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Tiki Oasis 2024: Way Out West

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Hamo posted on 02/18/2024

Thought about checking https://www.tikioasis.com and see that Baby Doe and Otto have a placeholder up for this year's event.


Dates are July 31-August 4, and the theme is "Way Out West." It also says tickets and hotel rooms at Town & Country will go on sale sometime in March.

PineappleWhip posted on 03/01/2024

Hamo Thanks for starting this thread !! I noticed that they have started posting info about Arizona Tiki Oasis, but, I haven't seen anything else about San Diego Tiki Oasis yet.

Hamo posted on 04/03/2024

Unfortunately, mostly due to timing and things at work, I will probably not be able to make it to this year's Oasis, but I do hope you all can still have fun without me....

PineappleWhip posted on 04/04/2024

Hamo I keep hoping that somehow magically you will be able to attend. You will be missed if you can’t make it, but, I’ll still keep my fingers crossed.

PineappleWhip posted on 04/07/2024

Just a quick update: Tickets for wristbands and hotel go on sale this Wednesday - April 10th at 6pm thru the new website:


this new website link was found from their regular website: https://www.tikioasis.com/

Looking forward to seeing everyone there. We are crossing our fingers to get a hotel room again, always seems to be a crazy dash to get a room. Good Luck everyone !!

PineappleWhip posted on 06/03/2024

I'm curious....

Who is going to Tiki Oasis SD this year?

Tiki Oasis just announced that Al Jardine and his Endless Summer Band will be headlining on Saturday Aug 3. We can't wait. Should be a great night !!

I'm thinking of going for the first time. Not sure of what to expect, I live in the area so I'll be commuting.

kevincrossman posted on 07/07/2024

My first TO San Diego (and I'm presenting on Thursday - come to my session about Rum in a Mai Tai).

Congrats, Kevin. Break a leg. Another reason to be sorry that I'm not making it this year.

ALOHA !! Mal Hopefully you can get a chance to go. Did you get your wristbands? Apparently they still have some available. Officially you can hang out on site up until 3pm, but then you have to have a wristband. There are some great bands performing on the Main Stage (main stage starts at 5pm "ish") You are very welcome to our room party ( I will post on here in a bit)....it will be Fri Aug 2 from 2:15pm-4pm.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them on this thread...there's a few people that can give you a variety of answers. But, in a nutshell: There is more to do than you will have time for, so, you can look at the schedule, and see if there is anything interesting.

Hope that we bump into each other...and we can say hello.



Posted on 06/12/2024 in reply to PineappleWhip Reply

I'm thinking of going for the first time. Not sure of what to expect, I live in the area so I'll be commuting.

kevincrossman We are very excited that we are going to your seminar !!! When I saw you're name, that was one of the first things I said to [@Mele Ipo] ... Oh my goodness....it would be great to shake his hand and say hello...after all this time seeing you on TC.

Looking forward to it very much !!

PineappleWhip posted on 07/25/2024

We are going to throw another room party at Tiki Oasis San Diego on Fri Aug 2 at 2:15pm - 4pm .... here is the flyer...


...and here is some others that I have seen to post here for the archives:




these are also posted on www.tikitimewarp.com and hopefully more will be posted once they are released.

Hope to see some TC'ers there. If you see us, say hello :) Cheers!!

  • PineappleWhip

[ Edited by PineappleWhip on 2024-07-25 13:41:01 ]

Thanks for the kind words and also thanks for posting the party details. I had no idea there was a website dedicated to the topic (it makes my niche Mai Tai site seem practically mainstream).

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2024-07-25 15:20:36 ]

I tried to keep up with posting the party flyers that I found (for historical sake), but, actually there are several sponsor parties that are making flyers anymore. I heard from one that the party makes enough noise that everyone knows where they are, and that they are all next to each other....(which is true at Town & Country).

The party website is a labor of love, and there is still a lot more that can be added to it....but, time is a premium.

Regardless, I am looking forward to your seminar, and hopefully we will see you around after that. Cheers !!

Yes, I believe you're right about tickets. I even got a "there's still time" email yesterday indicating there are rooms available at the Town & Country.

Hope everyone has a great time.

B Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4456/623a931cd87eb.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=6a926d24783ebcc558792b34f2c8a18d
bamalamalu posted on 08/06/2024

Sorry to miss meeting up with everyone this year; I was only there Sunday for a quick spin through the marketplace, then back for the bands that night.

Hope everyone had fun.

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