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Tiki Central / Other Events

Attn: Dallas/Fort Worth tikiphiles

Pages: 1 4 replies

diesel tiki posted on 04/07/2004

Anybody interested in a gathering? When and where? It's getting comfortable outside and maybe we can find a place to have few drinks and let loose.

Kenike posted on 04/07/2004

Count me in. The only place remotely tiki that I've been to is Coconuts but I didn't enjoy my last visit at all.


diesel tiki posted on 04/08/2004

the Cave Lounge in Arlington has free BBQ on Sundays @ 3pm!!! Cheap drinks!! Nice patio!! Their tikis in the back were broken and stolen and are yet to be replaced but it looks like they are trying to add thatch to the gazebo roof.

Unkle John posted on 04/09/2004

I'm always in! That's if I don't have band practice or a gig.

BTW My band is playing with the legandary TX psychedelic band: The Golden Dawn for two gigs in the next few weeks. Check our website for info: http://www.outhousemoan.com Seeing this isn't the proper place to go into detail. Hope to see you guys there! And hopefully at the next gathering.

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-04-08 21:15 ]

TikiMikey posted on 04/15/2004

Just say when & where. Since there is a shortage of real tiki spots here, anyplace to meet would be great. We can talk tiki even if we're not surrounded by them.

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