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I'm Ahmed, and I love all things tiki. I just started building my own tiki bar at home in my new tropical garden, and I'm looking for advice and inspiration. I love the laid-back lifestyle of island living, and I'm excited to create my own little slice of paradise right in my backyard.

Welcome Ahmed! I'm looking forward to watching your build develop. You'll find that there's no shortage of opinions or advice on builds here! I recommend you posting some photos of what you have thus far in the Home Tiki Bar Build form and start with any specific requests for advice you may have. We all start somewhere!

I remember when I first discovered tiki--I spent hours upon hours going through all the various builds on the forum, just soaking in all the different ideas. So much of what others were doing seemed way out of reach back then. Some still seem that way to me, but I've realized the bulk of what was holding me back was the simple fear of never having tried that before. Good luck!

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