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Vantiki's Tiki Oasis 2011 pieces

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I just shipped 4 boxes of goodies to San Diego, and can't wait to follow them over the pacific Thursday night! I wanted to post photos and prices of what I'll be offering this year so attendees can have a bit of a heads up. You can find me and M. VanTiki in the Artis't Ally (indoors) - I'll be sculpting mugs in my booth all weekend, so be sure to stop by and say aloha!

Here are the goods (in no particular order):

•Leaky Rattles #1 and #2•
These melodious mugs hide a deep, dark secret. Is it the wonderful music they make when you shake them? Not at all! The rattles are very proud of the music they make. They are not very proud of the small crack in their bottom. Yes, my friends, these rattles can't hold their liquor. THey are for display and music making only!
One-of-a-kind hand-built sculptures in glazed stoneware. Display and music making only - will not hold fluids! Available at Tiki Oasis 11 for $250 each

•The Curious Pendants of VanTiki Island•
Anthropologists have long puzzled over the vast array of colorful pendants exhibited by the natives of VanTiki Island. Are they symbols of status? Reflections of the wearer's inner spirit? Amulets of power? Whatever the answer, all agree that they look quite spiffy.
Assorted ceramic pendants in hand-pressed glazed stoneware. Available at Tiki Oasis 11. Single color: $15, 2 color: $20, porcelain bone: $5

•The Bowchaser•
Run out your guns and prepare to repel boarders! Salvaged from a shipwreck, the natives of VanTiki island have used fire and stone to transform this mighty naval cannon into an imposing deity. Leveled at your enemy, the Bowchaser can hurl a coconut 400 yards. Aimed towards the sky, it will hold a fair amount of rum and liquor, perfect for sipping at your victory feast!
Massive one-of-a-kind sculpture in glazed stoneware with oak cradle. Available at Tiki Oasis 11 for $450

•The Stone Pitcher•
Sometimes you mix too much Mai-Tai for a mug to handle. The Stone Pitcher has patiently poured drink after drink for the honored guests of VanTiki Island chieftains throughout the centuries.
Massive one-of-a-kind sculpture in glazed stoneware. Available at Tiki Oasis 11 for $750

•The Mysterious Framed Faces of the Pike Expedition•
Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the famed Pike Bros Expedition of 1892 was not the disappearance of the entire party several weeks after steaming up the mighty VanTiki River - it was the large crate that arrived at the British Museum the following month. A crate filled with an assortment of framed faces! Scientists and anthropologists have long argued as to whether the faces belong to the members of the Pike Expedition, VanTiki natives, or someone else entirely. One thing that everyone agrees on is that the faces make a wonderful addition to your parlor, den, or lair.
One of 3 individually hand-sculpted ceramic framed faces in glazed stoneware with porcelain eyes and teeth. Available at Tiki Oasis 11 for $275 each

•VanTiki Tiles•
A variety of hand-pressed tiles pried from the walls of long-lost jungle temples. Each tile is notched on the back and ready to hand from a wall in your den or secret lair.
Assorted glazed Hand-Pressed ceramic tiles. Available at Tiki Oasis 11 for $25 each

Whew! Thank you so much for looking - and I can't wait to see you all at Oasis!

Henrik "VanTiki"


vantiki stone pitcher

Here's a missing photo of the Stone Pitcher.

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