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Handmade Tikis from Ukraine

Pages: 1 2 replies

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased a couple tikis from someone on Etsy, artist shop named ArtThroughWood, and they're one of a kind, hand made, tikis. He sends pictures of each tiki you buy of the creation process. He does, per chance, live in Ukraine.

He makes more than tikis, but his tikis are a great style.

I struck up a conversation with him through the Etsy messenger and promised him I'd spread his name. I can't promise he'll still be making regularly and I can only presume the shipping will be delayed with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but I felt more than obligated to share his store due to his amazing pieces and current situation.

Again, his store name is ArtThroughWood on Etsy.

I've included some photos.ArtThroughWood TikisTiki in prog 2tiki in prog 4Ukraine Tikis

[ Edited by Giant_Squidy on 2022-06-27 20:34:39 ]


Very expressive! And that's some nice, clear wood that he's working with. I'm jealous, and curious!


Forget the name of the company but there is a large company that make models the kind to build with glue etc. ICM plastic model kits I think it is but looks like there are many that make models. They make some good stuff.

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