Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki
Bad happenings on Tiki Island (warning: violent content)
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Husband sought in connection with assault By Nathan Smith Published April 09, 2004 TIKI ISLAND — Area law enforcement officials are searching for the husband of a Houston woman who was found bloodied and nude walking south along the northbound side of the Causeway on Thursday morning. A passer-by took the woman to Tiki Island and contacted the sheriff’s office about 5 a.m. The woman was then taken to the University of Texas Medical Branch for treatment. A sergeant with the sheriff’s office said she was badly beaten and that it appeared her clothes may have been cut off with a knife. Through a translator, the woman, who spoke Spanish, told investigators that her husband took her from a Pasadena apartment Wednesday night and assaulted her inside a maroon Crown Victoria. The woman said she was told she was being taken to a Galveston hospital. But when they approached the Causeway, she was told she was going to be thrown over the side. The woman told investigators that when the man began steering the car onto backroads in the Tiki Island area, she began to struggle, causing the car to veer onto a reflector pole beneath an overpass where Interstate 45 crosses the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe rail line. The car got stuck, and the woman escaped. Initially, investigators believed the couple’s 2-year-old son might be with his father and issued an Amber Alert early Thursday morning in hopes of finding the boy. The toddler was found safe in Houston with relatives, where he had apparently been dropped off before his mother was assaulted. Officers seek help Authorities are searching for Jose Luis Alaman, 28, of Houston. Anyone with information on the case or his whereabouts should contact the sheriff’s office at (409) 766-2322. |
That's some sad news. I've moved it to beyond tiki, as I'd have to call the tiki content low. [ Edited by: martiki on 2004-04-13 13:52 ] |
Sad indeed, this Tiki Island place has come up on TC before. It is a development on/next to Galveston. Maybe it should be renamed Pitcairn Island. Some bad stuff went down on that island as well. |
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