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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Krakatoa Leisure Hour

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Kaiwaza posted on 07/26/2022

Wow, today I discovered Tiki Central is back!! Yay!! A music update for myself would be I started an all-exotica show on my hobby online radio station "Hawaiian Hi-Fi" called "Krakatoa Leisure Hour." Contrary to the title it runs at least 24 hours every Wednesday (approx. midnight EST to approx. midnight Pacific time), all day, all night. It seems to have been pretty well received, so I am planning on continuing with it. All the other days "Hawaiian Hi-Fi" continues with it's mix of vintage/retro Hawaiian and exotica tunes. https://live365.com/station/Hawaiian-Hi-Fi-a52179

In other news, I also have a 2nd station that MAY interest some folks here called "Moody Mood Music." It's a bit of a throwback to the old school easy listening stations/music services featuring primarily vinyl rescued from thrift store & dollar bins. There's a mix of space age pop, percussion, big band, lush orchestras, various singers. https://live365.com/station/Moody-Mood-Music-a76693

So glad to see Tiki Central back!

Hamo posted on 07/27/2022

That's cool. I work from home on Wednesdays, so I will be sure to check it out tomorrow.

Hamo posted on 07/28/2022

I did listen for most of the day and enjoyed the lounge "hour". Glad you're back on TC and reposted, because it reminded of your stream. I'm looking forward to checking out the Mood Music channel, too.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Traitor Vic posted on 07/31/2022

Thanks, Kaiwaza!

Big (Old) fan here of "The Hawaiian Leisure Hour", so I'm familiar with your ability to put together a "Leisure Hour", boy howdy! I mean… Let's face it: "The Hawaiian Leisure Hour" was 38½ hours long. And WONDERFUL!

Lookin' forward to this new adventure!

PS - I'm Moody also.

[ Edited by Traitor Vic on 2022-07-31 13:06:45 ]

Wow! Thank you so much! They are all just a labor of love...sharing the music I enjoy.

Kaiwaza posted on 09/07/2022

"Krakatoa Leisure Hour" has begun! Tune into Hawaiian Hi-Fi Radio and enjoy more rare and curious musical tidbits from the Tiki lounge....bird calls, strange rhythms, people with fruit baskets on their heads, and the mysterious ambience of misplaced archipelagos. From now until midnight Weds. night.."Krakatoa Leisure Hour" https://live365.com/station/Hawaiian-Hi-Fi-a52179krakatoa 3

Celeres517 posted on 09/10/2022

Oh sweet, I'm going to check this out.

Digitiki posted on 09/11/2022

I love that term “misplaced archipelagos”

Kaiwaza posted on 10/26/2022

Kicking off "Krakatoa Leisure Hour" a tad early tonight. Tune into "Hawaiian Hi-Fi" radio all day and all night Wednesday (EST...but starting a bit early, 'cause I'm in the mood) as we journey through my extensive collection of exotica favorites and rarities suited for any tiki bar or plastic paradise! "Krakatoa Leisure Hour" on now! cdc685255d57cc8eb3cce4faa11fbc38 (2) https://live365.com/station/Hawaiian-Hi-Fi-a52179

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