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Thrift-Store Mystery Tiki

Pages: 1 3 replies

MrFab posted on 09/15/2024


I saw this yesterday, for $30. What the what..? It isn’t setting on a bed of hay, or thatch, or whatever it is. It’s attached to it.

The other shot is looking down on it, so you can see what looks like seashells. It flips open and there’s a hole in the top of the head, so I guess you could use it as a planter or something.

Any ideas?

Holofernes posted on 09/16/2024

What a fun find! My guess is it's most likely African inspired - the raffia is the biggest clue, and sea shells were one material incorporated in traditional African masks along with seeds, feathers, etc.

One example with raffia, in a similar vein;

[ Edited by Holofernes on 2024-09-16 05:45:25 ]

MrFab posted on 09/17/2024

Well done! I think you’re right. So it’s probably from the Congo, not Polynesia.

That site is asking roughly $250, so $30 at the Goodwill is a steal.

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