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New exotica tune from Mr. Moai & The Tikiheads

Pages: 1 8 replies

Mai Tai Mike posted on 06/17/2024

Mr. Moai & The Tikiheads just released another tune more in the exotica genre. Tahitian Twilight, features once again Mark Riddle (Marty Lush) on vibes and Kane Manakoora of The Manakooras on steel guitar. Milton Moai is playing everything else! You can hear it on almost every streaming music service. If you want to purchase it you can do so at mrmoai.com and on Bandcamp. Hope you like it.

ClayBouTiki posted on 06/18/2024

On my way! Thank you!

sailorsolomon posted on 06/18/2024

Excellent share, this is beautiful. Thanks!

Another excellent tune!! And hey! I love those vibes LOL

It's a privilege and an honor to work with the one and only Marty Lush!

ClayBouTiki posted on 06/22/2024

Just listened to this wonderful track! Thank you for the music! Are this track and Senior Moai indicative of a full album coming out?

Thank you very much. Glad you like the tunes. I have one more coming out on July 3rd, Sugar Cane Spirits. I had planned on releasing them all together as a EP but decided instead to trickle them out over a few months. Always working on more music and I am involved in an album project with several well know musicians in the tiki world. More on that later.

kevincrossman posted on 06/28/2024

It's very good

Thank you very much!

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