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Dusty 45's back at the Doll Hut 4/27

Pages: 1 6 replies

johnnievelour posted on 04/16/2004

If you missed them last time they played at the Doll Hut, they're back! Lady V loves this band and we'll be there.

Tuesday, April 27. 9:00
thery're playing all night.

Humuhumu posted on 04/16/2004

Yeah! I've been keeping an eye on their website, hoping they'd do another tour. I saw this last week, and inked it on my calendar immediately. They're hitting other spots around the western U.S., check their website to see if they're coming to your town. Not to be missed!


woofmutt posted on 04/17/2004

Yep, all you kids not lucky enough to live in the Dusty 45's hometown (Seattleville) should check them out if they're in your neighborhood. They're a high energy talented lot presenting a great mix of standards, classic country, rockabilly, and whatever else fits in there and between.

Unga Bunga posted on 04/17/2004

I was going to see them at Moe's Alley in Santa Cruz, but they freakin cancelled. Don't know why they cancelled.

Humuhumu posted on 04/27/2004

Hey Velours -- what time are you guys showin' up?

johnnievelour posted on 04/27/2004

We should be there before 9:00.

sweetpea posted on 04/27/2004

Tell em howdy from Sweetpea!
Y'all have fun, and keep yer grass skirts away from BillyJoe's flaming trumpet!

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