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Founder of the Kowloon restaurant in Saugus, Mass, passes.

Pages: 1 8 replies

NoWin posted on Sun, Oct 23, 2022 9:54 PM


From the Boston Globe. (Not sure if you'll get a paywall to the article)

Guess I should get back out there before the inevitable closing....


Man that's a huge blow. The Kowloon is such an icon on Rt 1. Hoping his family is doing alright


Another Restaurant Icon passes on. 😞

Looks like that happened in 2011?

Darn it....looks like you are correct.

My contact must have sent me the obit for William Wong when he meant to send me James "Jimmy K" Wong, who was founder and owner of the great China Sails restaurant in Chestnut Hill, just outside of Boston. I remember that place. It was nice.

"Jimmy K" passed away this February, past.

My error....apologies.

History is now past for both these fine gentlemen.

In humble apology, here is a link to the Boston Globe "Kowloon" family article of Oct. 18th, 2022 (last week). Don't think there is a paywall on this Globe article.



[ Edited by NoWin on 2022-10-25 20:36:12 ]

[ Edited by NoWin on 2022-10-25 20:43:38 ]

No problem LOL Threw me off at first :)


Wow...I'm really out of the loop...well RIP to Mr JK Wong as well. that era of Dining is fleeting fast 😞

I made what, sadly, may have been my last visit to Kowloon last month. We'll see if I can squeeze in one more trip before the inevitable.

It is the family matriarch that just passed. My thoughts and sympathies to the entire family - wonderful people and a wonderful establishment.


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