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Humuhumu in Knoxvegas, April 6-10 -- CANCELLED

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Humuhumu posted on 03/11/2004

My long rumored trip to Knoxville is finally kinda scheduled: it's not set in stone, but the current plan is to fly out Monday April 5, do work stuff Tuesday & Wednesday during the day, and fly home Thursday the 8th.

I'd wanted to schedule some extra days, but I can't do it this time out -- between two trips to San Francisco, a business trip to Orlando and this trip, I'm already spending about three weeks away from home & the office. Looks like Dollywood will have to wait.

I successfully converted a few Knoxville colleagues to the Way of Tiki when they were out here for business in January, and they possibly would be up for some evening tiki adventures. Or it would just be me, I don't know. I don't have my flights scheduled yet, so I don't know what time I'm getting into and leaving town, but I would likely be up for the long drive to the Omni Hut and/or the Atlanta Trader Vic's some evening if anyone would like to join me or meet me.

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-03-22 16:44 ]

Swanky posted on 03/14/2004

That's funny. You leave the day Sven arrives in Atlanta, and just before the big event Kiliki has planned for TV Atlanta!
We can scoot over to BK's KTPR from here in about 2 1/2 hours. Atlanta in about 3. Nashville, is a little longer with the Smyrna part added too. Hale Tiki is just over 5 hours away...

tiki_kiliki posted on 03/14/2004

Of course you're welcome in Atlanta anytime! Just let me know if you're gonna make it and we'll have a great time. Email me off list so that I can give you my phone number.

Humuhumu posted on 03/15/2004

UPDATE -- we finalized my travel plans today, and I'm now flying out Tues. the 6th, working the 7th & 8th, taking a vacation day on Friday the 9th, and flying back the morning of Saturday the 10th.

Swanky posted on 03/16/2004

April 8, Kiliki is having a little gathering at her place and I agreed to be there to mix drinks. The 9th, I was taking Sven over to see Hale Tiki and then back to be at Trader Vics Atlanta. So, hmmm.

Humuhumu posted on 03/17/2004

Hmmm, it sounds like there is much careful coordinating to be done, but much potential here. I got your email, will sort through some details tonight and probably IM you to work something out.

Humuhumu posted on 03/23/2004

Aw, shucks, I won't get to go to Dollywood after all. My trip for work has been cancelled, I may make it out there someday, but it doesn't look like it'll be anytime soon. I'll get to see y'all at the Hale Tiki party, though, hopefully!

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