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repro WITCO bar

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TIKI DAVID posted on 04/09/2004

would any one be interested in a reproduction fo the WITCO bar on page 9 of book of tiki? made of composite urethane out of latex molds of an oringinal. indoor /out door.lif time wananty.could not tell the difference from 1 foot away

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID on 2004-04-08 17:04 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/09/2004

Tiki David~

I see that you are new to the board, so just in case you don't haven't read some of the past history on this board, I would like to direct you to a few past threads:


homage or rip off?

Beginner Witco Mug Shelf

The above is just a smidgen of the feelings of fellow TC'ers and copying others works and reselling them (either with or without profit).

Also an important bit of info:
Fellow TC member and carver "Keigs20" has a grandfather (in-law) who's name is William Westenhaver (aka founder of WITCO), who is, YES, still alive and well. Keigs20 is the only carver that works on a weekly basis with William on current Witco-style carvings, and is the only one actually given direct permission to do Witco reproduction pieces if he so pleases, although Keigs has mostly chosen to add his own style along with the Witco style.

So before you start molding someone elses artwork, I hope that you are well aware of the repercussions of the actions you are offering to make.

We all make our own decisions in life, I'm just here to give you my 2 coconuts worth which you can take with a grain of salt or a shot of rum.

It's your choice.

Thanks for reading.

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2004-04-08 17:39 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/09/2004

OK i asked a question . got an answer.it was just a thought.would you feel the same way about reproductions of some of the carved moldings form the KON TIKI resturaunt in clevland .razed in 1976?

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/09/2004

another question if you do not mind ,what is the value of the WITCO bar i have?or the outrigger canoe?which hung from the cieling of KON TIKI?

Doctor Z posted on 04/09/2004

On 2004-04-07 07:20, TIKI DAVID wrote:
The WITCO bar was not part of KONTIKI but was bought at the same estate,i was going to break it up for the tiki side posts until i bought the BOOK OF TIKI and there it was on page 9.My question is the loepard fabric is a little dry with couple "small" bald spots ,would i devlue it by recovering it? I am new to WITCO so please help. thanks

So, let me get this straight. You found a WITCO bar at an estate sale and, not knowing what you'd found, were thinking of busting it up for 'parts'. But now that you've found out that you have a bar of great value, you're going to make molds and sell cast urethane repro versions of it??


(And wouldn't you need to break it apart to make the latex molds anyhow?)

Well, even though only a WITCO is a WITCO, I guess business is business...


TIKI DAVID posted on 04/09/2004

Thank you for your input doctor z.if you will return to my quote last line "i'm new to WITCO please help"......nothing until i ask about repoductions then you all come out of the wood work to chide me . but still no help friendly or otherwise

chisel slinger posted on 04/09/2004

tiki david, i try to collect witco stuff, as much as i can find. heres the thing, seems there is no set value on the stuff, only what the individual is willing to pay for it. dont meen to break any hearts here, but im sure it has always been considered tacky,i'd bet the better part of the stuff is at home now at the bottom of trash dumps. not that i dont love it (i really do) i carve my own spin on the stuff.i have a witco tiki table (pictured in the book hula girls and tiki gods, by my friend chris pfouts)i paid $500 for it, we recently bought a pair of witco cats for $75. the majority of people dont even know or care what witco is, it is only collectable on the tiki market, wich will eventually drop out like any other fad (such as swing) except for the few diehards like myself and others on this board. so no matter what you paid for it, if you love it keep it, if you dont let me know and i'll make you an offer. im 2 hrs. 71 south of you, best of luck, jimmy.

MauiTiki posted on 04/09/2004

Tiki David

If you build it Buyers will come....

I'm sure there is a market for reproductions if the price is right.

Will you teach me how to make a laytex mold? or at least tell me where to get the materials?

RevBambooBen posted on 04/09/2004

Hey Maui!

Fly me over r/t and put me up and I'll teach you everything you need to know. I'll even bring your starter kit and more,via my luggage to save on shipping!! Who needs cloths there anyway!!

chisel slinger posted on 04/09/2004

rev., do you need an assistant? luggage handler? water fetcher?

MauiTiki posted on 04/09/2004

I hear there are some great deals on tickets right now. I'll look into it.

Do you surf?

RevBambooBen posted on 04/10/2004

I forgot to mention that I go nowhere without Crazy Al.

I am an expert on plaster and cement casting (my past biz. was one of the first who ruined the world with the South West Craze! circa 1980's.)

Crazy Al is an expert in resin casting ( and has the scars to prove it!)

And, maybe we could conger up some time to do a little "decorating" for you too.

gonzo posted on 04/10/2004

Interesting topic re copyrights of witco.

I had an identical conversation with a gal at the Easter Island Foundation regarding casting Moais. I was asking her for a good resource to base an accurate model on for casting replicas.She wouldnt help me. Says the Islanders are offended by the copying of Moai. Hmmmm this sure sounds familiar.

I ended up buying a book making a model then mold of a moai for the backyard I copied about 15 of em. Have the moais scattered all over a hillside in my backyard-- looks great. Two have pipes cast in them and natural gas lines for the moai tiki torches. Some have holes drilled and red LEDs for eyes.

I have never met an easter islander. If I ever do meet one and unwittingly invite the tribesman over for a party there is the distinct possibility he may go postal and tear the place up for offending the gods with the trivializing of the gods. Ahhh well I guess its the risk I take.

I think we all are copying from some original source somewheres. So lets try not to get our panties in a bunch over all this nonsense.

Notice that plenty of the respected Bosko stuff looks witco to me. Also the great Shag has Witcos in the prints occaisonally. Are these tiki greats exempt from the same wrath heaped on this newbie fellow.

Bottom line is I dont think this copying buisness is really hurting anyone.

Hope this helps

FLOUNDERart posted on 04/10/2004

gonzo, lets see some pics of the hillside.

Benzart posted on 04/10/2004

Yeah we need pictures of the hillside evidence. My Easter Island friends may be paying you a visit to collect some Long Overdue royalties..Or maybe we could trade silence for a tiki? Hehhehhehehe

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/11/2004

well i've taken digital shots but aparentlyi'm to techno -stupid to get them up here.so a friend is going to try it on monday for me .pease, i'm sorry for the delay in the pic dept.

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/11/2004

I finally got the photos of the interior moldings of the Kon-Tiki Cleveland including the Outrigger Canoe that hung from the ceiling. Can anyone tell me how these were originally used in Kon-Tiki?

I also have a picture of the WITCO style bar (is this a real one?)

Cultjam posted on 04/11/2004

Those deserve a closer look:

Cultjam posted on 04/11/2004


TIKI DAVID posted on 04/12/2004

Thank you CULTJAM for the help in enlarging the pics.tookme most of the day to get them up at all. thank you again

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DawnTiki posted on 04/12/2004

I'm feeling a little vaclempt! :o WOW

Cultjam posted on 04/12/2004

De nada, all you need to do is change the last three digits of the thumbnail URL you use from 010 to 610.

Or right click on the large image, choose properties and then copy the URL.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/12/2004

F'in ahy! You got some serious chit there dude!

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/12/2004

sure wish i knew what "vaclempt" ment.

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Tiki-Kate posted on 04/13/2004

Verclempt - Yiddish. Meaning: all choked up.

Pronounced "vaclempt," especially on SNL.

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/13/2004

the stuff is really great,all hand carved,but some are to big to fit in my tiki bar(i do not want cut them) and i do want to use some in the yard,but i live in cleveland so i do not want subject them noth coast weatherso i am going to prepo them in composit urethane.weather and allmost bullit proof. then i'll have extra pieces to cut and fit.

gonzo posted on 04/13/2004

ohhhh noooo

dont urethane

this will destroy the value and the desirability of this stuff

i suggest you use what you can and sell the rest on ebay

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/13/2004

Congrats TIKI DAVID, I only wish i could find tiki like that.

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/13/2004

i was not going to urethane the originals .i'm going to make latex molds then reproduce them in composite urethane.keeping the originals in perfct condition.

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID on 2004-04-13 09:35 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/14/2004

i think on the repro's of the MOARI wall panels i'm going to back light the eyes with low voltage and red glass and make bar tops,inlay with asheet of glass over the top

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bigbrotiki posted on 04/15/2004

Here's my evaluation:
The Maori panels are clearly the best. Treat with care. The other moldings are so different and naively executed, it is hard to believe they came from the same place. Designwise not too hot. What was the story of the seller, again?
The outrigger canoe is cool, yet what to do with it? Don't leave it outside' it will rot.

A Witco bar is always a fine thing, but where is the mask? Are there screw holes in the leopard fabric around the center, or did it come without it?

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/15/2004

yep the moari panels are my favorites,the others although the look alike are each a little different, two of them say "S C A save for the patio" on the back in some kind of marker.the canoe is being reproduced and then sold on ebay mostlikely.the guy i bought all this from wanted to keep the mask for his house.at the time i did not mind.he has acouple rooms done with all the stuff from KON TIKI cleveland i just got what he did not use.i'm working on a deal to repo the mask so i can get the oringinal

gonzo posted on 04/15/2004

Keigs could probaly carve you a new mask if you wanted

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/15/2004

hello, does any body know what X-200-D stands for on the frame work of the WITCO bar? it's on the top under the bar top

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/15/2004

On 2004-04-15 12:47, TIKI DAVID wrote:
hello, does any body know what X-200-D stands for on the frame work of the WITCO bar? it's on the top under the bar top

I’m sure this not what it is, but it is a funny coincidence and would be the perfect addition to a swingin bachelor Witco bar.


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bigbrotiki posted on 04/15/2004

On 2004-04-14 20:05, TIKI DAVID wrote:
.the guy i bought all this from has acouple rooms done with all the stuff from KON TIKI cleveland i just got what he did not use

WHOOOA! Who is he? Does he know the Book of Tiki? He needs to join Tiki Central!

SCA stands for Stephen Crane Associates, and X 200 is simply the catalog number for that bar.

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/17/2004

not yet

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/18/2004

there is still alot more to buy

T Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/135/6232d26eee274.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=98727a20c6a346ec9f410360baa7cbd3
tikibars posted on 04/19/2004

On 2004-04-10 02:38, gonzo wrote:
I had an identical conversation with a gal at the Easter Island Foundation regarding casting Moais. I was asking her for a good resource to base an accurate model on for casting replicas.She wouldnt help me. Says the Islanders are offended by the copying of Moai.

I have never met an easter islander. If I ever do meet one and unwittingly invite the tribesman over for a party there is the distinct possibility he may go postal and tear the place up for offending the gods with the trivializing of the gods. Ahhh well I guess its the risk I take.


I'd love to see your hillside moai some time.

One clarification: the moai are not gods, but effigies to ancestors.

Also, the difference here is that Witcos stuff is copyrighted, while moai are not.

Anyone may freely use moai images, legally, but of course you risk offending the islanders. Having been to Easter Island, I can testify first hand that some of the islanders are more uptight about this than others... some of the islanders make thier own moai chotchkes for sale to the tourists, so it can't be all THAT offensive to them!

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tikibars posted on 04/19/2004

On 2004-04-14 20:05, TIKI DAVID wrote:
yep the moari panels are my favorites,the others although the look alike are each a little different, two of them say "S C A save for the patio" on the back in some kind of marker.the canoe is being reproduced and then sold on ebay mostlikely.the guy i bought all this from wanted to keep the mask for his house.at the time i did not mind.he has acouple rooms done with all the stuff from KON TIKI cleveland i just got what he did not use.i'm working on a deal to repo the mask so i can get the oringinal

I will be in Cleveland next week.

I have Emailed tiki David about the seller's info, and I will conduct historical research with the seller if at all possible!

TIKI DAVID posted on 04/22/2004

i'm looking forward to our meet. wish my tiki bar was 100% up and running from the winter shut down .i'll try TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID on 2004-04-22 15:23 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 05/03/2004

hello ,i'm trying to decide which panels to mold first ,anybody interested?the more i do the less it costs per unit.leaning to the large panels first .they seem to be the one ones with the larger rang of use's any thoughts out there? TD

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VonTiki posted on 11/03/2004

I could very well be interested in some of that if its still available!

Disregard that. Looks cool though.

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-10 00:18 ]

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