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Tiki Central / California Events

Caliente Tropics 15, May 2-5 2024

Pages: 1 19 replies

MadDogMike posted on 02/06/2024


OK, who is going? I'd like to say hello in person

Krisdrama posted on 02/18/2024

David and I will be there!

I'll be there as well and would love to say "hello" to everyone!!!

Tiki RED it's gonna be a party! I'm excited :D

I'll be there MDM. Also going to AZTO the weekend before.

[ Edited by swizzle on 2024-03-07 00:42:32 ]

You'll be easy to find Swizzle, just look for the commotion! LOL

I will be there for sure!

See ya there PinTiki!!!

bamalamalu posted on 05/02/2024

I'm here - hope to see you guys around!

Whooohooo! I think I have a mental image of you (I've slept since then LOL) I will keep an eye out for you <3

GROG posted on 05/02/2024

GROG wish GROG could go. GROG miss Marina and seeing Tiki friends. Maybe GROG can come up for a day on Saturday. Not sure if GROG able to finagle a way into Caliente, though.

MadDogMike posted on 05/02/2024

GROGman! TikiCaliente has always been open to the public Saturday until 4pm. I assume it's the same this year but I will try to confirm. It would be good to see you!

GROG, open to the public on Sunday not Saturday

GROG open to the public on Sunday, not Saturday. Hope to see you

Aw man, probably can't go on Sunday. Although... I might be able to get the guys I was meeting up with on Sunday to do Saturday instead. I'll see what I can swing.

GROG posted on 05/03/2024

Good news, for me at least. My buddies were able to rearrange things so that we get together on Saturday which leaves Sunday open for me to head over to Palm Springs for a day at Caliente Tropics. Looking forward to seeing whoever's there. But especially, Marina!! GROGloveMarina

[ Edited by ernimator on 2024-05-03 08:50:28 ]

MadDogMike posted on 05/04/2024

Sounds good Ernie, I will look for you on Sunday!

GROG posted on 05/04/2024

I decided to grow my hair out, so may look a little different. OIP

bamalamalu posted on 05/08/2024

Aw, dud that I missed GROG. But it was great to see you, MDM and Swizzle!

Great to meet you bamalamalu.

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