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Happy Birthday Tiki Central!

Pages: 1 18 replies

Jan 12th, 2000 was the day Jennifer Thompson and I created the Tiki Central group on Yahoo Clubs.

Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute, and get enjoyment out of it!

Okole Maluna!

Happy birthday TC!


Happy Birthday. Great job!

I am one of those who continues to contribute, and get enjoyment out of it!

So, I say happy birthday and

thank you.

Will Carve


Happy Birthday Tiki Central! ❤️

Happy birthday Tiki Central!

Happy birthday TC!!

Happy Birthday TC.

Wow, 23 years! Hard to believe. Happy Birthday Tiki Central!


giphy (4)



Happy 23rd birthday, Tiki Central. I actually remember the old Yahoo Club! And my account here still works!

Happy Birthday Tiki Central!

Cheers to Tiki Central! I'm very glad it's back.

HBD to TC!

Happy Birthday TC!

And eternal gratitude to the founders, administrators and contributors - life is much better because of all of your efforts!

Hamo posted on Fri, Jan 13, 2023 7:18 PM

Whoops--sorry I'm a day late. Happy belated b-day, TC! I have some Shasta in the fridge--maybe I should make a drink....


Happy Birthday, Tiki Central!!

Was there cake? did I miss the Cake?



And here's to many more to come!

Pages: 1 18 replies