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Mondo Movie Night(s) in Atlanta!

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Kava King posted on 04/18/2004

That's right ladies and gentlemen, boys & girls, Spring is here and with it the return of "Mondo Movie Night" at the Southeast's premier surviving passion pit, the incredible Starlight Drive In.
Tonight's double feature starts with a little bit of classic 50's paranoiac sci-fi, "The Thing". No matter how many times you've seen it, nothing beats watching it on a 200 foot screen whilst grilling your own hot dogs and sipping a cold one from your cooler! But wait there's more- hang on to your mai-tais for the second show, the epic "Forbidden Planet" starring Robbie the Robot and drenched in Theremin and the 50's best special effects. This is without a doubt the best gig in town, and I hope some of you are able to make it. Talk about a surviving piece of suburban archeology, brother the drive-in is in a class by itself. See you there.
This series continues through the summer, and there ain't a clinker in the bunch (how about "Bullitt" w/ "Supervixens" in June!).

[ Edited by: kava king on 2004-04-19 15:54 ]

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