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What the heck is Rose Mint?

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arriano posted on 08/06/2024

I've come across two different cocktails from maybe the 1950s or 1960s that call for Rose Mint (aka Rosemint). I was wondering if anyone here has heard of it. My thought is that maybe it was simply a pink creme de menthe, but I don't know for sure. A Google search came up with nothing helpful.

The first mention I found of rose mint was in a description of a cocktail called the Coral Reef on an old menu from the Bali Hai in San Diego. My initial thought was that it was referring to the plant -- a variety of mint called rose mint -- and used like a mint julep or mojito.

But I recently got a copy of an old menu from the Aku Aku in Las Vegas, where someone (presumably a bartender) wrote out the recipes for most of the drinks. For a drink called the Mana Cocktail (Firefly), the recipe calls for 1/4 oz Rosemint, which made me think it must be in some kind of liquid form.

So, I remain baffled. Thoughts?

coralreef posted on 09/04/2024

Perhaps a syrup made with Rosemary and mint?

Prikli Pear posted on 09/04/2024

Without any evidence whatsoever, I would suggest this is a syrup made from a rosemint tea base. Rose mint tea isn't super common but it's available online and can easily be made at home. I know teas have been popular cocktail components from as far back as colonial days with their arrack punches. That's my guess--it's the best I've got.

That's an interesting guess. I just thought it was surprising that it's listed for two different tiki bars in two different cities, but seemingly nowhere else. Maybe I'll experiment a bit. Thanks

coralreef posted on 09/16/2024

I found this:


Rosemary Mint Syrup.

Also: https://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/mint-and-rosemary-infused-simple-syrup

Mint & Rosemary Infused Simple Syrup

[ Edited by coralreef on 2024-09-15 17:52:11 ]

arriano posted on 09/17/2024

Thanks Prikli Pear and coralreef for your comments. The rosemint tea syrup idea is intriguing. While interesting, I have my doubts that rosemary would have been an ingredient in these cocktails.

Whatever it was, I wonder if "rosemint" was a commercial product or if two different bars created "homemade" versions.

Hi! It was a commercial product -- Garnier Rosemint -- was used in 1953 in a cocktail called the Firefly (1/3 Rosemint, 1/3 Creme de Cacao, 1/3 milk or cream over ice).

It's described as a mint liqueur that is "blushing pink" (appears in US newspaper ads)

Wow, thanks flatlander. I've asked all over and your the only person who knew! Following your tip, I found mention of it on the menu for the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Plaza in New York -- described as a pink creme de menthe. Thank you!

You're welcome arriano! If you wanted to try to make the cocktails, I guess you could try a white/clear creme de menthe substitute with a neutral pink addition. Not sure if grenadine would work or if it would change the flavor profile. Others on this forum will know better.

There is a Canadian product that sounds similar: Crème de Menthe Arthur

[ Edited by flatlander on 2024-09-30 17:50:58 ]

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