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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Papua New Guinea Estate Find

Pages: 1 5 replies

stolenidol posted on 03/21/2022

I was able to acquire this collection from a California couple who travelled the world extensively from the 70s-90s. They spent a lot of time in PNG as well as Africa. There's a bit of a story behind it--they pieces were priced very high at the estate sale, but didn't sell.

The agent gave me the daughter's direct number, we talked, I sent photos of my bar, and she agreed that they deserved a good home. I asked for 8 pieces for a reasonable price, and she threw in the whole collection of about 22 pieces for the same price. She said her mom wanted them to remain together with someone who would appreciate them. PNG Collection - 1PNG Collection - 2PNG Collection - 3PNG Collection - 4PNG Collection - 6PNG Collection - 7PNG Collection - 8PNG Collection - 9PNG Collection - 10PNG Collection - 11PNG Collection - 12PNG Collection - 13

[ Edited by stolenidol on 2022-03-21 06:28:55 ]

Amazing! I’m glad she recognized that you would enjoy and respect these artifacts!

hiltiki posted on 03/21/2022

I knew this couple and was friends with the Lady who collected these pieces, in fact I put some pictures up of their collection back in 2015 in the "Share your Papua New Guinea pieces" thread. It's on page two towards the bottom. She had an amazing collection of African and PNG pieces along with hundreds of more pieces from all over the world. It was always a pleasure when I would visit her house, there was so much to see and appreciate.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-21 18:02:33 ]

leevigraham posted on 03/22/2022

What a score!

hang10tiki posted on 03/22/2022

Wow, great fines. With that many new pieces, you’re gonna need a second tiki room!!

I've been talking with her daughter about the collection, although I met her mother on a FaceTime call. The father must have recently passed away, thus the estate sale. Sadly it seems that mom has had to move from the home and sell or donate all of the items they collected over the years. I'm really honored they liked me enough to want to give me most of the PNG items. I plan to meet the family in person when I return to LA in a few weeks. Interesting how fate works--the estate sale ad just happened to pop up in my FB feed. Guess I can't complain too much about FB's advertising algorithms!

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