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Tiki Central / Tiki Gallery

Velvet painting

Pages: 1 5 replies

Gwen posted on Thu, May 19, 2022 8:24 PM

My goodness, what a wonderful thing to have Tiki Central back up!! Here is my latest velvet, a portrait of Dorothy Lamour in her jungle princess persona.281029578_10223766487333369_2207918774342887313_n

[ Edited by Gwen on 2022-05-19 20:52:26 ]

Hmmm... my image doesn't seem to be loading...

Hamo posted on Thu, May 19, 2022 10:19 PM

Cool, cool, cool.

Also, welcome back.

This is stunning....just beautiful. The use of blue on the face is mesmerizing.


Great Work

Gwen I hope you will post every Hawaiian/Tiki related black velvet you have done here. I'm so happy that Tiki Central is up and running again. It's really the best place to share your art. You will inspire so many people to give it a try.

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