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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

eBay: Black and White Outre Gallery Shag Tiki mugs

Pages: 1 18 replies

halo0 posted on 04/12/2004
Unga Bunga posted on 04/12/2004

Welcome to Tiki Central.

RevBambooBen posted on 04/12/2004


Trader Woody posted on 04/12/2004

Oh, these mugs were one of those weird 'Tiki will eat itself' moments where the Shag design is heavily influenced by a Munktiki design (El Bastardo) yet still made by Munktiki.

While I love a lot of Shag stuff, these mugs are like a bad dream where mugs come to life and take on human attributes.

Trader Woody
PS - Selling something on your first post on Tiki Central is not really the way to our hearts....

halo0 posted on 04/12/2004

Sorry, I've been a collector of Shag since his first prints started coming out (I have about 10 prints and various mugs etc) but when I was searching for info on the Outre mugs(couldn't remember the edition size) was the first time I ran across this site. That's just how it happened...

Trader Woody posted on 04/12/2004

No worries - stick with Tiki Central and enjoy, learn, and participate.

Trader Woody

Cultjam posted on 04/12/2004

Some of us greatly appreciate finding out about tiki and tiki-related treasures whether you choose to be active in the online community or not. This insistence that you have to be an active poster here is like saying you have to go to my church before I'll buy a bible from you. Good grief.

Those are my favorite Shag mugs, too. I think TW meant Evil Bastard, not El Bastardo. Evil Bastard was my first Munktiki acquisition and is my drink of choice at Drift in Scottsdale!


McDougall posted on 04/13/2004

Woody likely meant Evil Bastard but it is doubtful the SHAG/Munktiki mug was inspired by the Evil Bastard either since SHAG created the scratchy?(whom the mug is based on) charactor in 1998 (I think) and the Evil Bastard wasn't made until 2000.

Unga Bunga posted on 04/13/2004

On 2004-04-12 13:40, Cultjam wrote:
Some of us greatly appreciate finding out about tiki and tiki-related treasures whether you choose to be active in the online community or not. This insistence that you have to be an active poster here is like saying you have to go to my church before I'll buy a bible from you. Good grief.

Those are my favorite Shag mugs, too. I think TW meant Evil Bastard, not El Bastardo. Evil Bastard was my first Munktiki acquisition and is my drink of choice at Drift in Scottsdale!


Here's the Low-Down:
Shag created the graphic of the Outre, aka Old Scratch:

Munktiki applied the art into a top-notch mug design of the original graphic.
Both artists are accredited on an excellent mug of quality.
Munktiki just didn’t plug their name on the production /signature.
A rare credit of modesty, if I may say so myself.
This mug is cool.

Reg. Cultjam Quote:
"This insistence that you have to be an active poster here is like saying you have to go to my church before I'll buy a bible from you. Good grief"........………..
I understand your logic and agree to an extent.
Simply do a search on Ebay, just for today, and you will receive 2541 (4/12/04) items that pertain to "Tiki".
How would you respond if every one of these sellers joined Tiki Central, just to plug their over night sales and never be heard from again.
I love the “heads up” of a special / RARE tiki Ebay sale, but please spare me from the profits of someone’s medicine shows.
I cannot speak like I am a Saint, as you know, I am not the purist of a Tiki Central poster, but to open the flood gates of solicitors to “Collecting Tiki”shall be the death of this special forum

Halo0, Forgive me for hijacking your post, for this is nothing personal, but just a time consuming problem on T.C..
I wish you the best on your sale

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-04-13 06:26 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 04/13/2004

ummm...uhhh... where's the tiki?

Johnny Dollar posted on 04/13/2004

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-04-13 11:44 ]

Trader Woody posted on 04/13/2004

Well, I stand corrected - I'd forgotten about the Outre logo, which indeed came out a loooong loooonng time ago.

I did mean El Bastardo, by the way, the white Muntiki import, taken from Evil Bastard, which itself came from the Bigshot. I see these three as being very much 'from the same mold'. Classic mugs, by the way - the Bigshot may well have been my first Munktiki purchase as it's in the old red glaze, which served to accentuate it's relationship with Evil Bastard.

And Cultjam, going along with your bible ananolgy, does that mean you dive straight into bed with someone before even exchanging pleasantries? Good grief indeed.

Trader Woody

Unga Bunga posted on 04/13/2004

On 2004-04-12 23:08, smogbreather wrote:
ummm...uhhh... where's the tiki?

Ya, no tiki here Holden.
By the way, I love Tiki Farm too. :)

freddiefreelance posted on 04/13/2004

On 2004-04-12 23:08, smogbreather wrote:
ummm...uhhh... where's the tiki?


Trader Woody posted on 04/14/2004


In some ways this is the essence of Tiki. We're arguing 'cos we CARE! What some people would describe as a flaky moment by Shag, others would describe as genius....

The Tiki is right here.....
Trader Woody

FLOUNDERart posted on 04/14/2004

I like soup as well.

Trader Woody posted on 04/14/2004

On 2004-04-13 18:54, FLOUNDERart wrote:
I like soup as well.

Lemon curry?

Trader Woody

Cultjam posted on 04/14/2004

On 2004-04-13 11:23, Trader Woody wrote:
And Cultjam, going along with your bible ananolgy, does that mean you dive straight into bed with someone before even exchanging pleasantries? Good grief indeed.

Trader Woody

As far as I know, you can't even get a hickey from reading a post.

Trader Woody posted on 04/15/2004

On 2004-04-14 02:22, Cultjam wrote:

As far as I know, you can't even get a hickey from reading a post.

And it's doubtful that you can even get a free religious pamphlet thrust in your hand from reading a post either....

Anyway, you think it's fine for people to come Tiki Central to flog their stuff without making an effort to be a part of Tiki Central, while I think it's kind of rude. We'll agree to disagree, right?

Trader Woody

Pages: 1 18 replies