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Tiki Central / Other Events

The 2023 Arizona Tiki Oasis thread

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Arizona Tiki Oasis is a little more than a month away—for those of you unfamiliar, it will be held in Scottsdale, AZ from April 27th - April 30th at the gorgeous Hotel Valley Ho. I went last year and had an absolute blast, so I'm going back again this year with my fiance. https://www.aztikioasis.com/

Is anyone else here going? If you are going, what do you like most about it? Any seminars or other events there that look interesting to you?

(Yes, I know it's the same weekend as Viva Las Vegas, but I'd like to steer clear of beating this sub-topic to death.)


This will be our first time attending. Not sure what to expect, but excited to attend! We have signed up for a bunch of the seminars and looking forward to what the marketplace has to offer.

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