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traderjeff posted on 07/25/2022

Hello all first post...Im in the process of designing my basement tiki bar. I'm thinking about carbonized wall paneling as the wainscoting and lauhala matting for the upper section of the wall. I will likely attempt my own chair rail and borders out of pine. Will the carbonized blend well with the matting?...or should I be looking at a different color paneling? Thanks in advance. Hope its ok to post links:
https://foreverbamboo.com/bamboo-wall-paneling-carbonized-finish-4-x-8/ https://foreverbamboo.com/lauhala-matting-3-x-6/

Prikli Pear posted on 07/26/2022

First: Good luck with your build!

Second: Don't overthink it. The carbonized tambour panels will be a bit darker than regular lauhala matting. That's fine. The contrast will look good. You can order carbonized lauhala that's somewhat darker than normal and have less contrast. You could even go with bacbac matting which is darker still, but with more variation in tone. I've used the tortoise shell tambour, and that would look good as well. The green ones will eventually fade into the standard yellow/tan. High contrast works well. Low contrast works well. These are all varying shades of earth tones, so jarring color combinations aren't in the cards.

There's not really a combination here that won't look good, only different. It all depends on what fits your aesthetic. Trust your gut instinct, because this tiki bar build is an expression of your vision, not that of other folks. I know it can be intimidating when you're starting out and looking to invest a significant amount of money to order those rolls of bamboo, but you'll be fine.

Looking forward to seeing your chair rails/trim pieces. That's a great way to put your personal stamp (as well as blood, sweat and tears) into your tiki space. Just have fun and don't stress yourself out.

Thanks for the insightful reply. I’m going with burnt bamboo paneling wainscoting with bac bac matting and dark walnut trim with simple alternating diagonal lines for base, chair rail and vertical sections. Also with a little luck I will be picking up a vintage 1960’s bamboo tiki bar I found on craigslist! Good vintage tiki seems to be hard to come by here in New England!

MadDogMike posted on 08/01/2022

Welcome TraderJeff. That paneling looks great! Enjoy your journey

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