $20 and includes one Reverb Crash, TC's official cocktail created by Kick the Reverb back in 2006 (Same year Forbidden Island opened). Eventbrite tickets are now live: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tiki-central-20th-anniversary-

We've got DJ's Otto von Stroheim and Speakeasy Ray providing the perfect soundtrack. Event to be simultaneously celebrated at Tonga Hut (Burbank), Frankie's (Vegas) and Tiki Cat (Kansas City)
Join us...gonna be a blast!!

[ Edited by: Molokai Mike 2020-01-03 14:32 ]

PineappleWhip posted on 01/03/2020

Aloha Molokai Mike!!!
Great to see your post on here!! Thank you for hosting, especially with your history in the revival and Tiki Central.

Cheers!! :drink:

Mele_Ipo posted on 01/04/2020

Aloha All! So excited to see this event happening in the most awesome sites! I plan to attend the Tonga Hut celebration. Love the look of the flyer. Thanks for all the hard work of everyone involved. Mahalo! :drink: :tiki: :music:

PinTiki posted on 01/06/2020

For those in Las Vegas - come on over to Frankie's to be part of the celebration!

kevincrossman posted on 01/12/2020

Oh man that was a great time.

Tiki Central 20th Anniversary Party at Forbidden Island

Attended a wonderfully produced event at @forbiddenisland yesterday. This was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tiki Central, a seminal resource in the resurgence of tiki in the early 2000s.

The party included the Reverb Crash cocktail, the official cocktail of Tiki Central, along with the rest of the full menu of cocktails. There were special coasters and umbrella picks branded for the occasion. And there was a live link with other bars participating in the event. Music was provided by DJ Speakeasy Ray and DJ Otto.

Forbidden Island owner Michael Thanos credited Tiki Central for being the place that spurred the people and components that allowed the bar to open in 2006. And Thanos is a true believer, as they say. He pulled out an amazing Tiki Central bowl that was produced back in the day, and even had postcards for tiki newbies to find and learn about the website. In a room filled with tiki nerds, it’s clear who the captain was this day.

Tiki Central’s “vintage” early 2000s look and feel almost feels right at home related as a nostalgia nod in a subculture defined by nostalgia. It’s still a great resource to learn about tiki’s past, present, and future.

View photos here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OpF0rgIQW/

PineappleWhip posted on 01/13/2020

I was at the Tonga Hut party, but, it was great to see Forbidden Island on screen. Looks like HopeChest was cranking out some awesome tunes!! I liked seeing the big screen you guys had for showing all the other parties.

Nice setup Forbidden Island :wink:

Cheers!! :drink:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 01/13/2020

Couldn't make it across the country, but fortunately I was able to celebrate with a Reverb Crash in Crazy Al's Ono Lono mug, created by Tiki Farm in 2003 and later featured at Forbidden Island and Trader Sam's. It paired nicely with The Book.

Okole maluna!

Events, music, art, cocktails, culture

The Tiki Times | The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide

[ Edited by: Hurricane Hayward 2020-01-13 13:58 ]

PineappleWhip posted on 01/13/2020

Awesome picture Hurricane Hayward !! Love the Ono Lono mug sitting on a Tonga Hut coaster !!

HopeChest posted on 01/14/2020

That was FANTASTIC. No way I could have had a better time. I also got the first Reverb Crash of the day at Forbidden Island - woohoo!

The projection screen setup that Molokai Mike had going was so, SO cool. Everyone was genuinely enjoying watching the other parties - such a cool and unique idea.

Here's a very Tiki Central pic for you: Otto and I with Mad Dog Mike looking down on us like The Wizard Of Oz!! :lol:

Here's to another 20 years!

Mele_Ipo posted on 01/15/2020

Aloha Hope Chest! What an awesome pic! I loved talking with you, MDM & Otto on the webcast from Tonga Hut. It was an inspiration to participate in the amazing TC 2020 celebration. Mahalo! :drink: :tiki: :music: Cheers to TC and the next anniversary celebration.

MadDogMike posted on 01/15/2020

On 2020-01-14 13:32, HopeChest wrote:
Here's a very Tiki Central pic for you: Otto and I with Mad Dog Mike looking down on us like The Wizard Of Oz!! :lol:

:up: Hilarious :lol:

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