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The Caliente Tropics Resort Tiki Carvings Needed

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SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/08/2004

I am posting this in response to this thread about the stolen CC Rider Tiki at The Caliente Tropics. I felt the need to make a new thread rather than to add on to the the above thread, as I felt that it was important enough to do so. Read on...

I was reconfirming my reservations for next months Tiki Oasis IV, and was able to speak directly with Casey. After doing some quick 'catch-up' on things happening here on TC, I turned the conversation to the stolen CC Rider tiki and, to date, there are no leads as to who took the tiki or why. I asked if the tiki would be replaced and he was saying that he was hoping to, but at this time he cannot outwardly pay 'cash-money' for a replacement. Casey went on to say that he respects any and all artists values on their tiki creations, and did not feel right about asking for a free replacement or discounted amount for a tiki to go in its place. I asked him if he has actually announced the fact that a tiki was stolen and he said no, but heard through the grapevine that there was some mention of it here on TC (thanks to Mrs. Boo).

I further questioned him in respect to possibly doing an exchange for accomodations at The Tropics (not during Tiki Oasis), for Tiki carvings if someone was interested in doing that type of deal. He said that he would love to do that, but still seemed hesitant about asking. I told him to just leave it to me.

So here is the official invitation/offer:
Any carver, designer or artist that is wanting to create a tiki, whether it be a full carved tiki pole or wall-mounted carving or other offerings, can email Casey direct with what you would like to offer, along with pictures if you have (but not required), and be willing to exchange your masterpiece for accomodations (to be determined by you and Casey), or you can call him direct to discuss details.

Keep in mind that the tiki that was stolen was approximately 5-foot tall, PLUS a few extra feet of non-carved wood below so that it could be stabilized and secured into the ground. If you are wanting to do a pole, then keep in mind that a few extra feet of "blank" needs to exist on the bottom.

Before Casey and I finished our conversation, he did say that one of the things that he has always wanted to do (but hasn't had time to pursue) is to have the whole hotel be a museum/showcase for tiki carvers/artists. The existing tikis in place at the hotel is only a beginning to what he would like to have.

Remember, the offer is for an actual exchange of accomodations for your work rather than for money. Of course, anyone wanting to donate out of the goodness of your heart will not be turned away.

Personally, if I had the talent to carve, I would step up to add a tiki to The Tropics. Casey is a great guy, a great friend and is always concerned with all who stay at his "home". Having the opportunity to donate something to a new venture is fine, but adding to a still existing historical tiki place would be even better.

At this time Bosko is the first to be "in talks" with Casey about adding a tiki or two.

Anyone else interested?

The Caliente Tropics Resort Motor Hotel
411 East Palm Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92264-8805
Phone: 760-327-1391
Fax: 760-318-1883
Email: CaseyJ@calientetropics.com
Contact: Casey Jones

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2004-04-09 11:31 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 04/08/2004

I suggest putting the thief’s head on top of one the tikis as a friendly warning.

tikifille posted on 04/09/2004

A noble thought SCD. You have earned perpetual good mana. Perhaps the tiki gods will smile unto the Tropics. Time will tell.

VinylworX posted on 04/09/2004

I have a KILLER idear---
why dont you ask CC to carve another one I am sure he would like to and i find it hilarious and complimentary to the artist when someone steals their piece hAhahah

i myself have 3 of his tikis
Till who is me

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/09/2004


CC is a very talented carver, no doubt. Discussion has been made with CC, according to Casey, but as I mentioned before, a replacement tiki, along with the other existing tikis, is only the beginning of what The Tropics would like to show.

Additional carvings are needed, so the offer has now been opened up to see if there are any interested carvers/artists that would like to participate.

Jungle Trader posted on 04/09/2004

Thanks SCD, because of your idea/thread I have been talking with Casey about a carving for a trade. Maybe Tiki Oasis 5.

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/10/2004

The Caliente Tropics used a few pictures we took there, on their website (I think, Mr. P sent them hi res images...) and Casey gave us 2 free nights at the Tropics. (we haven't used them, and unfortumately I think they expired.) None the less, he's pretty generous, and he does taek awfully good care if us...and the Tropics are so lovely! I'm glad you're taking care of him SCD!

" I DO!!!! "

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2004-04-09 19:20 ]

tsusan2.1 posted on 04/10/2004

I am sure that the Caliente Tropics Tiki was a landmark...but I understand that CC had trouble trying to get them to pay for his carvings. Wouldn't asking him to do a "gratis redo" be a slap against the artist?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/10/2004

tsusan2.1 wrote:
...but I understand that CC had trouble trying to get them to pay for his carvings. Wouldn't asking him to do a "gratis redo" be a slap against the artist?

I myself haven't heard that story. TSusan2.1, are you able to prove your above statement is 100% true, or is this an assumption after hearing it from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, who's neighbor's brother's uncle's barber said that they heard that was the case?

I ask because you're second question asks about a "gratis redo", in which no one here asked for a free carving, but an exchange for accomodations for carvings.

Oh, and Welcome to Tiki Central.

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2004-04-10 10:56 ]

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