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Cool & Stange Music Magaize is dead

Pages: 1 3 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 04/01/2004

It has been a long, long time since Cool & Strange Music has published an issue. I wondered if it was dead. A few people I talked to seemed to think differently. SOme thought it was just slow-going for the new owner to get his first new issue out.

Well, I read this on (former owner/editor of C&SM) Dana Countryman's website today:


This was a great magazine and it is very disappointing to hear that he's not even in contact with former contributors.

It was great while it lasted.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-04-01 16:09 ]

thejab posted on 04/01/2004

Thanks for the update. I was wondering what happened to it. Is there any current magazine that covers lounge/space-age pop/exotica/etc., besides Atomic magazine? They cover neo-swing and neo-lounge bands but rarely have anything of substance on original lounge music (an exception was the recent Bob Thompson article by Will the Thrill).

[ Edited by: thejab on 2004-04-01 15:58 ]

aquarj posted on 04/04/2004

Hmm, sorry to hear that about C&SM - thanks for letting us know Hanford. At least two TCers have been contributors to that magazine in the past.

I guess another rag with some overlap is Outre, but a larger proportion of that magazine is usually devoted to film, tv, sci-fi, and other things beside music. Also, I'm not sure, but I think Outre might have recently merged with its big sister magazine Filmfax.


sillisculpt posted on 04/07/2004

i figured as much concidering the time since the switch over. it was one of those publications that seemed to validate my insane concepts about record collecting and music. of course there are on-line zines, but i think it is just not the same. i like to hold the issue in my hand much like holding an actual record and not just downloading an mp3.

[ Edited by: sillisculpt on 2004-04-06 21:14 ]

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