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Rongo Rongo - Mr. Moai & The Tikiheads

Pages: 1 3 replies

Mai Tai Mike posted on 01/19/2024

My latest single, Rongo Rongo, featuring the great Kane Manakoora of the Manakooras, just went live on most streaming services, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, etc. Please check it out. You can also purchase a digital download from mrmoai.com or Bandcamp.


[ Edited by Mai Tai Mike on 2024-01-19 07:27:06 ]

[ Edited by Mai Tai Mike on 2024-01-19 07:29:10 ]

Mai Tai Mike posted on 02/29/2024

No, both sites charge $1 for a single download. It is also available for streaming on virtually every music streaming service, Spotify, Apple Music, etc.

MrFab posted on 03/01/2024

Here's the correct Bandcamp link: https://mrmoai.bandcamp.com/track/rongo-rongo-feat-kane-manakoora

Very groovy tune! Apart from the slide guitar, I also appreciate some cool organ.

[ Edited by MrFab on 2024-03-13 15:17:25 ]

Thanks for the Bandcamp correction! Probably a Mai Tai involved when I was typing it.

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