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SF Tiki Crawl Night Three: The Tiki Bus/Tonga Room/Bamboo Hut/Bamboo Bar

Pages: 1 40 replies

martiki posted on 04/05/2004

What a night. It's a total blur. Thanks to everyone who met up with the bus along the way for bringing a little extra aloha to all the venues. Thanks to our great entertainers in Fairfax and Kuku on the bus. Let's see some pictures!!

PolynesianPop posted on 04/05/2004

As I've said before, the weekend was a blast! Too bad its over now -- time flies...

BTW - I think TikiMaxton got high by O-D'ing on that peanut sauce at Mr. Vice Grip's Bamboo Bar. Hey Mark, You ok buddy??

Oh yeah -- did that dude ever jump off the bridge?

Trader Tiki posted on 04/05/2004

Must...get... Theremin...

Actually, have bills before I have another instrument to sit in the corner. A fun fantastic evening full of thrills, chills, and a few spills.

Special thanks Martin! And the Rocking Rebecca, Cool Craig, and Hedonistic Heather! Hooray!

Jungle Trader posted on 04/05/2004

Project Pimento was great Martiki. I can see it now in the future all the musicians will have instruments that they never touch. They walk around stage waving hands and moving fingers like Joe Cocker and somehow the music is just there. WOW! Bought the cd too. Love it. And a thank you to Mig also!!

Now back to you.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2004-04-05 12:28 ]

limptiki posted on 04/05/2004

If you were there and did not have fun it's your own fault. Much respect to Martin and Rebecca and the entertainment.

tikicleen posted on 04/05/2004

chongolio and jungletrader on da bus! man i love this picture! how could one NOT have fun with these two?

chongo, drunken hat, and me share the lava bowl for 4 at the tonga room.

christiki1234566 (cant remember the numbers dear!), sweetpea and the drunken hat outside of the bamboo hut.

chongo--cant wait to see the head picture, it was quite an evening and thanks for the good times!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: people of room 606--please pm me if you are missing a goodie bag. cant remember your name....

wish we didnt run out of film...we had such a blast!


[ Edited by: tikicleen 2009-05-07 12:19 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 04/05/2004

Oops, posted on wrong page before. Here's the pics. We had am awesome night on the bus...and who knew the Bamboo Hut could be so much fun??? Project Pimento was great at the Bamboo Room and watching Crazy Al & Sweetpea cut a rug made me promise myself I will NEVER step on a dance floor when they are anywhere near it.

Thanks again to Martiki & Rebecca for putting on such a great crawl and to all the folks who came so far to make it such a great night.

The Great Pop Ylop takes the stage

Pop Ylop: The hardest working kane in showbiz

Kuku, C'Al & Smiley at Vic's

Otto & Humuhumu at the Tonga Room

Crazy Al & Humuhumu

Trader Pup & Cherri Capri

TC-ers at the Bamboo Hut

Martiki gets some, uh, attention from Humuhumu

New TC-er Lui The Glick and old pal

Mig gets his drink on...and on...and on

Humuhumu & Mrs Pineapple

Soooo sorry, SCD, but that perv King Kuku was shooting a MOVIE of you! (see next pic)

America's Funkiest Home Video Grand Prize, here I come!


TB gets some much-needed lovin'

humuhumu, Rebecca & SweetPea do it on the bus

Frank, Kuku, Cherri & Al light up the Bamboo Room

Still pictures do not do their smooth moves justice

Humuhumu's fortune reads "You will attend an unusual party". Indeed.

Humuhumu posted on 04/05/2004

Okay, here we go... there are a ton of photos from this night, and there are some great ones I'll pull out later.


Vic is missed, no coat check, leg warmers are useful, Vander, Vander, Vander, Pina Colada Revenge is best served leg warmed, Owl Central, Tiki Bob is missed, Furry Love Stick, pretty pretty light, broken stool, Eneman, licking, theremin, purloined lilies, understatement fortunes, Caramacs, pajamas, sharpie, and oh yes, THUG LIFE.

Fantastic video of the sweetest lil' pea ever, Sweetpea, on its way....

sweetpea posted on 04/05/2004

STill hungover. hahahahahahhahahaha
back on a plane tomorrow!
Great pix by everyone, cept Miss Humu, I'm scared of yer camera, it does something wierd to my face every time, or did I really look that mean and spaztic?
PS, if anyone found a yellow Shag address book on the bus? yeah, it's mine, I'm a dork.

Thanks to all for the wonderfull time! Wish I coulda made it for the whole weekend, but I might not be alive if I did! hahahahha
wooohooooooo, martin, that punch, yes, that punch. yummified!

Humuhumu posted on 04/05/2004

Pea, my camera may fail to capture you in still form, but I sure got ya right on video! Take a gander, but keep yer eyes on her hands!

Sweetpea cuts a rug with King Kukulele & Crazy Al

sweetpea posted on 04/05/2004

Rum is gooooooood.

mrsmiley posted on 04/05/2004

This night was boring!

mrsmiley posted on 04/05/2004

Martiki, I see you didn't thank me for singing on the bus(before the microphone was turned off!!) I HAVE BEEN TIKI GONGED!

On 2004-04-05 08:22, martiki wrote:
What a night. It's a total blur. Thanks to everyone who met up with the bus along the way for bringing a little extra aloha to all the venues. Thanks to our great entertainers in Fairfax and Kuku on the bus. Let's see some pictures!!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e64d9627054170f50c30a9e98fc47d2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
pablus posted on 04/05/2004

Epic shots.

I can almost taste the drinks.
I can almost hear the ukes strumming.
I can almost feel the hangover.

Thanks for sharing with us.

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mrs. pineapple posted on 04/06/2004

that mystery bag from 606 belongs to our friend and new TC member Lui the Glick, he was the mad dueling uke player with king kuke...

the best new trick of the evening, the camera on the floor....hahahahahha. so funny.

I had a blast, mmmmmmpunch.....

Humuhumu posted on 04/06/2004

The camera on the floor trick was great, it emboldened me to go up to all the folks I didn't know and get their pictures, too. It's Hanford's trick (he's clever, that one), I just stole it.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/269258ed3d727da1702fd159a036c8fd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mig posted on 04/06/2004

I have TONS of pictures, I haven't uploaded them, but the ones that everybody is clamoring for are the Tiki Bob group shots.

Here they are-- full-size, not reduced, so you can do what you want with them. I'm just posting a link rather than embedding them because they are about 1.5mb each:


If you're on Windows, just right-click and choose "save target as...".


tikicleen posted on 04/06/2004

yes mrs pineapple, thanks for the identification of lui. we knew one of them was his...so please email us your address lui the glick! :)

however, one bag still remains....we would hate for someone to miss out on the goodies from the bus. please pm me if you lost your bag in room 606.

TT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/519a2b3fa980bcff4d359931f96feaf8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Travellin' Tiki posted on 04/06/2004

Hi everybody, its me, Heather, with my first official post on Tiki Central.

First, extra special thanks to Martin for putting in so much work organizing our weekend tiki adventure (and for plugging my art -- Thanks Martin!)

Second, thanks to everyone else for making me feel so welcome. Arriving in a foreign city where you don't know anyone after 25 hours on a Greyhound can seem a little daunting at first, but I had a fantastic time and will be back as a vendor for Tiki Oasis next month.

See ya there!

FTS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9f8f51266438bb95da3c48570fca5710?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Freakie Tiki s posted on 04/06/2004

Never can get enough tiki. Thanks to all for the entertainment and excitement. Need to see more Tiki in Va.
On 2004-04-05 08:29, PolynesianPop wrote:
As I've said before, the weekend was a blast! Too bad its over now -- time flies...

BTW - I think TikiMaxton got high by O-D'ing on that peanut sauce at Mr. Vice Grip's Bamboo Bar. Hey Mark, You ok buddy??

Oh yeah -- did that dude ever jump off the bridge?

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/06/2004

On 2004-04-05 15:15, Humuhumu wrote:
keep yer eyes on her hands!

You little ass grabber you.

A Tiki Cheers To You
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[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-04-06 21:57 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 04/06/2004

Welcome Heather. Keep up the good work!!

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/06/2004

On 2004-04-05 12:57, Tiki-bot wrote:

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Soooo sorry, SCD, but that perv King Kuku was shooting a MOVIE of you! (see next pic)
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I'm betting that this is probably the way that Elvis use to pee.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-04-05 22:11 ]

Humuhumu posted on 04/06/2004

Oh boy, here goes...

Mountain View Cemetery:

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Trader Vic's grave

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Henry J. Kaiser's grave

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cynfulcynner in front of the Mausoleum

Tonga Room:

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Cherry Capri

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Seattle in the Hale

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Vander totally fell for King's flying ukulele trick. Babies are so dumb.

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Vander proves yet again that he's the coolest baby ever, with his umbrella-spiked milk bottle

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Otto & me poorly replicating the King's act -- I think we'll keep our day jobs

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The King retakes his Krown

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Hanford, in a contemplative mood

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No cokehead coat check girl this year :(

The Tiki Bus:

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TikiMama's ill-gotten gains (they charged Mrs. TikiMaxton $8.50 for a Virgin Pina Colada!!)

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Me & jungletrader

Bamboo Hut:

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The (brief) line to get in

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TikiMaxton shares his Furry Love Stick with Cherry Capri

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The Tiki Bus:

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Mig cuddles with Eneman

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Mig gives Rebecca an Eneman

Mr. Vise Grip's Bamboo Bar:

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Chikitiki swipes a lily for his lady love; SugarCaddyDaddy's pomp is in the foreground

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Sweetpea & Crazy Al own the dancefloor

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The lovely lead singer for Project Pimeno, with Cherry Capri

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Hanford & I contemplate how we can be better webmasters

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Crazy Al in rare still-but-not-passed-out moment

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Crazy Al starts moving again

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King Kukulele, Cherry Capri, Frank Novicki and Crazy Al entertain us

Back at the Hotel:

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Didn't get pictures of the afterparty in 606, sadly. I ended the night in my Trader Vic's pjs, scarfing Hawaiian Host Caramacs. A lovely end to a lovely day.

Humuhumu posted on 04/06/2004

The Hanford Lemoore Camera-on-the-Floor Trick Shots

I took these pictures, but the idea to set the timer and put the camera on the floor while everyone crowds around was Hanford's idea. As soon as I learned of it, I went on a giddy spree getting as many shots as I could.

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Tiki-bot posted on 04/06/2004

On 2004-04-05 22:02, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2004-04-05 12:57, Tiki-bot wrote:

Soooo sorry, SCD, but that perv King Kuku was shooting a MOVIE of you! (see next pic)

I'm betting that this is probably the way that Elvis use to pee.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-04-05 22:11 ]

Hey, just goes to show that SugarCaddyDaddy brightens up a room wherever he "goes"!

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/06/2004

Man, those floor pics are Freakin, Freaky! If that happens at Oasis, please remind me to rid my boogers!!(you know, the Dry Desert!!)!

Glad y'all had a blast! Glad it was "Him" and not me- aka "Thug Life" !!


King- Can't wait to see the "Finished Episode!!" The Tiki3 will go down in history!!

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Chongolio posted on 04/06/2004

Good lawd have mercy my head still feels like one of Poly Pops mugs. What blast and worth every popped brain cell. Great pictures Tikicleen. So glad to have met you and the the Hat. I really had a great time Lava bowlin' with y'all. the Drunken Head picture is in the works.
Nice work to you to Humuhumu, those pictures are pure comedy.
And another huge thanks to Martiki, Rebecca, Mig, Melintur, Tikimama and everyone else who made this bus ride come together. What a blast!
The entertainment was stellar, the drinks were cold and the gods were smiling.
It was good fun catching up with ol buddies and meeting some of the people who make T.C. such a special group of FREAKS!
Many mahaloz to everyone involved.

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bigbadtikidaddy posted on 04/07/2004

whew.....GOOD times!
I really want to thank Martin & Rebecca for their huge efforts putting this event together, it really was awesome!
Very cool to see everyone again & meet some new folks too.
Project Pimento! How friggin cool were they? TikiCleen & I watched together & were mesmerized by the theremin player.....whoa!
King Kukelele serenading the the bus with a plethora of special guests accompanying.
The LOVELY Miss Cherry Capri!
Mr. Smiley's rendition of "Pop Y'Lop", sung to the tune "Puppy Love"
Seeing Penny & Blaine @ the Bamboo Hut
Craig & I getting invited to an orgy in room #6 @ the Bamboo Bar
The after party in #606 (TikiCleen & Drunken Hat's room. Very cool people!)
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Me, Blaine, Penny, TikiMama & Melintur
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Me & the fabulous Cherry Capri
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Mig & Cherry Capri
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TikiRoyale & posse- cool cats.
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TikiRoyale & posse- burning finger trick didnt show up
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Sweet Pea does the hula while King Kukelele & Crazy Al perform
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King Kukelele & Crazy Al at the Bamboo Bar in Fairfax
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SugarCaddyDaddy & Poly-Pop enjoy Mr.Smiley's rendition of "Pop Y'Lop"
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Da Bus!
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Cherry Capri & King Kukulele entertain the troops

TikiCleen- I sent you a PM, I think the other gift bag is mine. You can reach me at bigbadtikidaddy@aol.com

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sweet/sour jone posted on 04/07/2004

whew...I think I'm still slightly rum soaked...What a fun night! As a new comer I wasn't sure what to expect - mahalo to everyone for being so friendly and for an evening of high hilarity. Hope to see you at Tiki Oasis IV!!

Jungle Trader posted on 04/07/2004

You did it. You posted Sweet/Sour Jone. Welcome to da' tribe!!

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Chongolio posted on 04/08/2004

On 2004-04-05 08:31, tikimonkey wrote:
Must...get... Theremin...

The evening is slowly coming back to me. How about that version of "Bali Hai" that Project Pimento played! At that point the evening switched to ethereal for me.

Welcome to T.C Sweet/sour Jone glad to see you postin so soon after your rum soakin'


mrsmiley posted on 04/08/2004

After a slow start to the drinking (and some espresso at Vesuvio's), I finally started kickin' in to party mode when martiki finally broke out the booze at 8:30.
Fun hanging out with everyone and I capped off the evening by arriving late to Room 606 at the Four Points.
As soon as I stepped out of the elevator on the sixth floor I was hit with the strong scent of POT! I soon found out that it wasn't coming from 606, though. Hanging out with Drunken Hat on the balcony, we noticed that some people must be in the hot tub, because we can see some clothes on a chair down there. We all stumbled downstairs with drinks in our hands and were about to walk int othe pool area when we noticed a nekkid guy and gal going "at it" in the hottub--hmmm, not hot tub for us, I guess. THe room 606 hangerson decided to find out where the marijuana smell was coming from on the Sixth floor. We let our noses do the walking up and down the floor until Tikicleen discovered it was coming from Room 612. We all sniffed the door crack and quickly concurred with Tikiclean's finding. Then we shyly walked back to 606 and drank a little more until we called it quits in the early hours of the morning. Back on the balcony we looked down to notice that the couple was know out of the hot tub. She saw us and shouted out that her boyfriend was wearing HER thong! He was quick to drop his drawers and give us a rear view as proof!! YUCK!!!What a fun/ridiculous way to end the evening. My question is---DO ANY of us know who was STAYING IN ROOM 612?? Would you admit it if you were?
Thanks Martiki and everyone for all the trouble/work you you did for us Tiki-aholics!!

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Chongolio posted on 04/08/2004

On 2004-04-07 18:03, mrsmiley wrote:
He was quick to drop his drawers and give us a rear view as proof!! YUCK

Oh sweet mother of pearl, I forgot all about that ( and kinda wished it stayed that way) The great drunken elevator sniff out was unforgettable though. Hey Drunken Hat and Tikicleen, thanks again for havin' all the loonies back to your room for the late night levity .


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-04-07 19:08 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 04/08/2004

On 2004-04-07 18:03, mrsmiley wrote:
My question is---DO ANY of us know who was STAYING IN ROOM 612?? Would you admit it if you were?

What I want to know is if anybody knows who was in Room 620??? That was the room next to mine and you could audibly hear some people "knockin' boots" in there at about 4am!!! SCD heard it loud and clear from the hallway too when we were leaving for the airport.

Anyone? Anyone?

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TikiMaxton posted on 04/08/2004

On 2004-04-05 08:29, PolynesianPop wrote:
BTW - I think TikiMaxton got high by O-D'ing on that peanut sauce at Mr. Vice Grip's Bamboo Bar. Hey Mark, You ok buddy??

Dude, I was hoping you'd forget that whole incident. There was something in that peanut sauce, that's for sure. But damn, it was good, wasn't it?

What a freakin' good time! Soooo good to meet everybody I have only imagined up till now, and excellent to see all my old pals, like the incomparable Humuhumu, Mig, Jab, Robin, Poly Plop, Floratina, and everybody else I was too drunk to form a synapse for. And I'm really thrilled to have finally met my personal lord and saviour, Hanford Lemoore! Yay, Hanford! And Yay, Martin and Rebecca for the awesome event, and Yay to my new homies from the north who were apparently so much a part of the success of the bus. And Yay for the punch! And Yay for the motherf*ckin' peanut sauce, too! Yay!

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tikitony posted on 04/08/2004

Whoa, lOoks like it was a trip to remember. I wish I could have afforded the crawl. Thanks to all who supported the new guy and paid for my gas. I wish I wasn't so nervous to talk to everybody, and hope to get to know mo peeps over the weekend of Oasis. Thankyou very much Martiki for putting this on, and I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves. I was blown away just by seeing Trader Vic's, I can't imagine what it was like to see it all!

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Scrimshaw posted on 04/14/2004

Holy Christmas that crawl was a blast. I'm finally getting some pics up - I took a lot more, but apparently someone was following me around all night and putting his thumb over the lense.

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Hanford sighting

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Yes, another of them "perty lights" pics, a la Lamoore. Tikibot Pineapple, me (aka Lui), Humuhumu's forehead, the King Kuke, Madame Pineapple, Chikitiki

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Dedicated Bob paparazzi

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Martiki & humuhumu bunny hopping

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fist o tiki

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mig and his bowl o fire

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drinking fire
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king kuke & crazy al doing the hoodoo

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spirited apparitions

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project pimento's mesmerizing theremin

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the king & al

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tikibot callously leans on martiki's sunburn

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Rest Stop. Damn it was cold.

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A rare 606 pic.

[ Edited by: Scrimshaw on 2004-04-14 11:14 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 04/14/2004

COrrection, second pic from the top....that's Chikitiki/TikiDiablo not SugarCaddyDaddy next to Mrs. Pineapple. Just to let yous know. Nice pics, funny too, mahalo.

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christiki295 posted on 04/15/2004

The stop at the Golden Gate Bridge vista was a nice touch - added culture to to night of tiki revelry.

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Cherry Capri posted on 06/05/2004

And yet even MORE belated pictures...

here's a sneak preview of what you'll find
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I FINALLY got my website updated which means lots of pictures from old events - but what a fun way to relive fond old memories...


if you ever find I have not credited a photo incorrectly (i put the credits in the alt tags that show up when you mouse over an image) please let me know.

Hey BBTD - thank again for the round... i don't forget favors :wink: you're a sweetheart!
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[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2004-06-05 04:01 ]

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