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Perhaps the most prized tiki photo... ever!!

Pages: 1 15 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 03/30/2004

I'm happy to report that after years of hard work in "the trenches o' tiki", I've finally reached my pinnacle in all that is tiki with the photograph shown below! More elusive than Big Foot or Loch Ness, I proudly bring you the exclusive and very rare photo of....

Danny Bonaducetiki

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2004-03-30 15:31 ]

tikigreg posted on 03/30/2004

Maybe it's time to issue a limited edition Partridge Family Tiki mug?

thecardcheat posted on 03/31/2004

I'm so sorry Holden......

martiki posted on 03/31/2004

Please explain how on god's green earth this happened.

If Danny's reading, I don't want to piss him off because I saw what he did to Barry Williams a couple of years ago. Wait...Barry also got his ass kicked by a tiki while trying to surf. Holy shit! Full circle!

Tiki Dude posted on 03/31/2004

Just just plain wrong Holden. Change the title before some else loses their lunch.

CruzinTiki posted on 03/31/2004

... I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of ...

Where's Keith when we need him??!!

ikitnrev posted on 03/31/2004

A few years ago I provided an evening entertainment of musical board games - an old Name That Tune game from the 50's, the Monkees Game, the Partridge Family game, and a K-Tel record game.

When we played the Partridge Family game, there was a small argument as to who would get what game marker, as most everybody wanted to use the Danny piece.

I hate to say it (being a big fan of Laurie Partridge as an 11 year old), but it appears that Danny might end up being the grandest Partridge member of them all.


Doctor Z posted on 03/31/2004

That is so cool! I listen to Danny on the radio every morning, and the man is funnier than shit (or s***, as Clear Channel would have it...) I've met him a few times and he's a helluva nice guy as well (and his biography is a great read - he's been through an awful lot of, uh, interesting stuff) When/where was the pic taken?

Oh, and his wife Gretchen is hot!! (Pointless Bonaduce trivia: He and his wife got married within hours of meeting each other on a blind date, and have been married for more than 13 years! Go figure...)

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2004-03-31 03:24 ]

Tikibelle posted on 03/31/2004

I LOVE the photo!!! I’m a big Jamie and Danny in the morning fan. The man is Super funny! Danny holding a Tiki mug; gotta love it!

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/31/2004

This sounds musically weak, but I began playing bass years ago as a kid because of Danny on the Partridge Family

Luckydesigns posted on 03/31/2004

Yup, that's weak. Now if you would have said that you started plaing bass because of Lemmy from Motorhead, that would be a different story.

johntiki posted on 04/01/2004

"Come to Lemmy, I will show you the way..."

TikiMikey posted on 04/01/2004

Come on, get happy!

kctiki posted on 04/01/2004

Danny Partridge was nearly the last human being I ever laid eyes on. It was the early 70's. I was draped over the chair & ottoman watching TV upside down & enjoying a sourball candy.

Suddenly the sourball was lodged in my windpipe, it wouldn't come up, it wouldn't go down. My last thought as everything started going black was, "I'm going to die watching the Partridge Family & I don't even like the Partridge Family".

Then the sourball slowly went down & I could breath again. To see him all these years later, grown up & enjoying a Polynesian cocktail with his lovely wife, just really chokes me up.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/02/2004


You gonna let em' off the hook now and tell em' your relation or are you gonna make me do it?

(Danny B is Holdens brother in-law)

fatuhiva posted on 04/03/2004

Fred from the Howard Stern show

[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2004-04-03 01:52 ]

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