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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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danlovestikis posted on 01/23/2025

I have begun the next painting from the Wish List. This one is for Todd Locker.

He picked his frame, lower left, he sent me a list of the items he wants in the painting and all the photo references. I printed those and went to work. This is a multi place painting. Kauai's Bali Hai in the background, an Easter Island Moai, Indonesian style huts. I've started with the requested moon and clouds. Stars to follow at the end.

1 7 251 10 25 (4)1 13 25  (1)1 15 25 sky (2)

danlovestikis posted on 01/23/2025

Next step I've started the Moai, he will change over time. Then I did the waterline and added green to Bali Hai.


hang10tiki posted on 01/24/2025

Off to a good start

Can’t wait for all the progress pics

danlovestikis posted on 01/24/2025

Thank you hang10tiki. He wants to see them as I paint so I'll be posting here often.

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2025-01-24 09:24:47 ]

MadDogMike posted on 01/24/2025

Moai!!! Looking great!

danlovestikis posted on 01/25/2025

MadDogMike, thank you. I will be working on him until the very end.

I forgot to show that when I do something with stone I paint it upside down to start with. Then it will feel rough, even after many layers. Here are a few more of those. P1100801P1100845P1100847

danlovestikis posted on 01/28/2025

The black velvet painting for Todd is coming along. I printed the kind of huts he wanted and outlined them. Then afterwards I began to paint.


danlovestikis posted on 01/30/2025

More steps for Todd Locker's black velvet wish. If you have painted an area and it's glossy where it should be flat you can rough it up with sandpaper.

6 (1)6 (3)6 (5)6 (8)6 (10)

It's coming along!

danlovestikis posted on 02/01/2025

I have now painted the grassy hill the Moai is perched on. I also did more on the huts and added my name. Nothing is done until the end. I go back over and over again. There's a lot left to do.

8 (1)8 (3)8 (4)P1100917P1100918

hang10tiki posted on 02/01/2025

Looks like Mad Dogs hut 🛖

danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2025

hang10tiki I've forgotten what his hut looks like, shame on me!

Time to do the small outrigger and the volcano with lava for Todds wish.


danlovestikis posted on 02/07/2025

Time to post more steps on Todd Locker's black velvet wish painting.


This is a fun one to do and there are so many more steps to accomplish. Cheers.

MaukaHale posted on 02/08/2025

The A frame structures show a lot of depth. Looking forward to seeing the finished painting.

danlovestikis posted on 02/09/2025

MaukaHale thank you, I try.

More steps for Todd's painting. This is an example of how many layers it takes to paint on black velvet. Layer One P1100979P1100981 Layer Two P1100982 Layer Three showing the first hut done and then all three. P1100984P1100985P1100986 Layer Four P1100987P1100988

The black velvet is like a sponge. I also have to let each layer dry before doing the next one.

The huts have the entrance in the floor at the back. The window wall faces the ocean and can't be seen. There is a lot yet to do. Ocean, beach, torches, palm trees and tropical plants. One step at a time.

MadDogMike posted on 02/11/2025

Love those huts and the glow of the lamps!

danlovestikis posted on 02/11/2025

Thank you MadDogMike, I love your Moai!

Time to jazz up the backs of the huts.


danlovestikis posted on 02/13/2025

Today I did the start on the beach, the ocean, the steam at the base of the volcano where lava hits the water, then I practiced doing a fine line and then did the nets on the hanging lights. The one on the left needs a fix. I didn't see the thicker line until posting.


Next up will be the tropical plants and tiki torches.

danlovestikis posted on 02/15/2025

I checked out the frame Todd choose to see how it's going. Just fine. Then I worked on one palm frond after the next until I had a palm tree. It still needs more layers.


danlovestikis posted on 02/17/2025

Working on 4 palm trees one layer at a time.


danlovestikis posted on 02/19/2025

More steps. This time I added gardens around the huts and then a walkway.


danlovestikis posted on 02/21/2025

This is how I made a mirror image of the lava flow, so it reflected in the ocean water.

I made a window of plastic wrap. 1 (1) I did a layer of paint matching the lava flow. 1 (2)! After pressing it down on the black velvet only this was left on the plastic wrap. 1 (3)

2 (5) 1 (3)

Once the lines were in place I touched them up.

2 (3)2 (4)

I guess I need to do this for the clouds and mountains too.

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2025-02-21 10:07:25 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/23/2025


Just wow

danlovestikis posted on 02/23/2025

hang10tiki I really appreciate that comment. Thank you, wow!

Since I did the reflection of the lava, I had to do the same for the Bali Hai mountains and the clouds. I kept them muted so they didn't take over the painting. Too busy.


danlovestikis posted on 02/25/2025

I added a rock border and some plants all the way across. I also did another layer on the palm fronds of each palm tree. No area is finished until the end.

12 (1)12 (4)12 (5)12 (7)

danlovestikis posted on 02/27/2025

I'm going really slow with this painting. After almost ruining it with the second outrigger today I just fine tuned some palm fronds and added a path along the new garden.


danlovestikis posted on 02/28/2025

Started work on 2 tiki torches.

Todd Locker Bali Hai (181)Todd Locker Bali Hai (182)

danlovestikis posted on 03/02/2025

What I paint is tiny compared to these enlarged photos.

I worked on the tiki torches and then went to work on a bamboo fence. I made a tiny tool out of a paperclip so I could to the black indentation at the top of each bamboo section.

15 (1)15 (5)20 (4)20 (6)20 (9)21

The fence is not done, more to come.

hang10tiki posted on 03/03/2025


1000 hrs a painting

Looking good Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 03/04/2025

Ha ha ha, your guess was close. I tell the person who wishes for a painting that I don't do deadlines. I just slowly bring it to life. Thank you.

Accomplished today.

Three thick layers of black paint for 4 masks on the bamboo fence.


They will stand out from the fence like a real mask would.

[ Edited by danlovestikis on 2025-03-03 20:00:20 ]

Hamo posted on 03/04/2025

More great black velvet, Wendy! I think of you and Dan every time I look at one of your pieces in my collection. I'm long overdue for a hug, so hopefully you're planning on Tiki Oasis this August.

danlovestikis posted on 03/05/2025



I agree! I'm going to try to sign in for tickets and a room. If we get them, we will be at Tiki Oasis San Diego. But I'm not holding out much hope. Let me know if you are in our area. Hugs, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 03/06/2025

It was time to paint the (size of my little fingernail) masks. I used a brush with one hair. I went very slowly. These images are huge, the masks look better when smaller.


Too small for detail. Todd's cats looks like zombies. I may need to paint over them.


Lookin good, a tiki getaway

hang10tiki, I'm still working on the Zombie cats. I did more plants today. Photos soon.

Todd's kind and said Zombie cats were fine. It's these blow-up photos that show how scary they look. Meanwhile I'm back to working on vegetation.


Todd Locker's painting is finished. This shows the addition of tiny stars that will dry and shrink. Then when he walks past the painting looking at it the stars will sparkle. It's been a fun one. Time to contact the next person on the Wish List for Black Velvets.

best (1)best (2)best (3)best (4)best (5)Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/67cf60df7a928.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=605b38fb29ed456bda2df9fff2fe1969


Came out great 👍🏼


hang10tiki thank you. I'm already working on the next persons wish.

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