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Happy 93rd Birthday to Martin Denny

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GECKO posted on 04/11/2004

For us exotica fans, our hero is celebrating his 93rd Birthday today and I just wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Mr. Martin Denny!

I feel honored that I was invited to his private party! I will be going there in a few hours. but befor I get ready to go I just wanted to share with my freinds here his Birthday gift that I droped by his house a few days ago.....yes he loved it by da way!

It is a black velvet painting of the young Mr. Denny. To da right of him he has da tiki from page 205 in da B.O.T with the approval of braddah Sven. As you see on da bottom left of the velvet is my copywrite logo stamped right below the artist's name.

That is because this is the new "Gecko'z South Seas" Artist Mr. Leo Layug. We finaly agreed to terms and are now working together
to create beautiful art on velvet like this one you see today.

Well Happy Birthday Mr. Denny!!!!


GECKO posted on 04/11/2004

Eh, Happy birthday to my Friend Fil Slash and to braddah Sven's son who just had birthdays. Eh big bro I thought Mr. D's birthday was as same as your sons but it's actually today.

Aloha to da both of you and to all my freinds beyond da reef!

Polynesiac posted on 04/11/2004

that is an absolutely beautiful gift! (before I saw the CU of your signature, I thought it was a picture!) Great stuff.

I'll play his records and raise a Mai-Tai for Mr. Denny this evening in honor of his special day! Have fun tonight, you lucky guy! :)

Mahalo for the pix!

GECKO posted on 04/11/2004

good idea Polynesiac. I will raise a glass to him at 4 p.m Honolulu time and if you got a drink in your hand please join me and lets raise it to da high preist of exotica and listen to his beautiful tunes!

Okole Maluna at 4pm Honolulu!

we are 3 hours behind California.

Jungle Trader posted on 04/11/2004

hey Gecko. Happy Birthday Martin.
So we raise a glass at 7 in Cali to be synchronized.
Great stuff Gecko and the best to you in your biz.
You have a 2 ft. redwood Bosko Moai comin' in June. It's all I could get with the light weight.

Cheers :drink: :drink:

tikimug posted on 04/11/2004

Eastcoast checking in, I'm raising my drink (I doubt it'll be a mai tai since I'm at work) at 10:00pm to join you all. Here's to the High Priest of Exotica, I've enjoyed your music so much. Thank you!

PS eh, Gecko dat pic is cherry brah!

Kailuageoff posted on 04/11/2004

It's about an hour to ten east coast time, so I'll join in the toast... Mr. Denny is indeed a living legend.
Also, that is one ono painting Gecko. Quite an ambitious subject and very well done.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/11/2004

Happy Birthday Martin, we're sippin' a mai-tai & listening to your music as I write. Mahalo for all the great music that (throughout the years) and presently inspire us to love & appreciate the culture we embrace so dearly.

Aloha nui loa,
Terry & Sally

tikigreg posted on 04/11/2004

Mahalo Martin!

Tiki Chris posted on 04/11/2004

that's awesome! the first thing i did this morning was listen to denny's golden great on vinyl while drinking my morning kona coffee - i didn't even know it was his birthday!

Tiki Chris posted on 04/11/2004

that's awesome! the first thing i did this morning was listen to denny's golden great on vinyl while drinking my morning kona coffee - i didn't even know it was his birthday!

[ Edited by: tiki chris on 2004-04-10 21:38 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 04/11/2004

Hey Gecko,
Man, you did a great job on that painting... schweeet!

Unga Bunga posted on 04/11/2004

Beautiful Pic!
Were fortunate to know and love Martin Denny.
We are also lucky to have Gecko on TC.
The best to both of you.

Tiki Rider posted on 04/11/2004

Happy Birthday Mr Denny! and thanks a million to you both. Aloha!

GECKO posted on 04/11/2004

Mahalo'z to all who joined the toast!
I wish I could have brought you guys along with. Thank's for the kind words to!

I'm glad you liked da velvet. You braddahs are da bes! I'm lucky to run into a bunch of awesome collectors.

JT, thanks for da Bosko Moai. I'm trying to have a tiki from all of the talented artist here on TC and off. Anyways, I'll see ya wen you get to paradise brah.


hulabowl posted on 04/11/2004

I was forturnate to have Mr. Denny write an introduction to the book Leeteg of Tahiti, Paintings From the Villa Velour. He is a very interesting fellow who lives life to the fullest.
Gecko, that's a great velvet you did of Martin. Have you set up shop for custom orders?

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/11/2004

That's the way to do it G! Call a brother some time.

GECKO posted on 04/11/2004

On 2004-04-11 09:39, hulabowl wrote:
I was forturnate to have Mr. Denny write an introduction to the book Leeteg of Tahiti, Paintings From the Villa Velour. He is a very interesting fellow who lives life to the fullest.
Gecko, that's a great velvet you did of Martin. Have you set up shop for custom orders?

First of all let me say aloha and welcome to TC Hulabowl. Second, I love your book! Great job!
The image of Martin Denny on this velvet is the same image thats at the front of the first few pages of your book. Then we just added to it.
I gave a copy of your book to my uncle Leo(the artist) and he loves it.
The artist is uncle Leo. He just stamps my Gecko'z South Sea Arts logo on his velvets for copywrite reasons and that he is now working with me and we collaberate on ideas together.

Leo is a family friend of over 30 years and that's why he has earned the respect of being called uncle Leo. We have a black velvet of my dad from 71 from uncle Leo. He's been painting on BV for decades.
Here's a Leeteg knock off he did of Hina Rapa.

We have set up shop and releasing the first limeted edition in about a week or two entitled "Kai". It will be a print from the original in a 18X24 size limited to only 100 pcs. My camera isn't the best but here is the original "Kai"

I'll do a post later on the release of "Kai" and this modern day Leeteg uncle Leo and some info on ordering original black velvets and other info on him.

anyways nice to see you here. You'll meet some knowledgable people here with all kinds of talents.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-07-28 20:00 ]

SES posted on 04/11/2004

Ooh... I'm a little late for the party!
I hope he had a great time.

Happy Belated Birthday to Martin and Filslash!


Benzart posted on 04/11/2004

ME too also late. Happy belated birthday Mr Denny. Gecko that is beautiful work. You are goin places man, way to go

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-04-11 19:51 ]

mrsmiley posted on 04/14/2005

On 2004-04-10 17:09, GECKO wrote:
For us exotica fans, our hero is celebrating his 93rd Birthday today and I just wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Mr. Martin Denny!

I feel honored that I was invited to his private party! I will be going there in a few hours. but befor I get ready to go I just wanted to share with my freinds here his Birthday gift that I droped by his house a few days ago.....yes he loved it by da way!

Well Happy Birthday Mr. Denny!!!!


Was his actual birthday on the 10th-or was he just celebrating it that day? Thus article says he was born on April 12 (yesterday). http://starbulletin.com/breaking/breaking.php?id=3289

Happy Birthday in Havn Mr Denny!

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