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Tiki Central / California Events

ikitnrev in San Diego - March 8-13

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I will be flying into San Diego for a business trip on Monday, March 8, and currently departing the following Saturday afternoon (Mar 13)

It appears that most of my evenings from Wednesday on will be free, so I'm wondering who in the area would be up for a Mai-tai, or could otherwise provide guidance on what nearby tiki sights to see.

I will be staying at the Hilton San Diego Mission Valley.



Bali Hai on Shelter Island
Trader Mort
& I like the Red Lion Hanalei Hotel


We'd love to meet up with you for a cocktail or two. Bali Hai or the Hanalei are great. There is also the Catamaran in Pacific Beach or you can come and have a cocktail at our place-The 'Ona Tiki Lounge. PM or e-mail us.


Welcome to San Diego. Shelley and I look forward to meeting up with you and showing you around.

This is great! We missed you on our trip to DC last year so now we can finally meet. The Suburban Hipster couldnt say enough nice things about you.

You will recieve the whirlwind tour and red carpet tiki treatment from all of us

Aloha Vern!

Go figure. You'll be out here the week C'Al and I are back there!

On 2004-02-26 08:28, Monkeyman wrote:
You will receive the whirlwind tour and red carpet tiki treatment from all of us
Then Vern, my dear, you are in for a treat! The SO-So-Cal Hoity-Toities are the bestest!

And SSCHT's, you will love this man! I'm tempted to hop a plane just to get to hang with you all again.

I can feel the future mutual-love-fest from here.

(COME, September, Come! Come, Hukilau, come!!)

Give us a shout when your free and we'll get together. I'm about 10 miles down the road from the Hilton. I think the Hanalei would be a good start, but I'm flexible.


Vern! If there is anything going on that Friday night, I may be able to high-tail it down there to meet up with everybody for dinner.

Welcome Vern,
You'll be staying a few minutes drive from our place, and you're more than welcome to drop by for drinks. E-mail us.
If there's an outing forming we might be joinning in.




The anticipation level for my trip has heightened considerably, now that I know I'll be getting together with other like minded tiki folk.

I will probably not have access to the internet during my trip, so we'll have to figure out the best way to stay in touch once I arrive in CA. I will probably know what my schedule is in the next few days.



All I have to do is pack, wake up tomorrow morning, and drive to the airport ... and through the wonders of modern jet travel, transform myself from a East-Coaster to a West-Coaster.

As for tiki plans, I've set the goal of making it to Bali Hai and the Half Moon Inn on Wednesday evening .... mark your calendars.

Friday afternoon I'm thinking of swinging north to the Oceanside/Vista area ... and I guess I will be quite flexible for my other evenings.

The number of the Hilton hotel I will be staying at is 619-543-9000 (under the name Vern Stoltz) I will keep in touch with those who have shared their tiki phone numbers with me.

Looking forward to meeting you all....


You all enjoy the "Heat Wave" (Hummu. you melting yet??)!! C'Al and myself will be in Augusta, building the Best Freakin' Tiki Bar of the Century! Arrrrrrrrrr!!


On 2004-03-07 20:02, RevBambooBen wrote:
You all enjoy the "Heat Wave" (Hummu. you melting yet??)!!

Melting? HA! Bring it on, man. You're forgetting -- I lived in Hawaii when I was a little girl. I moved down here for a reason, and that reason was HEAT! Well, and tiki. But mostly heat.

Vern -- I'm still up for a get-together on Friday... I've never had a chance to really sit and chat with you. My number is 206-349-1362, let me know if there is anything in particular brewing for Friday, or else I'm sure I'll catch you at one tiki event or another!

Ben, Al & the boys -- have fun storming the castle!


Welcome to SD ikitnrev! Although life is extremely busy at the moment, we'll try our best to make it to any San Diego happenings. Anyone who has any definite meeting times please share. Thanks.

ModMana :drink:


We just spoke with Vern and the plan so far is Bali Hai on Wednesday night about 7:00-7:30ish.

Anybody else in? We'll keep count and make reservations.


kctiki posted on Tue, Mar 9, 2004 5:30 AM

Onatiki, I can be there Wed. nite. My son is graduating from Marine Boot Camp on Friday so we're going to Bali Hai Friday after he can leave the base, but I'll be happy to go twice! What name will the reservations be under? It's so exiting to think of meeting some of you guys in the flesh.


I'll put the reservations under Monica. Looking forward to meeting you. And congrats on your son graduating from boot camp. I'm sending you a PM with my number.

We're most likely in.

kctiki posted on Tue, Mar 9, 2004 3:19 PM

Thanks Onatiki, I sent you a pm with my cell # as well. Unless my flight is delayed I'll be there between 7 & 7:30.


Shelley and I are in.

Hey...we're already there!


Glad to see such a great turn out for a "school night". I've made reservations for 10 @ 7:30 tonight. We can add more for anyone else that would like to join us. :D

[ Edited by: OnaTiki on 2004-03-10 12:29 ]


[ Edited by: tikichic on 2004-07-22 10:33 ]


Just want to say how much I enjoyed meeting ikitnrev & everyone else at the Bali Hai last Wednesday. Southern California really is all it's cracked up to be. Even the Marine training base is picturesque! The warm welcome & grand tour from the gracious San Diego tiki folks was the crowning touch.

My son joined me at the Half Moon Inn on Friday. He loved the place and said it is really fat(?)

kctiki & Private Bub at the Half Moon Inn

Hey Everyone, that was funny running into all you at Bali Hai. I had not seen this post until I got back home. Nice crossing paths with ya. Next time I hope I have more time to make plans.


Thanks to everyone who showed up at the Bali Hai when I was in town 2 weeks ago - I had a great time meeting all of you, and hopefully I will be able to make a return visit, and visit those home tiki bars I missed this time around.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our Wednesday dinner.

Closeup of the Bali Hai Carving

Bali Hai Mug displayed in the Bali Hai Carving Earring

I was taking some pictures of some carvings, so I set my Bali Hai mug down. Shipwreck Joey was walking through, struck this pose (he did not see my mug there) and the result is this pic, which shows what a Bali Hai codpiece might look like if such a thing existed

Bali Hai Patrons(L to R) Dale, Kick_the_Reverb, ModMana, Ric, OnaTiki, Sally, Shipwreck_Joey, Shelley, Al, KCTiki

I finally made it to the Bali Hai!!! (taken after a few drinks)


ARRRR...when I'm fulla Bali Hai rum & oyster beef I'm likely to do anything for a laugh! Nice pics Vern. I think you perfectly captured the spirit of the evening. We'll have to do this again sometime.


Vern and KCTiki,

I hope you enjoyed your SoCal trip. Nice meeting you and sharing a cocktail! It was a fun evening. Let us know whenever you're in town and we'll do it again. Of course, as always it was great to see much of the San Diego TC crew again.

ModMana :drink:

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