Welcome to the Tiki Central 2.0 Beta. Read the announcement
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Tiki Central 2.0 - The Beta / Changelog

Introducing Tiki Central 2.0!

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Thank you! Okole maluna!!!

wentiki posted on 03/16/2022

Love the new format! Thank you both for all the hard work to bring this back! Missed that old crypto mugs thread and everything else in this encyclopedia of tiki!

So much sleuthing was done over the pandemic, the results strewn across various sites. I hope some of it makes it's way back to this site. I know I have some discoveries to share.

Here's to 20 more!!

[ Edited by wentiki on 2022-03-16 04:05:14 ]

I think there was a loophole that let some people in?

Regardless, we've removed the Grand Membership requirement. Everyone should be able to log in now.

I'm so excited! Thanks for all you do, it does not go unappreciated!

mstikiola posted on 03/17/2022

Thank you for all your hard work to bring back TC, cheers!

Luau Lili posted on 03/17/2022

Woohooo! Lots of catching up to do. No sleep for me!

bamalamalu posted on 03/17/2022

MAHALO NUI LOA, Hanford and Leevi!! I've never been so excited about something on the internet.

Thank you for all the work you put into this - it is very much appreciated!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/17/2022

YEAH!!! So excited! Can't wait for new pictures and new discussions of all things tiki!

nomeus posted on 03/17/2022

welcome back!

[ Edited by nomeus on 2022-03-16 19:21:51 ]

tikitonga posted on 03/17/2022

So glad Tiki Central is back, and it's so good to BE BACK! Mahalo!

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SoccerTiki posted on 03/17/2022

Mucho Mahalos Hanford and Leevi! It's like putting on an old pair of shoes that somebody has shined and cleaned up for you!

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-17 00:46:40 ]

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tikibars posted on 03/17/2022

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Good to see you back in action, Hanford.
Thanks for the hard work Leevi.

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swizzle posted on 03/17/2022

Guess i should post something to see if this thing works. Welcome back TC. Now i can stop looking at (and getting frustrated with) those stupid Facebook Tiki groups that have got nothing to do with Tiki.

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Other Crafts is calling your name!

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Yeah i guess i have made a few bits and pieces over the past couple of years that i can post.

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You can at least upload a Private Bob'O'Shot mug as your avatar :)

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I could, but decided to go with a mug of mine i actually like.

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virani posted on 03/17/2022

very cool !! Great work ! So isn't there anymore the possibility to check the latest posts ? That's what I usually used, instead of scrolling each categories.

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Super hacky but you could do an empty search sorted by date for now: https://tikicentral.com/search.php

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very cool !! Great work ! So isn't there anymore the possibility to check the latest posts ? That's what I usually used, instead of scrolling each categories.

I've just posted a preview of this functionality here: https://tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic_id=53800

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ZeroTiki posted on 03/18/2022

I am SO thrilled to see TC back!

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Sabina posted on 03/18/2022

So grateful for the tremendous amount of work that must have gone into this!

Raising my mug to you fine folks!

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DawnTiki posted on 03/18/2022

SO cool to see the old place again. Thanks for bringing it back to life. I missed it more than I realized.

[ Edited by DawnTiki on 2022-03-18 16:52:24 ]

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MONDOTIKI posted on 03/18/2022

Wow! Good job and thanx. Site looks great!! Time to get back at it!

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Thanks for getting it going again!

Tried every few months & then tonight the green returns! Time to relive some old posts

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TheBigT posted on 03/19/2022

Whoa, looks like it really works!! Good to see some familiar names here. Thank you guys for all your hard work!

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tikiskip posted on 03/19/2022

Wow, thanks for bringing TC back! It truly is the best source for tiki.

This is a good time for people who collect and make tiki art to think about a way to immortalize and make more hard copies of what they make/collect so it can stand the test of time. And even a hard copy of tiki central to date, I know people who have this, so I know it is out there.

Just think of losing all as in Ukraine, so sad.

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floratina posted on 03/20/2022

Yay! I am so glad that Tiki Central is alive again!

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hottiki posted on 03/20/2022

So glad that now I’m retired that I have something to do…the planet’s must have all lined up. Many thanks for bringing Tiki Central home !

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creativenative posted on 03/21/2022

Mahalo nui loa guys. Great job and your dedication will not go unnoticed.

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stolenidol posted on 03/21/2022

Very excited to be a part of the Tiki Central 2.0 Community. I've been enjoying reading the past discussions, and look forward to contributing to the conversation! Thanks for all your hard work.

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The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 03/21/2022

Muchos Mahalos to Hanford and everyone, what an achievement!! Great to be back and see everyone!! Missed you all!!

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TikiReno posted on 03/22/2022

Thanks for the diligence! Glad to see TC back!

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bobtiki posted on 03/22/2022

Thanks for bringing it back — it's nice to see everyone's shiny avatars

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headpaneer posted on 03/23/2022

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I would type in the web address every few months or so, and now TC has been resurrected! As someone who does not mesh with The Facebook and IG, Tiki Central has always been the optimal resource for me. Thanks, once more. Guess I need an avatar now... ...and a tiki name! :)

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Hurricane Hayward posted on 03/24/2022

Awesome job getting the site refurbished and up and running. Now all we need is the refurbished Mai-Kai up and running, and all will be right with the world.

Okole maluna!

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We'll hopefully all be toasting Tiki Central with a Barrel O' Rum very soon!

[ Edited by Hurricane Hayward on 2022-03-23 21:19:32 ]

[ Edited by Hurricane Hayward on 2022-03-23 21:20:08 ]

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Refurbishing the Mai Kai is a bit out of my league 😂

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Tangaroa posted on 03/26/2022

Woooooow - this place is alive again!

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This is so awesome! I've felt like something was missing from my life, and now I realize what it was :) Thanks for all the work and dedication. So glad to be back!!!

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rumackay posted on 03/28/2022

Awesome news. Never deleted the bookmark and have been checking back a couple of times a month since it went down. Can't wait to read and see all the updates and stuff people have been doing in the down time. Cheers

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tikimnky posted on 03/29/2022

What an unexpected and pleasant surprise! Thank you so much for bringing the site back to life, I look forward very much to diving back in.

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Savage Falls posted on 03/31/2022

We are back, baby! Thanks for all the hard work bringing the community back together again!

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So fun to discover this site. I am a newbie to tiki cocktails and mixology culture but lived in Kona for awhile and have always loved the tiki vibe. Watching Spikes Breezway cocktail hour and his referral to this got me going. New sunshine in my life everyday with all this now. Love it!!!

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Bam Bam posted on 04/04/2022

Thank you, thank you! A thousand times thank you! I've been checking back regularly to see if things had changed, and they finally have! I can't honestly express how good it feels to have Tiki Central back. Thank you, again!

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Johnny Dollar posted on 04/06/2022

MAHALO hanford and leevigraham!

it's nice to have a bit o' good news in 2022!

howdy frens!!!!


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MrBaliHai posted on 04/09/2022

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

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SkebengZA posted on 04/11/2022

Hoooray! I had been waiting for this day! Thanks for all the work :)

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JackLord posted on 04/11/2022

Thank the Tiki Gods! I was losing hope of ever coming back here.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 158 replies