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Frames for tiki artwork and pictures?

Pages: 1 6 replies

ArtseaGirl posted on 11/24/2022

I'm having such a hard time finding frames that would look right for my tiki room. The few I've found online are really expensive. So I thought I'd ask here and find out where you have found frames for your artwork.

Donovan posted on 11/25/2022

I've found most of mine at second hand stores or Goodwill.

TIKIGIKI posted on 11/25/2022

Split bamboo and rope-like string ties at the corners can cover any unsuitable frame for a more "tiki" look. Cheap and easy to achieve too.

ArtseaGirl posted on 11/26/2022

Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely look into getting some bamboo and rope.

TIKIGIKI posted on 11/27/2022

Buy yourself a frame with narrow moulding that your artwork fits in from a charity shop. Then get some bamboo of a suitable gauge and split it vertically. (Don't worry, this is quite easily done with a sharp knife and a hammer. Split one end and tap the knife down the length of the bamboo.). You can then hot glue the bamboo onto the frame and then tie the corners artistically with some rough string. Something like this below: 9a5441619505b6ccff30c0b0517130e9--bamboo-ideas-picture-frames

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-11-26 16:34:19 ]

Nice, thanks for the instructions. I'll definitely look into making some of the artwork I would like to put up.

TIKIGIKI posted on 12/04/2022

Another simple idea.


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