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I don't love courtney

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tiki mick 1 posted on 03/20/2004

Is it just me, or is courtney love the LAST person who should be showing her body off on TV?

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/20/2004

You know, sometimes she looks skanky and other times she looks trashy; I can't decide if I like that or not (?).

Geeky Tiki posted on 03/20/2004

When it comes to exposing her parts, I give her credit for an honest effort, but too many of her pics have that "crazy person" gaze and mouth position that says, "Tenuous grip on reality."

When I see her, no matter what state of dress or undress, I just worry about her kid.

Hers is a story that won't end well.

Primo Kimo posted on 03/20/2004

She must have a line on some Quaaludes. I wish I had a line on some Quaaludes. She would definately be hot if we all had some Quaaludes, no doubt.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/20/2004

On 2004-03-19 18:17, Primo Kimo wrote:
She must have a line on some Quaaludes. I wish I had a line on some Quaaludes. She would definately be hot if we all had some Quaaludes, no doubt.

Maybe Courtney Love will be more appealing to me if her next Hole video is a cover of the Tubes "White Punks on Dope" with Courtney wearing Tommy Chong's "Rohr 714" T-shirt from Up In Smoke! My heroines of R'n R have always been hardcore from Janis Joplin, Nico & Mariane Faithful to Patty Smith, Poison Ivy & Wendy O. Williams. Somehow I just can't seem to get behind Courtney Love. She has all the ingredients but the recipe's not right...I guess.

vintagegirl posted on 03/20/2004

The others were genuine....Courtney just tries too hard.

ikitnrev posted on 03/20/2004

Courtney just became the latest celebrity to be added to the Awful Plastic Surgery website. Her recent NY breast baring escapade showed a bit more of her than she may have liked.



donhonyc posted on 03/20/2004

Not sure how to put this but two days ago if you asked me, I would have told you that Courtney Love was the Leona Helmsley of Rock music and that I had wrote her off as a posuer a long time ago. Highly skeptical I was indeed. Today, after seeing our dear Ms. Love perform last night at the Bowery Ballroom, my opinion is slightly differerent. Without getting into too much detail Courtney performs the way other so called rock stars wish they could. Her show isn't so much a string of songs and stage patter, but literally the 'Courtney Love Show'. Yeah she sang, even though she was losing her voice, but she didn't hide that fact. This wasn't so much a 'rock concert' as it was a forum for a super ego-maniac white female rockstar to just do what it was she wanted; leaping in the crowd several times, stripping down to her underware, and to make a long story short, just putting on a highly charged, emotional rock show. This is not an act like Britney f*ck-face Spears or Madonna. This is who Courtney Love is love her or hate her. Don't get me wrong. As for as her persoonal life goes, it sounds like she's a selfish mess, and I feel for that kid of hers and Cobain's. Hopefully she won't become a casualty of the 'Love Life' But as far as her show goes, I have to say I was at the very least 'entertained' for lack of a better word. Yeah she's gross looking and fucked-up, but if you check your history and look at bands like the New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Stooges, MC5, Ramones, Patti Smith, Joan Jett, etc. one has to remind oneself that Rock 'n Roll ain't supposed to be pretty, and once upon a time, that's what it was all about.

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2004-03-19 22:27 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/20/2004

yeah donhonyc, your right. as Killer Pussy put it so eloquently in their smash hit single Teenage Enema Nurse..."It's not a very pretty job, but someone's gotta do it" Jeez...they just don't write songs like that anymore (sigh).

donhonyc posted on 03/20/2004

I never thought I would see myself saying this but here goes; check out this review on MTV.com for another interesting angle on the Courtney/Bowery Ballroom show.


KahunaMilu posted on 03/27/2004

She seems like a fun girl. And if she really did kill that Nirvan guy, we all owe her a debt.

I do not really like that sort of music, though.

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