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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Can anyone tell me who is the admin and how to contact them?

Pages: 1 4 replies



Mick, it's leevigraham, and your best bet to get a hold of him is to use the contact form:


[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-08-21 15:21:33 ]


Hi, I tried that numerous times already and keep getting;

Unable to send an email: You tried to send to recipient(s) that have been marked as inactive. Found inactive addresses: [email protected]. Inactive recipients are ones that have generated a hard bounce, a spam complaint, or a manual suppression. (code 406).

Did you try to message him here?


[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-08-21 15:21:11 ]

I'll check the admin email.

A PM to leevigraham is the best way to contact me.

Pages: 1 4 replies