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Vintage Barware - Post your pics here!

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/29/2017

Yet another ice bucket.
Has copper colored glass innards. The lid opens up as you push the bakelite handle down and away. Has a spot on the outside for ice tongs which were missing but my wife didn’t care-she had to have it.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 06/26/2017

Finally found another Moscow Mule mug.Much better condition the my my first one.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/20/2017

I don’t know if this is part of a tea service. I have a similar one that I use as a shaker.Found at a thrift in Alexandria Va. My wife loved the lucite handle.

hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2017

Someone has been on a roll

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/23/2017

Found at a thrift. The Havana Club Glass’s are from the Bodeguita Del Medio in Old Havana. I’ll never use the shot glass but I like it.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/23/2017

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2017-12-23 00:16 ]

swizzle posted on 12/23/2017

Ha! Some friends gave me that same shot glass just last week.

mikehooker posted on 12/23/2017

On 2017-12-23 00:14, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Found at a thrift. The Havana Club Glass’s are from the Bodeguita Del Medio in Old Havana.

I promise you the mojitos you put in those glasses will be exponentially better than the ones they're currently serving at "La B del M."

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/24/2017

On 2017-12-23 04:35, swizzle wrote:
Ha! Some friends gave me that same shot glass just last week.

Merry Christmas Robbie!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/24/2017

On 2017-12-23 09:21, mikehooker wrote:
I promise you the mojitos you put in those glasses will be exponentially better than the ones they're currently serving at "La B del M."

The awfulness of the B del M mojito is legendary. They claim that they invented the Mojito. I went there just to check the place out. I bought the glasses here in California mainly cuz of the Havana Club Logo. I was pretty much out of greenbacks so I did not get to shop at the HC store on my visit to Cuba,
Merry Christmas Mike.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-06-09 20:58:15 ]

naugatiki posted on 01/05/2018

This groovy glass psychedelic ice bucket and a classic Budman stein, nice that they had a corporate logo with a beer gut.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/06/2018

That is ons cool bucket.Congrats!

Bam Bam posted on 02/04/2018

1920's(?) Silvercraft (formerly) silver-plated shaker

1940's Hazel Atlas glass Shaker

1950's Federal Boston Shaker

My sister's neighbor recently passed away, and their landlord asked if she could use anything that was left in the apartment. She salvaged a couple things for me, including:

A pair of antique ice picks (very useful!)

A set of what appear to be 1960's drink stirrers/markers

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/06/2018

Very nice Bam Bam!

Bam Bam posted on 03/10/2018

Antique fair in town today. Made good on two collection categories with a 1930's Hazel Atlas uranium glass cocktail shaker:

Now I can irradiate my drinks while they shake!

Also found some vintage whistle swizzles:

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 03/11/2018

Castaways SOB Room glass. Mrs. Monkey found on a recent trip to Colorado Springs.

howlinowl posted on 03/11/2018

On 2018-03-10 15:47, Bam Bam wrote:

Also found some vintage whistle swizzles:

Bet those were annoying in a room full of drunks. I could see many a bar fight starting with one of those.


nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/12/2018

On 2018-03-10 15:47, Bam Bam wrote:
Antique fair in town today. Made good on two collection categories with a 1930's Hazel Atlas uranium glass cocktail shaker:

Never heard bout Uranium Glass. Hadda look it up. Mahalo for your post.

Uranium glass is glass which has had uranium, usually in oxide diuranate form, added to a glass mix before melting for coloration. The proportion usually varies from trace levels to about 2% by weight uranium, although some 20th-century pieces were made with up to 25% uranium.[1][2]

Uranium glass was once made into tableware and household items, but fell out of widespread use when the availability of uranium to most industries was sharply curtailed during the Cold War in the 1940s to 1990s. Most such objects are now considered antiques or retro-era collectibles, although there has been a minor revival in art glassware. Otherwise, modern uranium glass is now mainly limited to small objects like beads or marbles as scientific or decorative novelties. (Wikepedia)

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 04/04/2018

More recent (and flimsy) ice crusher. Had to replace the screw/nut/washers in the handle, but still a good buy from the Goodwill store.

Bam Bam posted on 04/09/2018

Nice. Reminds me that I hadn't shared my Swing-A-Way crusher before now. It gets fairly regular use.

More barware finds:

Unopened pack of Marjess stirrers.

Everlast forged aluminium tumblers - these get frosty, fast!

More whistles!

tikiskip posted on 04/09/2018

I like the whistle stirs.

We went to a VFW at Christmas time in a small town it was a dance of sorts with a big band type thing going on.
Well they had candles at all the tables that were not lit.
If you wanted a drink or other service from the wait staff you lit the candle at your table, they would come right away and get your order and then blow out the candle.

How smart is that!
Why did we get away from that kind of smart thinking.

Most likely it was lazy wait people that got the owners to do away with this idea.
Just think how much more you would spend at a restaurant if this were in place where you go.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 05/01/2018

Cool old cocktail shaker.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 05/02/2018

SpaceMonkey, Nice find , I luv cocktail shakers - got more than a dozen. Don’t use the glass ones though, afraid I might break em while making round three.
Nice that yours has the cap. I’ve passed on some nice ones cause the cap was missing or frozen.
Cheers and keep posting.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 05/02/2018

nui 'umi 'umi - Thanks! The lid has a small ding or two and the screw cap is frozen, but at 3 bucks I couldn't pass it up.

Bam Bam posted on 05/03/2018

Especially at $3 that's an excellent find.

That big Hazel Atlas shaker I posted earlier had the lid cocked and firmly stuck on when I got it. I ended up having to (very delicately!) resort to using a flat screwdriver and hammer to pop it off. You might have some luck getting the cap off by gently heating it and getting it to expand. Sometimes it's just enough to crack the corrosion and loosen it up.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 05/03/2018

Thanks Bam Bam. I just tried it with success! I filled the lid with ice and then dipped the cap into a cup of boiling water. After a few seconds of popping and cracking I was able to unscrew the cap easily.
The lid was also cocked and stuck on the shaker just as you described. Fortunately it wasn't as obstinate as yours and I was able to get it off with just my thumbs.

[ Edited by: coldwarspacemonkey 2018-05-03 14:47 ]

Bam Bam posted on 05/20/2018

Came across this neat barspoon / church key combo this afternoon. Turns out it's from the old Flamingo Hotel formerly of Miami Beach.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 05/22/2018

BamBam, that is killer.
Mahalo for sharing

Bam Bam posted on 07/11/2018

Acquired some new old barware bits on my recent visit back to the Hoosier state.

There was a whole shelf of various shaker glasses for $3 a pop. I would have taken them all if I had the room. As it was I only grabbed a couple of the more interesting designs. Turns out they're both Mr. Bartender shakers made by Federal.

Also, more swizzles! This time a quartet of Old Grand-Dad stirrers (my go-to mid-shelf bourbon). I love the little bust of the mascot. Very detailed.

HopeChest posted on 07/11/2018

On 2018-07-10 20:50, Bam Bam wrote:

Also, more swizzles! This time a quartet of Old Grand-Dad stirrers (my go-to mid-shelf bourbon). I love the little bust of the mascot. Very detailed.

That is SUPER cool, I've never seen those before. Old Grand Dad makes the absolute best hot toddies.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 09/07/2018

Another Ice-O-Mat for the collection.

Does anyone know of a source for the wall-mount hardware for these old ice crushers?

Bam Bam posted on 09/08/2018

Shiny! Nice find.

Bam Bam posted on 10/13/2018

Finally found a handled jigger, along with the rest of this bar tool set.

I'd like to try to give the handles the Skip treatment, if I can find a source for the right bamboo.

uncle trav posted on 02/17/2019

Launched into orbit from Italy in the 1960s! This space probe has be safely recovered at a local thrift store. Well it’s space age anyway. This vintage soda siphon is made by Inox and is a killer piece of design.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/20/2019

anudder nice find Uncle T. Congrats!

Bam Bam posted on 03/17/2019

Grabbed this mixing glass/pitcher at a nearby co-op. This thing was literally made for entertaining (either that or binge sessions) with measures for up to 8 drinks. Love the detached top of the handle. Classy glasswork.

Bam Bam posted on 03/31/2019

Couple of additions from today:

Nice heavy Ice-O-Mat crusher, with the wall mount.

A complete set of Zulu-Lulu swizzles - still on their card! I almost didn't get them just because they're SO much of an insensitive caricature, but the siren's call of the swizzle won out in the end.

Bam Bam posted on 05/28/2019

Not as much barware as vintage bar literature this time around. Found a trio of drink recipe books, from wildly different eras.

Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipes (1936)

This is an awesome little black book, packed with well-organized and well-written recipes for prohibition and pre-prohibtion-era cocktails (and hors d'oeuvres! Man, did Mr. Burke ever have a thing for anchovies...) Given the date, I didn't expect to find much in a tropical vein, but was surprised with a pair on page 88; the Honolulu and the Hula Hula - both based on gin of all things.

House & Garden's Drink Guide (1973)

This book, from an organizational stand point, is an absolute mess. Want to look up a list of drinks by base spirit? Good freaking luck. I found a (horribly concocted) zombie listed under "tall drinks." How does their Mai Tai stack up from this de-evoluion era book? Pretty much as expected.

The Complete Bartender (Revised 2003)

It's old enough to vote, so I'm classifying this book as vintage. Chock full of the kind of crap drinks you'd see ordered by turn-of-the-century college students just because of the double-entendre name. Pretty darn bad no matter what page you turn to.

Thankfully we have the Bum and others who have set us back on the True Path.

HopeChest posted on 05/30/2019

On 2019-05-27 21:21, Bam Bam wrote:

Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipes (1936)

This is an awesome little black book, packed with well-organized and well-written recipes for prohibition and pre-prohibtion-era cocktails (and hors d'oeuvres! Man, did Mr. Burke ever have a thing for anchovies...) Given the date, I didn't expect to find much in a tropical vein, but was surprised with a pair on page 88; the Honolulu and the Hula Hula - both based on gin of all things.

The Honolulu Cocktail is so, so good. It was a signature cocktail at the Brown Derby in the 1930s. I like to think of the Royal Hawaiian Cocktail as the evolution of the Honolulu Cocktail, dropping the orange juice and sugar and adding orgeat.

uncle trav posted on 12/04/2019

Scored a very hard to find piece of barware. Patented in 1881. Beautiful design with gorgeous rosewood handles and extremely well made and heavy. It’s a lemon or lime squeezer. From a time when even mundane items could be beautifully made.

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2019-12-04 11:52 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/05/2019

Unca T, That is way too cool! Congrats

tikiskip posted on 12/05/2019

Man that looks like a sweet nutcracker, er nutcracker sweet.

BUT now you MUST get one of these to go with that.

Very cool find uncle trav!


coldwarspacemonkey posted on 06/09/2022

While cleaning out my parent's house I found a few gems. Some drink recipe booklets (mostly sponsored by Southern Comfort): IMG_20220609_154935646~2

Some swizzles: IMG_20220609_155949837

And three Wolfschmidt bottle stoppers: IMG_20220609_160259559

Oh man, I'm really jealous of the NY World's Fair one in the upper left.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 06/10/2022

Hamo - I was a bit surprised to find it (we lived in Southern California at the time). It's actually more blue in person than what shows on the photo.

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 07/02/2022

MCM ice bucket IMG_20220630_182836377

TIKIGIKI posted on 11/07/2022

THIS would probably cause major tantrums nowadays from those of the permanently offended brigade but I think it's a treasure. SHRUNKENITEM

B Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4456/623a931cd87eb.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=6a926d24783ebcc558792b34f2c8a18d
bamalamalu posted on 11/08/2022

Thrift store ice bucket, $4.99 (hooray for 1/2 price tags.) IceBucketImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4456/636aca88d9bbf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9e9db4b7133f0556dd9dbafb0554380c

And some fun metal coasters from my Aunt-in-law: VintageCoastersImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4456/636acaa9de774.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f35702f31e98023a80493bc4705c0fe3

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