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Martiki is now an ELITE Tiki Central Agent!

Pages: 1 18 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 04/05/2004


I am pleased to announce that Martiki, fearless organizer of the Tiki Central San Francisco Tiki Bar Crawl IV, has now been promoted from mere special agent to our highest rank ever: the Elite Tiki Central Agent!

Neither he, I, nor any Tiki Central official is at liberty to state the exact specifics behind this promotion, but let me go on record by saying that Martiki’s organizational skills and ability to crawl were major factors.

As a reminder to all, Martiki’s member rank has now changed to reflect his new Tiki Central Agent status. Let’s all give him the praise he’s due. Congratulations Martin!


bigbrotiki posted on 04/05/2004

So he is...00T ?!!! Does that mean he has license to kill for a Tiki mug? Ouh, I always wanted that!

Or wait, he's more like Odd-job, he kills WITH a Tiki mug! I can see the title squence now, Mar-Tiki in silhouette, expertly handling his weapon, and as we cut closer, we look into:
Not the barrel of a gun, but into the MOUTH OF A TIKI MUG!

weirduncletiki posted on 04/05/2004

I'm a bit frightened by all of this, but wish this fine young man all the best in his new post. Congrats, Martiki!

-Weird Unc

Unga Bunga posted on 04/05/2004

Martin kicked ass on the crawl!
Not one dull moment.
Glad to have had the pleasure of meeting you Martin, and thanks again!
A well deserved title.
So how much does it pay?


PolynesianPop posted on 04/05/2004

Congrats Martiki - my brutha from anutha mutha....

Jungle Trader posted on 04/05/2004

Hey brah, congrats. I know you worked hard. Praise, praise and accolades.

Johnny Dollar posted on 04/05/2004

congratz! does this mean you get issued exploding swizzle sticks or something? poison dart volcano bowl straws? j$

pablus posted on 04/05/2004

May you reign for a hundred years.

My Wahine and I are looking forward to bowing down to His Tiki-ness in a couple of weeks at His palace and throne-room.

I hear that they've built a falernum fountain in honor of His coronation.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/05/2004

Ah, Hi Martin, ah, you know I've always liked you right? And, ah, I've never posted anything that made you mad have I?

Anyway, congratulations!

(want a foot rub?)

"I'm ashamed to be here, but not too ashamed to leave..."

Celebrate 'International Tiki Day' the second Saturday in August - hau'oli la tiki!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-04-05 13:19 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/05/2004


A big congratulations to you!

We all look forward to...um..to...to...ah hell, we don't know what it is you are suppose to be doing as an Elite Agent, but congratulations on the title!

Is the corner office and a 401k plan included?

Tiki Bird posted on 04/05/2004

COngrats Martiki!

Benzart posted on 04/05/2004

I'm not sure how far you had do crawl, or just how long. But I'm sure if you earned it, it wasn't all wrong. Best wishes and Up off the floor with you.Congrats.

mig posted on 04/05/2004

The man is most certainly a Getter of Shit Done.

I'm still recovering, by the way.

Sam Gambino posted on 04/05/2004
christiki295 posted on 04/06/2004

Martiki: Congratulations - very well deserved. Thank you again for all of your assistance & responding to my various questions, particularly with your Metropolis recomendation.

martiki posted on 04/06/2004

Thanks everyone!

I shall use the power wisely.

Chongolio posted on 04/07/2004

Hey Martiki, maybe you can get King Kukulele to write your theme song and Pop Ylop to sing it. Congrats on the upgrade.

Chongolio 1.0

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/07/2004

Recent photo of Elite Agent Martiki recovering at the Royal Hawaiian after heavy TC duty.


Unga Bunga posted on 04/07/2004

It looks like he is saying that infamous line from the Matrix, “I should have taken the blue pill”.
Hanford, You didn’t mention anything about a Wahina protégé.

Pages: 1 18 replies