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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2023

The Black Velvet Wish of Derreck Heritage is finished. Here are photos in regular light then with UV light. The photos done the same way but with the painting in its frame. This has been a fun project. I never know what I will paint next until the wisher tells me. I love working with a person and their idea.

BEST Derreck Heritage Enchanted Tiki Room Black Velvet(5)BEST Derreck Heritage Enchanted Tiki Room Black Velvet(13)Framed Derreck Heritage Enchanted Tiki Room Black Velvet(228)Framed Derreck Heritage Enchanted Tiki Room Black Velvet(229)

danlovestikis posted on 11/17/2023

Went to a 25,000 square foot antique mall for a walk. Saw tikis every so often.

Roseville Treasure Trove (1)Roseville Treasure Trove (2)

Saw a set of shakers. I said to Dan the set we have just says Otigiri. Let's get these. We did and I was right. He was impressed since we haven't touched the shakers in many years. Roseville Treasure Trove (16)Roseville Treasure Trove (17)

It's fun to give in once in a while.

MadDogMike posted on 11/18/2023

Wendy, that Black Velvet/Black Light came out AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for sharing with us <3

danlovestikis posted on 11/18/2023

Ah, thank you MadDogMike.

danlovestikis posted on 11/22/2023

Kelly B. posted her Frank mugs on facebook. It's really to see who ordered them. Dennis at Frankoma keeps selling out and then figures out the next color. If you call he'll put you on a waiting list for new color versions and he'll give you a call. Kelly Brennan (1)Kelly Brennan (2)

In 2023 via Ancestry, I met 3 cousins and parts of their families. This is my cousin Sally and her husband Dick. They also love Hawaii and tikis. When they found out I had a new mug out they bought a couple. They are displayed in the smallest room of their home! Dick and Sally Daniels posted 11 21 23

Fun times.

danlovestikis posted on 11/22/2023

Ray Wyland with his Frank mug.

Ray Wyland with red frank mug

Gregory Smith makes really cool tiki lamps. The front one with a Gecko mug and the back one with a Tiki Crate mug I made.

lamp with tiki crate greg smith

danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2023

We started Thanksgiving early. First Black Bear Diner. We started a few days earlier. DSCF3753DSCF3755

Then Sky River Casino. DSCF3757DSCF3759!

At home. DSCN9060DSCN9061DSCN9063

Then at our dear friends Wylee Raven and Eva's. DSCF3760DSCF3770 The meal was to be a fusion Japanese and American. We brought the Japanese Beer. 11 15 23 searching for Japanese Beer (1)11 15 23 searching for Japanese Beer (2) Also an ice chest and ice. They had the same plus more beer!!! DSCF3765DSCF3771 A wonderful time for all 17 of us. DSCF3763DSCF3767DSCF3779DSCF3785

Now it's time to think of fun in December. Cheers, Wendy

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 11/25/2023

And now I'm hungry again! Looks mighty tasty!

Or Got Rum? posted on 11/27/2023

Wendy... A) The Velvet came out Dynamite! B)The Mugs look sweet C) The Food Porn is great

danlovestikis posted on 11/28/2023

coldwarspacemonkey it was really a treat. It's fun to have new flavors. They are so nice to invite us each year to be with their family. I hope you found something good to cure your hunger pangs.

Or Got Rum? A) thank you so much, I had fun doing it twice. Once with regular paint and then again with florescent paint. B) It is wonderful to have my hands back in clay and to work for Frankoma Pottery again. C) I will have to tell Wylee Raven and Eva what you said, they will love that.

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2023

We recently saw this in a store in Sutter Creek, CA. Not a favorite style for us with the human head on top but it's a legitimate Hawaiian style.

11 8 23 Jackson Sutter Creek Sutter Greek Ione Hearld (3)

danlovestikis posted on 12/03/2023

We were recently in a thrift store and saw these mugs. OA what's that? I really didn't think I knew the answer. I posted and was told it was Oceanic Arts. Dang I should have bought them. Too far away to return to snag them.

11 9 23 Nevada City El Tapitio in Auburn  (21)11 9 23 Nevada City El Tapitio in Auburn  (22)

Or Got Rum? posted on 12/11/2023

Sweet OA mugs...maybe they will ship?

danlovestikis posted on 12/12/2023

Or Got Rum? I called them and left a message, no reply. I found an email address for the store and wrote to them, no reply. Then a month after our first trip we got in the car and did another day trip to Grass Valley.

On the way we stopped at the store. Due to open at 10 am. At 10:15 am someone finally arrived and unlocked the door. The mugs had been moved but Dan found them and we bought them. They are now on display in our tiki jungle room. It was a fun day.

12 5 23 Grass Valley and OA mugs (2)12 5 23 Grass Valley and OA mugs (3)

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2023-12-11 19:40:36 ]

Or Got Rum? posted on 12/12/2023


MadDogMike posted on 12/12/2023

Very cool! Glad you were able to go back and find them

danlovestikis posted on 12/13/2023

Or Got Rum and MadDogMike, thank you. They were there for an entire month before we returned. A lucky break.

MaukaHale posted on 12/13/2023

A nice find in the wild!

hang10tiki posted on 12/14/2023

Wait, u bought 2 mugs. Oh boy, here it goes again!!!


danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2023

MaukaHale one we passed up until we heard from Swanky and Babalu telling us to go get them. It was a month before we returned and were really surprised to find them still there.

hang10tiki plus those sun god shakers! Once a tiki hunter always a tiki hunter. As Dan sorts out and lets go of tiki albums we have empty shelves. I've been filling them with Frankoma mugs I've made but right now these mugs just fit right in!

Tattoo posted on 12/20/2023

Whoa!!! How cool and never seen that before. I know that mug was initially designed by Stella Bodey and made by Spurlin. Spurlin and Stella Bodey worked hand in hand with Oceanic Arts. Around 1966 Spurlin (Stella Bodey) sold all their tiki molds to Desert Ceramics and Beauce Canada. Beauce's tiki line is all Spurlin mugs and bowls. Desert Ceramics also has quite few mugs based on Spurlin molds. Desert Ceramics was located in Palm Desert and also worked closely with Oceanic Arts and made mugs for them like the Mahi Mahi mug. So most likely Spurlin sold or borrowed this mold to Oceanic Arts (or Desert Ceramics). Desert Ceramics then made this mug for Oceanic Arts. I think there's both a Beauce and Desert Ceramics version of this mug as well.

So I would guess circa 1966, designed by Stella Bodey manufactured by Desert Ceramics for Oceanic Arts.

Anyhow, I have never seen this version of this mug before. Crypto for sure. And the only other mug with the famed OA logo on it is the OA Cobra's Fang mug. Great score.

danlovestikis posted on 12/23/2023

Tattoo thank you so much for your detailed description of the mugs. We were truly amazed that they were still waiting for us a month later. We are happy to display them for now. I love all your information. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/26/2023

Merry Christmas Tiki Buddies. We wish you a wonderful New Year.

12 15 23 Christmas at the museum with santa clause (13)

We celebrated Eva's birthday (yes, it is on 12/25/23) today at Macaroni Grill. We had a lot of fun conversations going. 12 25 23 Christmas with Dave and Eva (1)12 25 23 Christmas with Dave and Eva (2)12 25 23 Christmas with Dave and Eva (3)12 25 23 Christmas with Dave and Eva (5)

hang10tiki posted on 12/26/2023

Merry Christmas

Looks like you 2 had a good day



danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2023

Thank you, Jon, we did. I bet you did too! Happy Holidays to you and Janelle. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2023

Sporting a couple Wendy necklaces


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2024-01-28 20:45:20 ]

danlovestikis posted on 01/02/2024

hang10tiki I tried to load your photos too and it didn't work. Could you do them again? ![](Uploading IMG_4692.png…)![](Uploading IMG_4693.png…)![DSCF4244]

We went to Sky River Prime for New Years. Nothing tiki but our shirts and a good time. I talked Dan into a tomahawk steak. Big mistake. I didn't know Prime could be so marbled with fat. Great taste and horrible cholesterol. It was fun though. DSCF4244 (/uploads/251/659440f8c439a.jpg)DSCF4246DSCF4247DSCF4256 PS yes there was more to our meal than steak.

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2024-01-02 09:04:59 ]

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/09/2024

Now that's a proper TOMAHAWK Rib Steak! Happy New Years!

danlovestikis posted on 01/10/2024

Or Got Rum? We would never buy one again. When the leftovers came out of the refrigerator for slicing it was so full of fat it was gross. I know, more flavor but that's not us. Dan cooked it and squeezed out the fat into paper towels. tamahalk steak leftovers posted fb 1 4 24 (2)

We visited some friends and I photographed some of my art on display in their home. I made all the Tiki Bobs in the first photo. In the necklace photo I did the bumatay and the seahorse. DSCF4305DSCF4306DSCF4307DSCF4308DSCF4309DSCF4310

Then to lunch at Elia's Greet restaurant and then home. I will repair this Tiki Crate mug for her. She won it with the chip on eBay. I'm happy to fix one of my creations. DSCF4319P1090034

MadDogMike posted on 01/14/2024

You obviously don't live in earthquake country. I would never put anything that heavy and fragile on an upper shelf LOL

danlovestikis posted on 01/14/2024

MDM those at at someone else's home. But we don't live in an earthquake area but they do!

Derreck has now hung the painting I did for him at his home and he got a UV light strip to put below.

Regular light. Derreck Heritage

UV light. Derreck Heritage 2Derreck Herittage 3

Dan and I built a jungle so we could use vines to hide all the chords.

hang10tiki posted on 01/14/2024

Looks great

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/14/2024

Looks Great Hanging Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/15/2024

hang10tiki and OGR thank you. I really appreciate those who send me a photo after it's hung. I need to suggest a vine to cover the cord!

Hamo posted on 01/16/2024

I've been sorting and cleaning recently, and look what I rediscovered. Remember sending me this three years ago, when TC was down?


danlovestikis posted on 01/17/2024

Hamo, what a fun thing to see again. That was right near my retirement (which hasn't lasted at all). We have been friends a long time. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/17/2024

Repairing a chip takes a lot of steps to be successful. Here are some of them. Wet the chip with water. The wood putty will not crack when drying if it dries slowly. Also, it sticks better to wet bisque fired clay.

I add a thin layer of wood putty and let it dry overnight. I did this 3 times for this big chip. Once it's dried, I sand it flat to match the rest of the surfaces. Then I carve in the detail.

I clean it off and painted it black. I wiped it off the raised surfaces and then mixed paint to blend it in. Not perfect but close. Then when this paint was dry I sprayed it with a glossy fix to make the glossiness match the rest of the mug.

It's good enough to display now. It was fun working on one of my Tiki Crate mugs done for Forbidden Island.   P1090035P1090036P1090037P1090038P1090039P1090043 DSCN9451 DSCN9454DSCN9455

P1090066P1090069P1090070P1090071 DSCN9473DSCN9474

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2024-01-17 09:45:21 ]

danlovestikis posted on 01/23/2024

My husband Dan was notified that my tiki mug for the Coral Reef came in #7 in the top 10 butts of all time post. An honor for sure. This is on The Search For Tikis facebook page.


hang10tiki posted on 01/29/2024

Fixed the pics on my 12/30 post above

Fixed good as new

Nice butt mug. lol

danlovestikis posted on 01/30/2024

I forgot I gave you a Tramp Stamp necklace! I'll post that photo on my fb page.

Or Got Rum? posted on 01/30/2024

Congrats Wendy...sweeet azz 🍑🍑 mug

danlovestikis posted on 02/01/2024

Or Got Rum? thank you I will tell Dan.

hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2024

Hana said “hi”


danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2024

DSCN9489 So cute. I just posted this on fb. The Terminator kitty that comes for dinner each night. I recently found out he visits our neighbor EJ each morning.

DSCN9389 This red cat belongs to Julie across the street. We feed many animals.

Scardy Cat is ours. cats and critters posted fb  (2)

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2024-02-06 09:28:16 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/08/2024

👁️ 👁️

danlovestikis posted on 02/20/2024


I'm almost done sculpting #2 of 5 more projects for Frankoma. I miss painting.

danlovestikis posted on 02/26/2024

Two done and working on a third for Frankoma. Meanwhile someone needed a mug fixed and I said send it to me. It came from Florida and will end up in Hawaii. I'll be posting the steps here.

Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (5)Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (6) Michael bought it with the chip because it was #1 of 80.

Steps, wet the white surface. Cover with wood putty and then clean it off the glazed parts. Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (7)Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (10)Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (12)Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (13)Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/65dbe4233192f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=eed1666f08d3c32bed9e306430d14507Michael Perry repair 2 23 24 (14)Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/65dbe41ee2070.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=67ea175a2c0214be16bec5f03fb7d5ab

I repeated these steps 4 more times in 4 more days.

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2024-02-26 17:11:33 ]

Or Got Rum? posted on 02/26/2024

Cool Process steps...Thanks..

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