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Weird mug identification

Pages: 1 8 replies

Iolani posted on 04/06/2004

Here's a pair of weird ones I saw on EBay:


Image here: http://www.auctionpix.co.uk/users/vyb502964.jpg

Anybody know anything about these? They kind of remind me of Beetlejuice from the Howard Stern show.

[ Edited by: Iolani on 2004-04-06 13:18 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 04/06/2004

I believe they are supposed to represent First Nations totems, rather than tikis. They come in s & p shakers as well, and are very easy to find in the Canadian antique shops and flea markets.

tikifish posted on 04/06/2004

Oh yeah, I see those all the time. There is a matching teapot, cups, the whole shebang. I can't spit without hitting one!

Tikiwahine posted on 04/06/2004

haha, I can really picture that one tikifish.

Here in Victoria we have SO many souvenir shops full of totem pole carvings and stuff made out of an equivalent to hapa wood. So close...yet so far. I wish I could trade it for poly pop stuff!

Raffertiki posted on 04/06/2004

It's a shame they don't each sport a gold tooth.

CowboyMike posted on 04/07/2004

I have one of these guys (makes sense since I'm in Canada) and I've seen a couple variations with handles and things. He looks good with my other mugs.

But here's the odd thing: I've seen this same mug painted all one colour on eBay as homemade mugs. Perhaps the mold has been working doubletime.

Iolani posted on 04/07/2004

Thanks to all for the info. I guess I'm not surprised to learn that they are supposed to be NW North American masks - don't quite do that carving and painting tradition justice, though they do make me chuckle a bit. A teapot might be cool.

tikifish posted on 04/08/2004
Tikiwahine posted on 04/13/2004

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