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BenZart is not carving2 or 3 days.

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Benzart posted on 04/06/2004

Due to a major physical issue that came along yesterday I may not be able to
carve for another day or 2 It just depends on when it goes away.I have surgery this friday and that will slow me down a week or 4
I am unable to carve beginning yesterday for a few days. I get these attacks that last a few days or so where I can do nothing physical.After which I'll be fine for awhile, Surgery on friday will slow me down a bit but I will be working on Hale Tiki and others on the list also.day by day.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-04-05 20:51 ]

kooche posted on 04/06/2004


i feel you dog...listen...day by day is right...lay the hell back...close your eyes...and imagine that you are looking into the hands of a great healer...save your strength...when you get back up and on your feet you'll be more powerful than you can possibly imagine...my thoughts are with you man...just remember you have human limits and that your body will let you know what is right for the time...

quick recovery my man! you ARE the best...took my tiki to work today and wowed them there...DYING to walk into the tiki ti with your lights on!


Benzart posted on 04/06/2004

Thanks, Miles

Raffertiki posted on 04/06/2004

I.m sending healing vibes your way, Ben. Use what you need and get well.

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Polynesiac posted on 04/06/2004

here's to a timely recovery. You've been doing a lot of great work recently, and I guess it's just your bodys way of saying "take it easy" for a while.
Like Kooche said, I'm sure you'll be on your feet and back at your carving station in no time.
I can't wait to get my carving in the mail and be the coolest kid on the block! (I've been a good boy and saving my pennies!)

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Sam Gambino posted on 04/06/2004

Ben, Please take it easy, and I will certainly be praying for your recovery. Thanks also for all of the conscientious hard work you've been doing too.

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/06/2004

Hang in there Benzart,
Take your time and you will surely have a full recovery.
Because you know, I'm next on your list.
Have a speedy recovery Ben!

Benzart posted on 04/06/2004

Thanks guys, I appreciate your healing words,and thoughts.
Thanks, Ben

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/06/2004

From one Ben to another.

You are a Picasso brush. A Picasso brush that is missing a few bristles. Relax and take the time to get those few bristles back. When the Picasso brush is full of bristles, it will create to the fullest!

Benzart posted on 04/06/2004

Not only missing a few bristles but whats left is going grey by the hands full. Seems to be coming out that fast too. Thanks Ben and every body else.

Benzart posted on 04/08/2004

Was able to carve a bit today and finished up a Sneeky Tiki for Cultjam started abouta week ago Tomorrow I have surgery so will be out for at least a week
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Mrs. B posted on 04/08/2004

This strikes me as a very interesting piece considering you enter into surgery tomorrow. There's a lot of feeling coming from this simplicity. The figure looks as if it's "wincing" and maybe clutching something small. A comfort piece perhaps?
Just a beholder comment. Good luck and hope to meet you sometime.
Mrs. Boo

Benzart posted on 04/08/2004

Thanks Mrs Boo. This piece was taken from the Sneaky Tiki on page 180 of BOT and there was not much to go by.
I'm sure we wil meet at this years HukiLau.Myself and Mrs BenZart will be there.

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hey ben, it's aaron from ft lauderdale. i spoke to you last month about how one should start carving. i just wanted to wish you well, and hope you feel better. you are a really great guy, and i look forward to meeting you at this year's hukilau. take it easy.

Benzart posted on 04/09/2004

Thanks Aaron and everyone.
I'm home and all went pretty well. Dr. says to do Nothing for 5 weeks this time, he Doesn't want to have to re-do this a 3rd time.( Sounds like a wife!) I should be back carving sooner than that.

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suburbanpagan posted on 04/09/2004

Feel better Ben! Gotta keep the carving master comfortable!

Benzart posted on 04/11/2004

Damn, I dropped my camera and it broke, No focus or zoom. I'm blind
in the words of another Ben,,AAAAArrrrggggg..h
Thanks Bamboo, I had to get that out.

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/11/2004

On 2004-04-10 20:59, Benzart wrote:
Damn, I dropped my camera and it broke, No focus or zoom. I'm blind
in the words of another Ben,,AAAAArrrrggggg..h
Thanks Bamboo, I had to get that out.

Hey Benz,
Try Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!! instead of AAArrrgggg.h

(aaaarrrgh with "GH" is like Balsa wood. All soft and stuff.)

(Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! with no "GH" is like Iron Wood!!)

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Makes you feel a lot better. Get's all the funk out! Hope this helps with the sitch.

Benzart posted on 04/11/2004

Oh, I think I've got it now.
That does feel better Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
Yes, thanks Ben

Benzart posted on 04/16/2004

Long strange trip..
First my wires broke (neck), Then my digital camera broke (dropped it), now the Harddrive on my computer broke (as in Crashed, alldata lost)fortunately I have most data saved on second Drive and now am half way thru rebuilding....
I aint touchin nuthin else less its absolutely necessary. Dont think much more can break anyway.
Better days are coming, I can feel it.

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