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World's Smallest Tiki Mugs!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/11/2002

Check out this link a friend just sent me:

This miniature tiki party doll set comes with four absolutely microscopic tiki mugs! I know it was made for the American Girls doll line, but I say...

get yourself a Hawaiian Barbie:

and a Blue Hawaii Elvis Action Figure:

and set yourself up a little tableau or diorama (or whatever it's called) on a shelf near your tiki bar. Or set them up on the coffee table for your guests to play with at your next tiki party (a party within a party so to speak).

Is anyone tiki enough to buy one? Come on. The price is kinda steep, but I'm tempted myself.


(ps: Use the tiki mugs a subtle hint to one of your cocktail guests that he's had enough for the evening. Just fill one with rum, hand it over and say, "Friend, I can pour these all evening, but you've got to wait 30 minutes for the next one.")

KahunaMilu posted on 09/11/2002

Those are like...for menehunes or something.

Anyway, you reminded me of my friend's daughter. She had an Elvis doll living in a big house with 3 Barbies and a pet Godzilla. She could have used that set-up.

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/11/2002


You've ruined my Christmas with this post. I immediately called my wife (another rabid tiki collecting freak) and told her about the American Girl tiki stuff (with excitement in my voice!). With a bummed-out hesitant voice she said "I know about it, I got you that for Christmas".

Now I just gotta rip the house up and find out where she stashed the present!!!

dogbytes posted on 09/11/2002

note to self: invite Mr & Mrs Tiki-Bong for a friendly game of poker ~ might not even need to provide a frosty adult beverage!

Tiki_Bong - "i'm in for $3"
me - "i'll see your $3."
Tiki_Bong - "wait, heres 5"
mrs tiki-bong "heres 10, and i fold"
Tiki-Bong "i fold too"

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/11/2002

I'm always generous with people I perceive as being down on their luck!

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