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Sam's Seafood for So Cal INTERATIONAL TIKI DAY

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Tiki_Bong posted on 03/15/2004

Sam's Seafood is a go for International Tiki Day on Saturday August 14th, 2004.

MAXIMUM CAPACITY REACHED: Stand by for cancellations.

Bong-Pop Enterprises is proud to announce that Sam's Seafood will be the place to be for So Cal's International Tiki Day.

A night of dinner, fun and live entertainment will be included for one extremely reasonable price.

As the date approaches, more information will be provided regarding happenings in addition to the Sam's gig.

I have to have a firm headcount (sounds weird) to Sam's by August 7th.

Your reservations must be PayPal'd to Bong-Pop Enterprises by the first week in July as we need to pay Sam's by that date.

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki! (Or I'll Kill You!)

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-03-30 18:02 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/15/2004

Those going:

Tiki Bird
Polynesian Pop
Mrs Poly Pop
Mrs SugarCaddyDaddy
Madame Bong
King Kukulele (1 man band)
Bamboo Ben
Mrs Boo
Crazy Al
Mrs Arty (Tina)
ModMana spouse/friend
Spike (band)
Spike's gal
Tiki Mick (band)
Ms Tiki Mick
Ukulele Girl (band)
Ukulele Girl Friend #1
Ukulele Girl Friend #2
Little Susan
Unga Bunga
Tiki Rider
Phantom Surfer
MT Kahuna
MT Kahuna - friend
MT Kahuna - friend
Tiki Pug
Mrs Tiki Pug
DawnTiki #2
Bong friend #1
Bong friend #2
Weird Uncle Tiki - Iuka Grogg
Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa
Trader Pup
The Jab
ED (Christ on a crutch!)
Mrs Martiki
Atomic Cocktail
Vintage Girl
Purple Jade (!)
Johnnie Velour
Mrs Velour
Dr Z
Z Girl
Tikifille friend - tiki ami
Bwana Tiki
Kick the Reverb
Mrs Kick the Reverb
Man of K'eli
Kaliki Tiki
Kaliki Tiki #2
Wes (Houst of Tiki)
Wes Guest
Danny Galardo (Tiki Diablo)
Danny's Gal
Lapu's Gal
Holden (Smogbreather)
(#75)Holden's gal

Waiting List -
Mrs Tikiholic
Mrs Polynesiac

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki! (or I'll Kill you!)

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-04-01 09:15 ]

crazy al posted on 03/15/2004

me in

thejab posted on 03/15/2004

Bong, please add my name to the list right away!

thejab posted on 03/15/2004

Oh, and add my buddy Ed to the list. Christ on a crutch!

Humuhumu posted on 03/15/2004

Christ on a crutch, Ed is coming? Then I want to go twice!

thejab posted on 03/15/2004

I haven't told him about it yet, but I know he'll want to come after meeting you hoiti toitis in San Diego last year!

Traderpup posted on 03/15/2004

hey! I wanna go!

martiki posted on 03/15/2004

Hey Bong, this sounds weird too, but I'm going to enjoy saying it anyway:

Bong, please firm me up.

And you may firm up my wife as well.

PolynesianPop posted on 03/16/2004

Hang on to your hats folks -- this one is going to be bigger than last year! We've got a lot of stuff in the works for this event.

johnnievelour posted on 03/16/2004

Both Velours are in!

RevBambooBen posted on 03/16/2004

Bamboo Ben (you going?
Mrs Boo (you going?)

(stupid question!)

p.s. when's the OC Crawl????

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-03-15 20:53 ]

Doctor Z posted on 03/16/2004

The Good Doctor and Z-Girl are IN!!

Should we bring a tent??

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/16/2004

SCD party of 2.

Doctor Z wrote:
...Should we bring a tent??

Gee, I hope it's so good that it will make me pitch a tent too!

Bwana Tiki posted on 03/16/2004

You can't dodge The Bwana forever. there's a new sherrif in town son, so buck up and re-review ya list. it seems to be missing something, what could it be. hmmm... could it be a name missing from da list. so brace up, Oh Mighty God of Stinky Waters,(don't spill on the carpet)The Bwana is landing on Sams just like alls y'alls.

"they're dead, they're all mess up."

Bwana Tiki

[ Edited by: Bwana Tiki on 2004-03-16 09:54 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 03/16/2004

On 2004-03-16 09:31, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
SCD party of 2.

Doctor Z wrote:
...Should we bring a tent??

Gee, I hope it's so good that it will make me pitch a tent too!

I'm sorry SCD, if you bring a tent too it'll just be 2 tents... (Say it out loud,realize the pun, groan...)

kick_the_reverb posted on 03/16/2004

Bong, Please add the missus and me to the list.
I need to cancel in the last minute, but I doubt it.


k'eli posted on 03/17/2004

My man and I will be attending.

Kaliki Tiki posted on 03/18/2004

Sign up two for me! I love Sam's it sounds like lots of fun.

thebaxdog posted on 03/25/2004

Since everyone needs a mom?
Could you please put Wes(House of Tiki) Johnson and guest on the list.

Luckydesigns posted on 03/25/2004

What about Holden? We haven't heard much from him on this post.

Also, Bong, you'd better put Lapu and his chick on there. He likes the Sam's. My girlfriend'll be there too.

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mrsmiley posted on 03/26/2004

Mr Smiley is in the house!!! ZAZZZ!

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Tiki Bird posted on 03/26/2004

On 2004-03-25 13:50, Luckydesigns wrote:
What about Holden? We haven't heard much from him on this post.

I Believe that Holden did say he was in on Bong's 1st. thread about Int'l tiki day.

On 2004-03-13 22:34, smogbreather wrote:

[ Edited by: Tiki Bird on 2004-03-26 11:05 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Bird on 2004-03-26 11:07 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 03/26/2004

Sorry, I must be drunk.

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Tikiholic posted on 03/28/2004

We're in! The Tikiholics (aka Linda & Chris)

Just a thought...do we need some tunes for the evening? Noticed that the folks at the Cowabunga (instrumental surf music) newsgroup http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/cowabunga/ were looking for some places to play- including Sams...sounds like a good match to me..any thoughts?

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/29/2004

****** Maximum Capacity Reached ******

Unfortunately, Baxdog made me get the smaller room at Sam's for ITD, and the larger rooms were rented out long ago. We have subsequenlty reached capacity on a tentative list of TC'rs.

However, due to deaths, incarcerations, hospital stays, tax audits, allergic reactions to peanuts, introduction into the homeless population, a broken fake fingernail, and a host of other maladies, openings may become available.

I've started a WAITING LIST and the first names are:

Mrs Tikiholic.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/29/2004

Is the list updated as to who is in?

I believe some careful reading and order of response needs to be redone.

My response was accidentally(?) overlooked and MrSmiley is listed twice.

Enter The SoCal Hoity Toity Schedule
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[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2004-03-29 13:02 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/29/2004

Wow! Looking at the list again, it would seem weird NOT to have some of our regular local attendees there:

Iuka Grogg/Judd/WeirdUncleTiki
The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa
CB Howlie
Cherry Capri/FuturaGirl
BigBroTiki Girlfriend
Wersmo Derinc(Dave & Rebecca)
Suicide Sam
Holden & Mrs. TikiFarm

I guess they just don't log on as often as the rest of us, or happen to check this particular thread.....so they...umm...lose out? Hmmm....

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/29/2004

Sorry SCD,

I was taken aback by your "tent" comment and neglected to see your request. All fixed up.

(The second Mr Smiley reservation was for his alter-ego Mr Frowney)

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Mrs. B posted on 03/30/2004

Need a bigger venue?
"Tiki" Boat in Newport...ya, remember that hideous looking barge? I know one of the owners/partners and may be able to strike a deal. Holds 149...100 "comfortably" but who needs comfort. Maybe canned like sardines, we'd actually be able to place a face with a name by the end of the evening. An August night on the harbor is hard to beat.
Just a thought...and another one to add...maybe "ticket" payment should be due by June 1st (no matter what venue.) This will button down the people who will actually show and not bail out one week before the event.
Just my 2 Stones worth.
And another thing...Holden responded before we did and our 2 fabulous looking farmers are not on the list???? Whhhat? But, don't knock us off for their sake :lol:

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/30/2004

I'm about mother fucking 2 seconds from canceling the whole fucking gig. If someone else wants to organize be my fucking guest.

I'm going to decide to cancel or not on July 3rd, so start making plans...

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-03-30 09:17 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 03/30/2004

Hang in there Bongster.
Were gonna have a great FUCKING time!

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Mrs. B posted on 03/30/2004

Ahhhhhh, the Aloha Spirit. Makes you tingle inside, doesn't it?

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/30/2004

Ah, I'm OK now. It's just that I've spent a considerable amount of time and a chunk of change paying to reserve Sam's.

You have to understand that many desireable venues are booked way in advance.

People need to pay attention to what's happening on the board. I'm not "Billies" mommy making sure he knows he's got a party to go to and send him packing.

Yeah, I like to just show up to a gig and have a good time, but since none are happening that way for me, I have to organize one.

The gig goes on at Sam's. I don't really care if I'm the only one sitting in there drinking, it's at Sam's.

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laney posted on 03/31/2004

On 2004-03-29 13:23, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
Wow! Looking at the list again, it would seem weird NOT to have some of our regular local attendees there:

Iuka Grogg/Judd/WeirdUncleTiki
The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa
CB Howlie
Cherry Capri/FuturaGirl
BigBroTiki Girlfriend
Wersmo Derinc(Dave & Rebecca)
Suicide Sam
Holden & Mrs. TikiFarm

I guess they just don't log on as often as the rest of us, or happen to check this particular thread.....so they...umm...lose out? Hmmm....

Well, yes, I don't check this thread too often. I've been super busy with my Mom's many surgeries and up comming surgery, and litterally selling off my panties on ebay (quick they end in a few hours!!)
All ebay proceeds will go to new pool equiptment, and heater, I'm getting this week so maybe I can take those who can't get into International Tiki Day for a pool party at my pad! I just didn't think to check this forum as I wouldn't expect to be shut out of a party.

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MTKahuna posted on 03/31/2004

Where, Who, What do I need to do to reserve my 3 spots???

Still need a Bouncer???

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/31/2004

MT Bruddah,

Anyone who reserved has a spot. I expect there'll be a few cancellations to go to Laney's pool party, so I'm sure there'll be some open spots as the date approaches.

Let me tell you Girlscouts about a time way back in 1981. I wanted to go to a stones concert and it was sold out! What! Sold out! I told them "hey, I didn't know it was sold out!, yeah, I figured it would sell out, yeah, I waited until the last day, but shit!".

Oddly enough, I selling some of Laney's panties on ebay also in order to maybe hire some strippers for the gig!

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-03-30 18:03 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 03/31/2004

I hate having to miss so many events so I stopped looking at this one. Timing is everything....wait I thought attitude was everything.

Deleted because it doesn't make any sense.


Now back to you.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2004-03-30 19:33 ]

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Monkeyman posted on 03/31/2004

I was not aware that space was so limited so if there are any cancellations please put Mrs. Monkeyman on the list.


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[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2004-03-30 21:48 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 03/31/2004

This doesn't mean you can't still go to Sam's. We rented a banquet room, not the bar. I'm sure once the drinks get flowing, people will be doing a whole lot of moving around. If I didn't make the list, I'd go hit up the bar.

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weirduncletiki posted on 03/31/2004

I guess they just don't log on as often as the rest of us, or happen to check this particular thread.....so they...umm...lose out? Hmmm....

Well, I have been checking this thread since it first started. Of course, my gut reaction was to post, "I'll be there, sign me up, wouldn't even imagine being anywhere else!" BUT... summer tends to be a busy travel season for me so confirming so far in advance is impossible. I'm sorry to see there's a limited capacity as I'm almost certain to be able to attend(purposefully scheduling business around this date). It's a shame that just by the nature of the venue, our Hoity Toities will be scattered on this most tiki of days. It'll be a blast none the less, I'm sure. Thanks, Bong for arranging this. Please put me on a waiting list just in case.

    -Weird Unc  

p.s. How 'bout meeting up for a day at the beach before this blowout?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/31/2004


Hope I didn't cause too much of a stir for you. I certainly don't want people to think that you are intentionally leaving people out. It is true that by March, especially here in Hoity Toity-land, the (now) major venues for the next 6 months that people need to watch out for is:

Tiki Oasis
The Aloha Expo
Aloha Cruz's Da Show
International Tiki Day

Spike/LuckyDesigns is right, the main bar at Sam's will be available too, which all of us will end up at anyway after the entertainment is done. I contemplated whether or not to bring back my weekly event "reminders" as I used to do last year. I'm not sure if many people had even cared about it or if it was just a waste of webspace here. It may or may not have helped to get people to put in their reservations early, since somebody is going to be left out.

Bong, if you need help (either with ITD or to stir up some sh*t), just ask!

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/31/2004

[i]On 2004-03-31 10:24, weirduncletiki wrote
p.s. How 'bout meeting up for a day at the beach before this blowout?

Weird Unc,

I'm sure there'll be a spot for youself. And yes, we are thinking about a number of activities that weekend and it will include a beach burn (Ben's term!).

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tiki mick 1 posted on 04/01/2004

On 2004-03-31 11:36, Tiki_Bong wrote:

[i]On 2004-03-31 10:24, weirduncletiki wrote
p.s. How 'bout meeting up for a day at the beach before this blowout?

Weird Unc,

I'm sure there'll be a spot for youself. And yes, we are thinking about a number of activities that weekend and it will include a beach burn (Ben's term!).

Bong, can we have a jimmy buffett effigy burn?

Die Buff-ay die!!!!!!!!!!

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JohnnyRottenTiki posted on 04/01/2004

Hey Bong!!?? What if our "signifigant others" are on "the list" but I'm not (i.e. Cheekygirl and me)?? Will I have to sit on her lap or will I be condemmed to the far away bar land?? Just curious.

Oh! and before I forget..... if you need a drummer for any of the musical festivities, consider my help. Anything I can also do to help, consider it done.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/01/2004

On 2004-03-31 18:08, JohnnyRottenTiki wrote:
Hey Bong!!?? What if our "signifigant others" are on "the list" but I'm not (i.e. Cheekygirl and me)?? Will I have to sit on her lap or will I be condemmed to the far away bar land?? Just curious.

Oh! and before I forget..... if you need a drummer for any of the musical festivities, consider my help. Anything I can also do to help, consider it done.


Unfortunately, Sam's said they enforce the fire code of 75 people in the room. I will put your name on the waiting list, and as history tells me, the first 5 people on the list will more than likely get in.

Hate to seem like an a-hole (well, sometimes) but the laws the law and burning to death sucks (just as Great White).

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Polynesiac posted on 04/01/2004

Well, I obviously missed this one...procrastinators RULE!
It would be cool if you could add me and the Mrs. to the waiting list, but even if we don't get into "the event", we'll be at the bar to celebrate anyway.

Thanks for setting this event up and doing all the organizing and everything, I know it can't be easy.

btw...was there ever mention of a "venders area" for this? Or am I thinking of something else?

RevBambooBen posted on 04/02/2004

Just got back from the Reef Bar @ Caliente do'in a little fixin with my main man Mr. C'Al. Got a call from Bong the other night about this post (no computer access out there)and had no idea what was going on. Anyway, got to talkin with C'Al and we came up with a solution for this dilemma. I rented the Tiki Boat on Int. Tiki Day (8/14), out of Balboa from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. This is what we have lined up so far. There is a 1/2 hour pre party and a 1/2 hour after party. Full Hawaiian buffet. 3.00 Mai Tai's. Beer and Wine 2.00. (barf bags extra! Arrrr!!) And, APE (the band) will be playing on the boat. All this so far for 20.00 a head. The only drag is that there is a limit (for weight on the boat) so we'll have 125 spots available, instead of the full capacity of 140. Anyway, I'll have full info tomorrow and will post. (working on Tiki Farm as I write for the event mug. Also have a few other suprises in the line up and am working on a hotel down there for a group rate.) Hope this will work for everyone.

p.s. The Reef Bar is a lot better than it was last year. Wait to you see the tikis that C'Al carved. Nobody will know the work he put into it except he and I and the few mid week guests that were trippin' out on what he was doing. They face the pool and hold up the roof on the Lanai. He lives up to his name!!!

Pages: 1 2 77 replies