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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

"Gone Tiki" carvings by James Kruize

Pages: 1 2 3 104 replies

So happy to see more of your work on here. Your attention to detail is unparalleled. I'm fortunate to be able to look at two of your carvings every day in my home bar.

Gone Tiki posted on 05/15/2022

Mike! Thanks for the super kind words. If I'm ever in Austin...Anyways I've been on a nautical kick and did some sculps I think every beach bar should have! I've never carved a curvy woman but Mermaids are big right now and I sold two in a heartbeat. So lets get back to the Tikis! - This Ku plaque is called "King Hala Kahiki", I'm hopin' you can guess why!hala0The Marquesan style is challenging to say the leastMtiki7 Mtiki2Mtiki4


[ Edited by Gone Tiki on 2022-05-14 18:09:05 ]

Will carve posted on 05/15/2022

Those look real good. I like the way you use all the wood. Like they say "wood goes thru to the other side" Some say you get extra credit when for every hole you punch thru. I say chi-ching.

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2022

Very kool Keep it up

PS Love da MarQ

[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2022-05-16 06:29:35 ]

Gone Tiki posted on 01/21/2023

Thanks Will for noticing the Punch troughs. We want to celebrate those three dimensions. Its a balance between detail and wood strength. Most of my sculpts can double as a battering ram. Hopefully they will last two hundred years:) - Here's me getting my mind blown centralstare central5 central7 central8 central1 central2 central3

Here's another look at the Kona style Ku . - I wanted a little less squatyness and a little more menace on this figure reducing the "cute" factor substantially. cent2cent4cent6cent7cent8cent9cent10cent11cent12cent13cent14 kukatwo1mf2mf12

[ Edited by Gone Tiki on 2023-02-03 00:06:57 ]

Gone Tiki posted on 01/21/2023

Here's a Buddy Bar built for the Tangaroa Terrace Bobarmorf1.0Bobarmorf2.0 centralbobarcentralbobar1 centralbar8centralbar9

[ Edited by Gone Tiki on 2023-01-20 19:51:13 ]

TIKIGIKI posted on 01/21/2023

How did I miss all these SENSATIONAL works? Truly excellent stuff! Out wits Witco!.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-01-22 22:57:24 ]

Will carve posted on 01/21/2023

I think you got this Tiki thing down pat. Good job.

hang10tiki posted on 01/23/2023


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