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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

The Wilder Inferno - Chicago, IL

Pages: 1 14 replies

TikiFan posted on 08/15/2023

Hi All, I haven't been here in the last 10 years or so but have still been collecting. I'm now ready to start building my tiki bar. It started yesterday with the demo of my basement, all the way down to the brick and limestone. I'll be posting my progress here and look forward to any comments good or bad.

Day 1 IMG_20230804_160226

hang10tiki posted on 08/16/2023

Get er goin

Drink in hand

Have fun

TikiFan posted on 08/16/2023

No work done in the basement yesterday. Discovered an unused gas line and didn't have the correct tools at home to move it. I made this light instead.


MadDogMike posted on 08/16/2023

TikiFan, enjoy the ride and keep us posted!

TikiFan posted on 08/23/2023

An update about clean up isn't vey exciting, so here is another light I'm making.


BeachcomberNC posted on 09/17/2023

Interesting space, can’t wait to see how it looks after cleanup. Lamps look great, how did you make them?

TikiFan posted on 09/18/2023

I didn't take pictures when I was making the lamps. Here's the finished 2nd one. I've only had 2 days to really work on the bar, updated picture.

lamp bar

TikiFan posted on 09/22/2023

The bar sink fits!!

bar sink

bamalamalu posted on 09/25/2023

Holy cow!

ECTiki posted on 09/25/2023

That sink is massive! Great progress. I can’t wait to see more.

Nice lamp. Are the tiles made from ceramic?

The tiles are made from foam. I made one and took it to a ceramics place. It was expensive, $40 each, and would've taken them 2 months to make 10 tiles. I made the tiles in 6 hours and 6 hours to put it together. It cost about $30.

TikiFan posted on 10/08/2023

I bought a few jade tiles from Tampa about six weeks ago and they've been sitting on my desk. Couple days ago I'm sitting at my desk and I see something out of the corner of my eye run behind some papers, I move them and it jumps up and into the little hole at the end of the tile. I got it out of the tile and into my kitchen sink.


My best guess is it was inside one of the tiles and got a free ride from FedEx to Chicago, from Tampa. It's about six inches long. I caught it and took it to a pet store nearby.

[ Edited by TikiFan on 2023-10-08 22:04:44 ]

TikiFan posted on 12/23/2023


[ Edited by TikiFan on 2024-04-07 19:52:27 ]

TikiFan posted on 04/08/2024

Haven't updated in a while. Things are getting closer. I still need to add lighting. Here's a teaser picIMG_20240407_214047

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