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What AreYou Drinking- Right Now?

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I have used the Grogalizer, yes! Thanks for the suggestion. Most of the time I make notes in the Total Tiki app, I make a lot of drinks from that. Or I do a Mai Kai drink from your blog. ;o)

For the Grog Log stuff I put a spreadsheet together so I can track stuff--drinks I've done, ingredients I still need, etc. I'm looking at doing the Flaming Coffee Grog at some point this week, just to get it out of the way, since I don't really like coffee haha.

60 drinks down, 18 to go! I take pics of all of them, and at the end I'm going to put a slideshow together with an exotica song I wrote and recorded; perhaps I'll post it here when it's done. It's good to have goals.

Hamo posted on 04/08/2022


Still abstaining from alcohol for a little more than a week, so I’m having the next best thing….

uncle trav posted on 04/08/2022


tikibhoy posted on 04/09/2022


Made a Hell in the Pacific last night, from the Grog Log. I've got 12 more drinks to go of the 78 in the book; I started on New Year's Eve. Why bother with new years' resolutions like eating healthier or going to the gym, when you can make one that you're more likely to finish? ;o)

Hamo posted on 04/19/2022

Chief Lapu Lapu and my own Arms of Kali



hang10tiki posted on 04/20/2022

Starboard Tack

Leilani volcano: 15537024-0CDC-4529-BAF1-CC11987AA727

Chimp in orbit: 23E8CF82-79EB-4451-BC82-37E46CA75226

Yellow man: 95BEA0F9-E47D-40E0-8634-DE996A52FF5C

Starboard taquiri: DD887F3A-7FE8-4D9C-9E2B-987B2DED059E

Gets a bit windy here, the sign blew down


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2022-04-19 17:51:50 ]

bamboo stu posted on 04/20/2022

Monkey Knife Fight Pale Ale...IMG_0199

With a name like that, I couldn't pass it up. I was not disappointed. A good pale ale is somewhat rare today when everything is an IPA variation.

Hamo posted on 04/20/2022

H10: Wish I'd known about Starboard Tack when I was in Vegas in February before the world ended.

Navy Grog using the Grog Concentrate that arrived today


Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/20/2022

Some highlights from our return to Disney World after 2+ years in hibernation.

You gotta start with a Lapu Lapu at Tambu Lounge ...


As good as always. Simple but refreshing (and deceivingly strong).

My favorite from the Tambu menu is always the Backscratcher (a riff on the Tropical Itch). It seemed a lot more passion fruit forward, and quite tasty ...


After dinner at Kona Cafe, it was time for Trader Sam's Grog Grotto and another reliable favorite, Uh-Oa ...


Orlando Tikiphile Jim Neumayer joined me in sampling the upgraded Zombie. My favorite at Sam's is much improved since my last visit with the addition of Herbsaint ...


The next evening, we met our friends from The Hala Kahiki Hideaway at Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar. "Deetman" and I both enjoyed The Scottish Professor ...


Okole maluna!

[ Edited by Hurricane Hayward on 2022-04-19 20:44:51 ]

Hamo posted on 04/22/2022

Happy belated birthday, Jim.

I visited WDW for several days in October 2019, and one of my favorite places was Tambu Lounge. I liked Sam's, but I just loved the whole vibe of Tambu; it really felt like I'd time-traveled to a 1970s hotel bar (or what I imagined it was like then, since I wasn't alive....) Aside from the Belle Vue at Boardwalk (which I enjoyed for its classic cocktails and old time radio), Tambu was the only lounge I visited twice.

Right now I'm finishing a Tiki Puka Puka, utilizing Grog Concentrate


leevigraham posted on 04/23/2022

On a bit of a Wray and Nephew kick at the moment:



Hamo posted on 04/24/2022

Had a Mai Tai and Port Light last night



And this evening, classic and Hemingway Daiquiris for my first taste of White Stashe, then a midcentury Zombie




mikehooker posted on 04/24/2022

My rum club, Austin Rum Society, is having a session with Privateer in a few weeks so I tested out a New England Daiquiri (2 oz Privateer, 3/4 oz lemon, 1/2 oz maple). Wasn't bad but I won't rush to make again.


Followed that up with an Ancient Mariner/Navy Grog and a (blasphemous, I know) Old Fashioned (w/ Old Forester 100), but failed to take photos of either.

hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2022

Hamo: next time



hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2022

Swizzle Francais


hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2022

Koloa coconut pineapple daiquiri:

1.5 oz Koloa coconut rum .5 oz Koloa dark rum .5 oz sugar syrup .5 oz coconut syrup .5 oz pineapple juice

Wow Good one


hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2022


hottiki posted on 04/25/2022

The “ice”….a bit much don’t ya think

Hamo posted on 04/28/2022

White Stache makes a good Menehune Juice


hang10tiki posted on 04/28/2022



Saves me from walking down to the kitchen to get more ice when I fill the glass up four more times


Raspberry, Cotton Candy & Ice-Cream Sour


leevigraham posted on 04/29/2022





Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/30/2022

Trying out a new frozen passion fruit pulp. Very good results so far. The Demerara Cocktail was delicious.




It also worked great in a Puka Punch ...


I found that brand a year ago and made my first passion fruit syrup using the recipe in Minimalist Tiki. I really enjoy it and prefer using Demerara sugar over white sugar. The only downside is I have to drive an hour to the closest Sprouts and put it in a cooler for the trip back. Actually, it’s time to stock up again….

Hamo posted on 04/30/2022



I like the small pieces. Much easier to make small batches. I found it at Whole Foods. Aloha!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/05/2022

A highlight of last night's monthly Tiki Trail Live online event was this very appropriate May the Fourth cocktail from Kelly Merrill of Trader Sam's: The distinctive (and delicious) Who's Scruffy Lookin? features a unique combination of agricole rhum, coconut ceam and blue curacao. Forget "blue milk," this is the perfect fortification in any galaxy ...


Kelly's recipe ...

Fresh lemon juice 1oz

Cream of coconut 1oz

Blue Curaçao 0.75oz

Dark Rum 1oz

Agricole Rum 1oz

Light Rum 0.5oz

Apricot Liqueur 0.25oz

Blend with 8-10oz of crushed ice and pour into your glass, not mug. No point in blue milk if you can't see it!

[ Edited by Hurricane Hayward on 2022-05-04 20:30:58 ]

Hamo posted on 05/10/2022

Hurricane with "hasty fassionola"


Hamo posted on 05/17/2022

Hi-Tide Boogie (very tasty)


mikehooker posted on 06/06/2022


Hamo posted on 06/10/2022

Trader Vic Grog


Hamo posted on 06/14/2022

Navy Grog with TV concentrate. No garnish because Monday


MrBaliHai posted on 06/15/2022


Had a party at work today to celebrate one of our computer systems achieving the Exaflop performance threshold. They had one of our local breweries whip up a custom IPA called "Exahop" in a special can to commemorate the occasion. The can reads: "The Beer of Geeks, Geniuses, and Gurus". Not sure where I fall on that spectrum, but after drinking a couple, I'm definitely leaning towards "Genius". The taste? Not bad, but I'm not really an IPA fan.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/15/2022


A traditional 19th century punch, demonstrated by David Wondrich at The Hukilau last weekend. I paired three different Jamaican rums with the oleo saccharum (lemon peel and sugar) that we made during his class, plus fresh lemon juice and nutmeg. Delicious!


Hamo posted on 06/16/2022

I worked from home today, so happy hour started immediately when I finished.

Here's my Thunder in Paradise


Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/18/2022


Keeping the good vibes from The Hukilau and The Mai-Kai flowing just a little bit longer with a special take-home quart of the mighty Mutiny. Okole maluna!

Hamo posted on 06/18/2022

Hurricane Hayward's The Urban Archaeologist in my Pacific Seas mug to commemorate the Clifton's location that closed 62 years ago today


Tasty drink, Jim; thanks

Stopped at Sprouts Farmers Market in Longmont, CO today and discovered after the fact that this brand was buy one, get one free, which was a very pleasant surprise. Not sure how long this sale might be going, or if it's on a national level, but here's a heads up for anyone near a Sprouts and wants to get this great passion fruit.

Hamo posted on 06/19/2022

My eponymous drink, slightly revised, and subbing Pusser's Gunpowder for Lost Spirits


Okole maluna Hamo! I was thinking of trying The Urban Archaeologist in the new Hukilau mug.

[ Edited by Hurricane Hayward on 2022-06-18 19:32:31 ]

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 06/19/2022

Father's Day Painkiller. For all you dads and granddads out there! IMG_20220619_150448940

[ Edited by coldwarspacemonkey on 2022-06-19 12:54:17 ]

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 06/26/2022

Rum Barrel. IMG_20220626_163816648

Hamo posted on 06/29/2022

Merchant's Reserve Mai Tai


arriano posted on 06/29/2022

20220626_130834 (1)

Not a "tiki" cocktail, more a Caribbean cocktail. I actually got this recipe from an old postcard for the Jai Alai Palacio in Tijuana. Whipped up a couple of these on Sunday and it's mighty refreshing on a hot summer day.

The Jai Alai Special 1.5 oz Havana Club Especial 1 oz Creme de Cacao 1 oz Lime Juice 2 oz Orange Juice Shake well and pour into a tall glass.

[ Edited by arriano on 2022-06-29 13:18:12 ]

Hamo posted on 07/04/2022

Philadelphia Fish House Punch, which David Wondrich has said should be “made a mandatory part of every Fourth of July celebration.”


Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/06/2022

I couldn't resist the July Fourth sale and added more Trader Vic's glassware to the collection ...


They were christened with with two simple Vic's classics: Siboney (dark rum, lemon, pineapple juice, passion fruit syrup) and the Trader Vic Cocktail (dark rum, lime juice, simple syrup).

heylownine posted on 07/15/2022

Let's see if I remember how to do this. A Hamilton/BBB Zombie. In a Tiki Ti mug. Why not?



Hamo posted on 07/19/2022

Looking good, Kevin. Welcome back.

Mai Tai in one of my birthday gifts


hang10tiki posted on 07/27/2022

6FF9BEAD-6658-4A7C-8F47-52F4E66232C85E1142DF-1782-4E74-9A75-6B1784E78A10F207FA38-F3CA-4CC8-B476-2A255E0EB18C 86C91A2C-4E3E-4361-BCFE-BA0C6A9608498EEDB62E-1BC8-4B75-B89A-636EB97FB919A0A15508-F32A-4D15-A421-D1153AEF6F89 C894A186-E58D-4B3B-8F72-D1E2A9B6D25EDD8987CD-9B1E-40B1-BEC0-8B5DEE05F9CC3C24B0C4-DA74-4F7C-BD3D-84BD1F017F29 FBCD9C3E-1DDB-41BC-8504-4B2BAB1DB6F8C99B1EC4-5649-4FE9-A9E7-63D3AE7AEC85D0AB6ECE-A211-4418-8BDB-F91F7E05A68D

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